It is over! Thank you everyone for your kind words!

Today is my cake day, so I made a train to celebrate. CL4+. Runs until 12:00 UTC, August 23rd.

Find a ticket and climb aboard!

umarım beğenirsiniz!
nga kyrmen ba phin sngewtynnad ia ka!
[5th one here]

Hints (modified a little from what is already in the comments). I will add a fourth hint in a few days that hopefully clears things up for anyone still struggling.

Hint #1: I only speak English
Hint #2: So I need to use a tool [] to understand
Hint #3: Sometimes what is said is not as important as how it is said.
Hint #4: A linguist phonetic alphabet?

1 month ago*

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bump for solved

3 weeks ago

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Hopefully the 4th hint will be my eureka moment

3 weeks ago

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I added one. Hopefully it helps!

3 weeks ago

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I believe I got the concept. Smart.
Awaiting the fifth.

Happy cakeday!

3 weeks ago

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The last one does not match the others. Perhaps because the information I have to communicate cannot be done the same way.

3 weeks ago

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I‌ see.
That's also a hint validating my theory ;)

3 weeks ago

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Happy belated ShipCakeFactory Day! ^_^

3 weeks ago

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Bump for an amazing ride, still time to join!

3 weeks ago

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Final day warning! If you are still struggling, post where you are at and I will try to help.

3 weeks ago

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Less than 8 hours left. Bump!

3 weeks ago

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I'm almost break my head, trying to get valid link. Ended up - I was awful at links, trying to get some ticket without "/" at the end. 😆. Puzzle was simpler that I thought at the end, my first idea was just perfect to grab a ticket. By the way, interesting puzzle, thanks, Ellendyl.👍

3 weeks ago

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now that its over... can you post the solution?

3 weeks ago

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Each sentence has written in foreign language. You were need to find out what this language was(Google translator helped). Sequence of languages: Turkish, Spanish, Yoruba, Khasi. And, like fish rots from the head, you need to cut that "head" (which is first letter, if you don't understand). Some sentences has written in CAPS, which corresponds to right size of letter(which xXXx). Then multiply this two factors - we get tSYk . And we through hardest - get four letter of ticket. FIFTH and last one: OP sayed 5th - hint for a number 5. We got the ticket 🎟️ tSYk5

3 weeks ago

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