Have you ever found someone ungoogleable?
Don't worry, I'm not going down any road, other than my wife's
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I never thought I was going to meet her outside the supermarket, i thought she was just being nice, and making chitchat.
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Keep in mind 'flirt' has slightly different meaning in different languages - difference is mostly in how far you want to go with the other person.
Still, it's a slippery slope - best watch your step
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If I wanted to be unfaithful, I wouldn't post this on the internet, with my full name a my username, think about it
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I didn't realize earlier that this is the case, I just thought that was a random username ^_^
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Harmless flirting is actually good for your relationship, it helps to vent some of those feelings that lead to cheating, both parties of the couple just need to resist the urge to be jealous, and it works great.
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Talk to her, befriend her?
What would you want to know about her you cannot ask?
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I'm not really sure I want to know something about her. On top of that, is not like I can go to her workplace, and have a full conversation, while she scans the products I'm buying
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I do this with customers all the time.
It's entirely possible to hold a conversation while at a cashier/check stand.
But as others have said, best not to go down this road. Don't even think about it.
If you do, your wife WILL find out. Women have a special gift when it comes to things like this.
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I have a friend with the most generic Czech name possible.
I kinda envy him, as there are only 3 people (including me) with my name on Earth and they're all related to me.
Also if you're happily married you should probably stay away from her :-)
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The thing is, I never thought I would met her outside the supermartket.
Regarding the name, I know how you feel, my name is as unique as yours, and the other 2 people to have it, happen to be my uncle and my son
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Are we talking about your given name or surname?
Is it translatable?
Also, wow.
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Well my whole name is unique too, but that's because my given name consists of basically 2 names.
Though all parts of my whole name are common (if translated somewhat)
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Probably in Italy there's someone with a similar name (Marcello instead of Marcelo)
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If not happily and flirting (which is usually a sign on it's own your are not currently happy) why stay married. Jeez. Yeah i know the answers; kids, house etc.
You are not honest to yourself, your wife, but most of all to the googleable lady.
I been in the hell of being the flirted by person by someone who was married, it thought me atleast one valuable lesson, never get married myself, it's also not natural to commit yourself in a good case, 60-80 years to someone, where most of the time love makes place for acceptance.
Instead of googleing, why not just say hi back, and talk.
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That's a perfectly valid opinion to hold. I don't share it being a hopeless romantic and all, but I'm perfectly fine with people thinking that way.
The thing is, the moral thing to do in that case is: Not get married. Once you do, your life is no longer truly your own and it is unfair for the other person if you cheat on them. If you never want to commit to anyone that's fine, and one day that might even be the default position, but as it currently isn't, if you don't plan on committing to someone, you better make that perfectly darn clear from the very start. Because otherwise they will assume you are committing to them, they will get attached to you, and it will break their heart when they find out the truth.
The funny thing about humans is, very few people want to commit to a single person, but most people also want their partner to commit to them only.
So how to deal with this? It should happen on a case-by-case basis, both parties should be perfectly honest with each other and come up with a solution that'll satisfy both. That is the only fair way to work around this predicament.
In other words: OP should tell their wife about this and ask if she's fine with them flirting with a girl even if they won't commit to her. If that is not possible, OP should stop flirting with someone behind their wives' back.
Of course, that is just my personal opinion and I don't claim to be the ultimate moral authority on anything. Would be hard to be when my opinions on morals change pretty much constantly, but hopefully I have presented at least a few sound arguments to support my current position.
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I never cheated on her, and never will.
I also learned that there are only 4 people that deserve full committing, and I don't care what they do, I'll always be there for them (yup, my 4 kids). And I'm sure my wife thinks this way also (based on past events)
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Cheating doesn't have to be physical.
Basically, according to my morals, which again you have no reason to believe in but I'm just stating my opinion, your wife deserves to know of anything she might disapprove of in your romantic life.(And vice-versa)
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This is going to sound rather vague and out of left field, but are you by chance a fan of a certain former cable access show turned webcast out of Austin? The way you phrased certain things sounds incredibly similar.
I don't want to specifically mention the name of the show because it would bring up a topic we're supposed to try to steer clear of on SG.
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Now you've got me intrigued! But considering the only (foreign) tv OR web series I ever watched was The Walking Dead, I rather doubt that :p
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You are probably right, about almost everything.
I did say Hi back, and continue on my way to the office. I really didn't expect to see her there, and no where outside the supermarket, I mean, it was a platonic thing, never intended to make this a thing, nor to have a relationship with her (I didn't even know she had a kid)
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google her name and add -"[last name of actress]" -"[name of politician]" (remove [ ] of course). Good luck Ashley Madison ;)
And personally I don't give a fuck what you'll do with her, you don't need to be apologetic to anyone here - decide your own morlas.
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You are not helping, everyone is trying to discourage the googling, and you are trying to help me find her (and I like that, thank you).
Yes, I tried spelling her name in different ways, even though in spanish there is not common to have 2 spellings for the same pronunciation
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I also thanked you for trying to help.
I want your opinion, not looking for discouragement, nor agreement, nothing in special. I know what I have to do, And a man has to do, what a man has to do.
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My real name is basically impossible to google because of the smoke screen of idiot stoners with myspace pages and... well, other unfortunate stuff.
Edit: After an updated search, I found out that my name is no longer associated with stoners. Rather, "GLBT" activists and liberal politicos. Still quite different than myself.
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If you google "igofdóhgfuobh´dfogubghg" you won't find anything.
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Not even facebook? or linkendin? nor nothing?
