Since we had giveaways in the past for stuff like a whole Humble Bundle which was never - in that form - on Steam, I don't see any reason this shouldn't work. Though, even if it works I am halfway sure that you get no CV if that is of interest to you.
And if you don't get CV, you could consider making a "normal" raffle in a forum thread or wherever you like.
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They do not, we get the price data from Steam servers, and removed games have no price data
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Yeah I thought if it's not on steam it gets put to 0 points to enter and thus 0 CV no matter if it's full/reduced/zero CV.
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Doesn't SG support manually set the value of the game to the last known price so that people can still get CV for giving it away? I thought I remember reading that somewhere in the past. I think it might have only been if someone creates a support ticket asking for the game to be added back to the list so people can create giveaways for it. Maybe things are different depending on if the game is just no longer for sale or if it is completely removed from Steam. It was years ago and I don't remember exactly what I read.
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I just did a google search and found one of my own comments from 6 years ago where I went looking for information about this and posted a bunch of links.
The comments I found said that if a game is no longer for sale, but still listed on Steam, it will report as 0 CV and support cannot change that value because it will get changed back to 0 automatically, but if a game is completely removed from Steam, support can manually set the value to the last know value.
Then there is an update in the change log on July 3, 2017 that says "Updates to how we sync game prices with Steam, which should result in games keeping their value when they're removed from the Steam store, instead of changing to zero value."
So it seems that games completely removed from Steam will keep their last value, but ones that are just not purchasable, but still in the Steam store will be stuck at 0.
Edit: The comment below this shows 2 games that are still listed on Steam, but no longer for sale and they do give CV here on SG, so maybe the site has been updated in a way that allows games to keep their last know price.
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Both games are no longer for sale, but their pages are still available
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That's interesting. The comments and change log I found are pretty old, so maybe the site has been updated since then and they can now either manually or automatically keep the last known price.
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Here's a game I won that is no longer on Steam, but still gives CV:
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Must depend on the game or method then. I've seen titles go 0 value after being delisted, but checking my library found the original version of Dragon Quest XI which was later delisted to be replaced by the Switch port. That version kept the CV. So I guess it is not all titles.
Still, nothing on our end to deal with the value of games. Only got what they report.
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Yes. If the game shows up in the list when you try to create a giveaway, then you can just select it and create a giveaway. If it is missing from the list because Steam completely removed the game, you will need to create a support ticket under the category "Add game to list" and let support know what game you are trying to create a giveaway for. They should be able to add the game back to the site so everyone can create giveaways for it again.
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In general, yes. There are a few specific games with weird issues that had giveaways manually disabled. A couple are East India Company, Pirates of Black Cove, and Commander: Conquest of the Americas. There's also something funky going on with Chess vs Mate but I don't remember what exactly.
What is the name of the game you want to give away?
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Hey, I have a key for the game that is no longer listed on the steam shop, can I make a giveway?
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