The [title] (my favourite game) is finally get ps4 port/re-release(?) TT.TT
I can play this again TT.TT

Please take Humble Monthly April 2016 + 1 bonus to celebrate ^^

Dreams do come true ^^

8 years ago*

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Looking at puzzle...

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I know that!

Bump for solved !

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I don't understand what to do beside entering random numbers :(

8 years ago

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Duty Calls?

8 years ago

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Alright, so now that the giveaways ended, care to tell us what the each picture actually represented and how were we supposed to solve the puzzle? Especially those of us that never played the game you're talking about. Was it even possible to find what's the game in question without ever playing it?

8 years ago

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I didn't know the game and i never played the game but i made many searches on google till i found the game..
How i found the game ? It was complete accident ,,i searched "ps2 games re released on ps4" on google and i filtered the search for past 1 week only ,, and i went to the videos tab and i found this character from the first question :P

the first picture shows u the picture of the character , so if u know the game u can find out what is the name of that character... his name was "Stanley Hihat Trinidad XIV" but the OP said he want it associated with numbers so the answer is a number ,, u can see in his name it says "XIV" which is nuumber 14 in roman numbers so thats the answer it is 14..

second picture, i had no clue what was that but after i searched a bit on google about the game i found out that this thing in the picture is called tiny gears which u should collect 30 out of 32 ,,,so the answer is 32 :D ,, also hints appeared below the pictures which said "Total items" which is 32

third picture , it shows a sword and in the game u need atleast 30 of the tiny gears to make it so the answer is 30 :P ,, the hint that appeared also says "total parts"

I hope u understand and forgive me if my english is bad
Also sorry for writting all this XD

8 years ago

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Thank you for all the information. I tried googling for ps2 games that were released on ps4 but I didn't get lucky enough to stumble upon that game, even though I spent over 2 hours googling around.

8 years ago

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KingMKA covered it nicely ^^

For me, to find what game, go to the source, which is psn store -> ps2games (on left navigation) -> see figure like drawing on puzzle #1
no #2 -> googling the title with keywords gear (sorry for bad drawing)
no #3 -> googling the title with keywords gear sword

... or just reverse image search on my avatar ;)

8 years ago

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Thank you for the answer, I actually played the puzzle just for the fun (I had the prize already), and I found the game. But, I failed to answer Q1, I only tried "name" and forgot about numbers... ^^
Well thank you for the solution, it's often forgotten when the GA ended ;)

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by MiniTaurus.