Should the max amount of points be adjusted?
I'm not sure this is a can of worms you wanna open 😅
I mean the perceived decline in giveaway numbers... not if points should be lowered.
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after hitting 134k giveaways they decreased the amount of points generated (it was before generated by the amount of giveaways)
After this the amount of giveaways dropped hard and on top of that in 2018 tremorgames shut down .
We had a big train and some 10k giveaways at the time though and some spicy 20game bundles .
on top there was steam introducing regional pricing and some gift bans (-/+15%)
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Understandable if each leecher that is since 8 years at the side and never gave something have the same ammount as someone that give daily GA's.
In some way that don't feel fair.
If the points are 100, 200, 300 or 400 make no difference at it.
Ps.: Ich hoffe du hast die ganzen Änderungen in der Gruppe und dem discord mitbekommen. Falls nein schau rein und lies nach.
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You may wanna visit one of the thousand threads about this matter before bring this topic again...
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Changing the rate would make sense.
Lowering the limit by itself does not make sense, because given today's rate, all it does is further punish people who cannot check in constantly (current rates are 24 points/hr, so even today, you have to check in once every 16 hours to avoid point overflow). Lowering it to 300 will just force people to check in every 12 hours, and will randomly target people with less time on their hands.
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I think it should stay the same. No point in changing.
Regarding the decrease in ga's numbers, in my case it's due to 2 reasons:
1.: I lost my job and the dollar exchange rate is absurdly high. [I live in Brazil]
2.: Bundles used to be so much better. I used to buy at least 5 bundles per month. I used to buy bundles just to give away. Now, they are mostly repeats or full of games not worth the price.
I believe that may be the case for other people as well.
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The #1 issue here is... <drumroll> you not giving away games™. Guess what: Making a thread about lowering the polll isn't going to solve it. But hey, guess while the worms are eating you there is a period to think of a better solution.
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An Amiga game called Moonstone:
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Lowering the points cap will hurt people that don't have time to sit on the site all day and it will give people who use bots an advantage. The points cap doesn't matter that much though because no matter what the max number of points is, you can always store points in future giveaways that don't end for a long time and remove them later to use. You can store a few thousand points.
What I don't like is the static point generation that gives us a set number of points every 15 minutes because we always get way too many or way too little points because there is usually a large surge of giveaways with new bundles and then a slowdown.
The points system change happened in Oct 2017. Before that, we used to have a dynamic system where you got a certain number of points based on the total value of all giveaways created on the site. This means that as more giveaways were created, you got more points and when there was less, you got less points. This was much more balanced and made banking points not as important. We used to get 5% of the total value of all giveaways and back then we were getting too many points. I thought we should lower it to around 2% or 3%, but instead we got a static point generation which I never liked.
If you really want to know what I think, here are some old comments of mine from back when it changed. My opinion on the points system is here and my opinion on banking points is here.
This thread also has a lot of opinions on the points generation and cap.
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To be honest, I currently have 370 points and that's how I close out of SG almost everyday these days.
Lowering the points isn't going to hurt the people who enter for absolutely everything. In fact, it might only encourage more of them to stick their account on a bot to make the most of their points.
It would hurt the people who only enter for games that they actually want to play a lot more. When a new bundle is released, they might very well use all 400 of their points if they really want a particular game. But, on other days, they might use no points at all. Is it fair to penalise everyone in order to deal with the people who hoard games?
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Wasnt it changed so you wouldnt have to enter the site more then once a day, and had nothing to do with amount of giveaways created.
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An entirely different topic made me look at SG stats,
and made me realize that since January 2019, the average amount of monthly giveaways is between 30k and 35k.
From 2016 to 2018, that number is between 80k and 90k (with a crazy peak of 134k giveways in september 2017, what happened then??)
and with only 4 days left in october, it looks like we won't even reach 25k this month.
Considering that there's so much less giveaways created now, wouldn't it be reasonable to adjust the points limit to reflect the change in giveaways output? or change the rate at which we gain new points?
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