If you google my name, you'll get a shitload of results
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on FB i don't have my name, i have my nickname which is pretty unique. as everyone among my friends know it, i am fine with it.
as for linkendin, i don't have one as i never needed it.
so yeah, if i google my name i get no the results about me
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I have to be more careful, you now know i'm between 18 and 39.
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Only for joke purposes.
the 40 is usually when most marital problems arise and divorces appear.
Men regret their choice and start fantasizing with other younger women
Again, not you. you just cant make a thread like this on SG and expect me to be serious and rational
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Well, my marital problems hit me 10 years earlier then.
I hope you also don't expect me to be serious about the whole thing, except the kids, the kids are real
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si, mas o menos, tampoco es que marqué el día en un almanaque
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so FBI can't track you when your name is not unique at all...
time to change my name
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I don't think it work that way, but you can try, you never know
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Come one, no one even know if the story is true or not, but we are all having fun talking about what I could or couldn't have done
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I know .... But we are starting to see some really odd topics here on the forums ... ( hence the gif ...)
Sometimes I feel you guys create these topics just to make us face palm :P
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How the bloody hell are you in my blacklist (O_o)
My black list is full of people with zero giveaways created and some serious rule breakers .... I don't even remember you breaking any rules ... wtf ?
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That makes me wonder how many people blacklisted me today.
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Holy fuck, thanks for reminding me.
I had completely forgotten that my full name produces so many things, pictures, where I went to school and all kinds of shit.
Some time ago I made a puzzle where it had my full name in it ._.
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Perhaps you should spend more time trying to make your marriage a "happy" one, and less time flirting with, and attempting to stalk, this girl that you apparently don't want to do anything with. I also bet your wife would be quite happy to know about this...
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Leaving his marriage issues beside of it.
But googleing someone's name and saying hi to someone you see by chance, is creepy? Okay yeah i can see that..It's not doing anyone harm, not like he follows her after work.
And if i would get married i can't google Jessica Alba nude pictures anymore either because it's creepy?
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Um, wow. Please, don't put words into my mouth... I never once stated, or even implied, that it's creepy to say "hi" to someone that you happen to see. Also, there's a difference between flirting and just saying "hi" each time you see someone. I do feel that "Googling" other people is a bit creepy though. People don't normally Google others unless they're interested in them in some way or another. Either way, in my opinion, going behind someones back and Googling them to find out more info, is indeed creepy.
Also, wtf does looking at nude celebrity photos have to do with what I said, or even the subject of this thread? But, um... if you're married, and find it necessary to look at naked photos of other women, then perhaps there's something wrong with your marriage.
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I am not putting words in your mouth, i summed up what you said... the googleing and saying hi.
Alot of people would feel happy if someone flirts with them, who doesn't want to hear; "you look damn fine, sexy or whatever".
Does that automatically mean he/she wants to sleep with that someone? No.
The woman from the store isn't exactly helpless here, she can ignore him, but she doesn't, and who in their right mind would ask hey i like you, may i have your permission to google you? If he was not married and searched her, would that be different?
I sometimes googled women too, see if they were single or already involved, that takes alot of embarrassment away.
It has alot to do with it, because looking up someone you met in a supermarket or someone famous it does not matter it's the same thing, looking up someone you have an interest in.
Don't take offense, but you sound very angry (no reason for the wtf) almost like had some experiences with this whole issue, but if you don't think the majority of men (and even women) look at nude pictures or google people famous or they know closeby, fantasize about them, then that's just a big illusion.
I am stepping out of this discussion, as this is one of those topics that will just get out of hand eventually.
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My intention wasn't to start an argument. I was simply expressing my opinion. Clearly our opinions differ, and that's fine. It's also understandable if something I've said may have been misunderstood, because I've realized that English may not be your first language. I, as well, have nothing else to say on this matter.
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Attempting to stalk, would be trying to know her work schedule, or finding her home address, following her after work, etc.etc.etc.
Googling her name is not remotely near to stalking (and believe me, I know what stalking is, and not because I had stalked someone).
I don't know if my wife will be happy or not (and to be honest, I really don't care). She probably won't find out either.
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Duh no wife or husband will ever be happy knowing you flirt with others in this way (different if it's a one time thing then it might even be something the spouse can be proud of, hearing he/she looks good).
Keeping it from your wife, in some cases it's better not knowing, to not hurt the other, but saying you really don't care and are not happily married, seems there is already alot of respect in your relation lost and the question remains who you are fooling more, i think yourself. Want to live the rest of your live not respecting the woman you are with?
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Don't worry, I'm not trying to fool anyone, not me, not my wife, and not you. I know how things are.
I think I'm being respectful enough to my wife. I didn't ask the other lady out, nor intended to do.
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As someone pointed out ahead in this topic you are kinda contradicting yourself on so many levels, you have no intentions with this lady yet you want to google her, that is making intentions.
Also you said it yourself the post before me "don't know if my wife will be happy or not (and to be honest, I really don't care)" that is to me clearly not being respectful to your wife.
But to each it's own, anyway good luck.
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That's an awesome magic trick! I just hope that in the process no bunny is harmed (The Prestige opened my eyes to all of those slaughtered doves D:)
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I've been flirting (or kind of) with a girl for like 2 or 3 years. I'm
happilymarried, and I don't intend to have anything special with this woman.Some days ago, and just by chance, I saw her in the door of my kids' school, and she saw me, and said Hi. So I got curious, and tried to google her (she is a cashier in the supermarket I usually buy at, so I know her name).
Here is where things got tricky, since her name is kind of popular down here in Argentina, not because she has a common name, but because there's a model/actress/vedette (not really sure what she does) with her name, that married a politician with her last name, so googling her name, brings mostly results of these two together.
Thank you for reading, now have an Amput-Tea or wait for the Incoming Forces
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