I've only ever been to hospitals to visit family and friends. Hopefully I never get admitted into a hospital especially with Ebola-chan running around molesting people right now
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MY kids were born in a hospital, does that count?
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I lied about eye surgery, unfortunately I haven't got eye laser cannons. Yet.
But a friend of mine did laser surgery last year, he said it wasn't painful (they used anaesthesia, obviously) and the recovery has taken about 1 day. So, I'd say, consult your doctor and go for it.
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Let's see..
When I was in fifth grade I broke my arm in so many places it had to be fixed through surgery so I was in for a week.
About two years later I had chicken pox so bad I had to be quarantined.
I had a case of pericarditis last year, was in for a few days.
I think that's it.
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Well, my encounters with hospital... Born in one. Sixteen years ago I broke my arm so I ended up in a hospital. Idiot doctor couldn't set my bones right, so after a month I went to another hospital, had my arm broken again, some titanium nails inserted into it(but thankfully removed later). Hell of a fun :D
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It would be more funny if you couldn't just click his name and see he has no open giveaways.
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Yea, because you can't see "Private Giveaway" written on people's profile page.
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I had a small faint in school and for whatever reason they thought it was serious enough to immediately ship me to the hospital. Idiots, I say, such a waste of time. I was feeling perfectly fine an hour later and left.
It's kinda ridiculous when I take into consideration that when my eyebrow got blasted open by a door getting kicked in my face several years earlier all they did was send me to the closest polyclinic to have it stitched shut. Apparently faints are a big deal but making a small puddle of blood on the ground is a minor concern as long as you remain conscious and standing in the process. <.<
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Once, for stitches. I consider myself lucky because the hospital in this town sucks so much people have died from appendicitis. :(
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I've had 2 operations so far, but I haven't been in the hospital area for more than a few hours.
Those 2 times: Once, I had a bone tumor under my toenail, in my toe, right foot, the biggest toe.
Second time was circumcision because the foreskin had grown onto the head of the ..
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Back in May 2010, I broke my right femur snowboarding at Sunshine Village (close to Banff, AB). Last weekend before the hill shut down. It was a wonderful blue-bird Saturday and my bud and I were on our way to get a late lunch. At the base of the Angel quad chair, I flew off the run into one of the barrier polls which guard off the departure base for the chair lift. I had lots of speed and looked back to see what my friend was up too, everything shifted and when I looked ahead I was angled towards the poles. Instinctively I thought I could stop in time versus just turning away! I tried to stop, carried all my speed forward instead. Impacted on my back leg, right in the middle of the femur. After the snow settled and my buddy had finished laughing, I couldn't believe what a stupid thing I had just done.
Tried to make the best of it. The med office was maybe 10 meters away so they were there super quick. My friend was more in a panic then I was when he finally realized that I had just broke myself. I just stayed calm kept breathing, and made a joke about how I could reach the tail of my board (which I actually could just reach out and grab the board I was bent around so bad whilst still being strapped in).
"Look at this sweet tail grab man!"
My friend was anything but amused. LOL!
Once I was on the run again, the medics kept telling me I was in shock when I was just super upset over what a stupid mistake I just made. Then they proceeded to cut me out of my bottom layers out in the open, again I was more upset about that and was pleading with them to let me shimmy out of my clothes because they were brand new that season. They said no as they didn't want me to move around at all. As they chopped up the side of my leg I told them. "My mum is gonna be so pissed that you guys cut my pants", they all laughed and said "she's not gonna be worried about your pants". This was actually very true.
Once they'd seen there was no exit/puncture wound I was loaded into the sled and simply walked over to the medic office where they really butchered the rest of my clothes (they cut me out of my underwear then proceeded to try and cut my shirt and that was where I drew the line). Needless to say my trip down the gondola and to the ambulance was very chilly and took maybe 4 hours for me to be on the road. Got a quick x-ray done in Canmore, AB where they applied a 20 lbs weight to the end of my leg which made the road trip back to Calgary very, very uncomfortable (along with that night). Once there it was 10 days in hospital with surgery the day after I arrived (the break was clean at the middle of the bone, 1 titanium rod and just 2 screws @ 1 hip & 1 knee). I was NWB (non-weight bearing) for the longest time. Didn't go through a whole bunch of physical therapy, just did what I could at home for the coming months (money was to short and I was only covered for just a couple sessions anyway). My leg doesn't bother me now accept for when I'm cold, then the break spot will ache. I have to crack my knee sometimes and my hip joint pops but it doesn't get in the way of things. In the month after my grandmother passed away, which was/has been harder to deal with then my leg. That September, I got my first job at a local confectionery factory. Which looking back now, I'd rather have been paid to have my other leg broken versus work there for as long as I did.
So it was a big summer for me in terms of crap happening. Everything to do with my leg was a great learning experience which I'm glad happened the way it did. By the first snowfall of the next season I was back on my snowboard (weekly) and knew I was really lucky too be. The season after that I was back riding big jumps and rails again, pretty much daily. Lots of fun.
I hope your recovery goes swimmingly and that your out of there as soon as possible. I also hope that you have someone there whom can bring you lots of awesome BLT sandwiches to eat instead of crummy hospital meals they feed to patients. 'Cause we all know hospital food friggin' sucks. And finally I hope this post was able to keep you and everyone else who's bothered to read it entertained, for a least a little bit of time.
Good luck!
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Tilts head like a dog I really don't understand your reply... lol!
Do you mean you've done something similar? Or did you just see the length of the post and thought "fuck that noise!" and then replied? =/
'Cause if it's the latter, I will say, that post was meant for Alph4 just so they'd have something to read and pass the time...
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yea, when i found out i have multiple sclurosis, taking a bath with the catheter in your hand is hell
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blacked out going up a ramp (in the middle of the day in the middle of one of the hottest days of summer) flipped over it and landed on the concrete and broke and dislocated my elbow skateboarding when i was 15. my forearm basically flipped backwards like a swiss-army knife, but the wrong way...ugh.
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I had to have my appendix taken out, but, I am here because I want to ask, have any of you been in hospital, and what for?
EDIT: I know its not game related, but it is something I would like to ask people.
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