not getting another service pack? Win 7 is officially supported until 2020 ... so it's very likely it'll get another one. Considering that support for XP only runs out this month (much later than onitially planned) ... it might as well be that Win 7 will last a bit longer than it's planned now as well. In any case I'd say it'll be long enough to see if they go back to a good plain old desktop from that touchscreen nonsense and win 7 is probably the best option when it comes to compaitbilty with older games while still being somewhat future proof.
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This. A thousand times this. I don't know why everyone thinks 8 is so good, I've seen people use it and it looks like a huge hassle, and absolute shit, and from the little bit I used it I never changed my mind about that, so I don't think I could recommend getting that "upgrade" in good conscience.
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I do not recommend Windows at all: NSA is spying on you.
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check winehq for a list of the games and needed fixes to make them work.
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I had no problems with Win 7 ever, I used it for 5 years. I have now Win 8 and in normal Desktop mode it's almost the same as Win 7. It is a lot faster than 7 though, but there are a few compatibility issues with older programs, but that can be coming from the 64 bit version, I always used 32 bit Windows before.
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Windows 8 (better if it's Windows 8.1, you wouldn't have to spend time upgrading it and will be ready to go from the beginning).
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for today would get win7, but maybe win8 will be more future proof, but probably by the time it's worth it there will be a windows 9 or even a windows 10
myself i'm on 8/8.1 but only because for some reason local stores sell it for the cheap , i've seen it for as low as 20 bucks, it usually goes on sale for 30$, and i got it for 15$ on the microsoft deal on release(pro upgrade version, can do fresh install so it's good nevertheless). The pro version of 7 on the other hand have'nt seen it below 120$ :S
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Windows 7, Windows 8 is not stable for gaming at the moment.
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Windows 8 has 2 completely diffirent sets of apps. The ones in the metro-look are not the same as the ones in desktop and so a bookmarked page in metro wont show up in desktop.
Also minimum resolution for IE...
Also Win8 was made for touch-controlled machines...
Desktop in win8 is just win7...
win8 = win7 with annoying features and compatibility issues...
win7 is superior...
or wait for the next one, should be good.
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Completely true. Windows 8 has excellent memory tech (eg, prevents storing multiple copies of the same data in ram, which frees up way more than you'd think it would).
If Windows 8 had Windows 7's UI, it would be a no-brainer winner.
Unfortunately, Windows 8 throws out all that's good about Windows (multitasking, getting actual work done) and throws it away in favor of full-screen metro apps. It's terrible. Such wasted potential.
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Generally, every other version of Windows is great.
8.1 - was supposed to be better than 8 but wasn't
8 - awful
7 - great
Vista - awful
XP - great
ME - awful
2000 - great, user friendly NT, XP precursor
98 - also great! Last good OG Windows version
NT - good tech, bad interface, overall not great
95 - not as good as people remember (they're usually thinking of 98)
Currently, Windows 7 is the best Windows version ever released, which may remain true even after 9 comes out next year. There are rumors about 9's cross-compatibility (run the same app on your phone and your computer and your xbox...) but that's likely fantasy.
Hopefully with 9 Microsoft returns to its roots. Windows should be about GETTING THINGS DONE. Not eye-candy. Not apps, or gestures, or fluff. Windows 8 was a huge misstep. Steven Sinofsky profoundly misread the direction computers were moving in for 8, Julie Larson-Green stuck to Steven's guns for 8.1. Both flopped (but hindsight is 20/20).
Long story short: Do you like to be able to GET THINGS DONE? To MULTITASK?
Windows 7
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Hi wuddih!
NT and 2000 have not many visual or structural differences. 2000 was basically NT 4.1 with ported multimedia/entertainment programs from 98.
Yeah. What part of my "2000 - great, user friendly NT, XP precursor" was confusing? The part where I said it was great? Or that it was a user friendly version of NT? Or how it hinted at the coming greatness that was XP?
so no clue what your comment on that should say, you probably never used any of those version really.
Well this is awkward. I've been using computers since 1980. That was 5 years before the very first (awful) version of Windows. When Windows finally did come out, it was sold in Color and Black&White versions. Haha, computers were a different beast back then.
What I'm saying is 1) I'm like super old, and 2) you probably shouldn't make assumptions about people.
and if you used all those version, you should know that the only version that had a nearly flawless introduction and most less problems at start was 2000, every other version was a mess at first.
You're definitely remembering history differently that I am. XP's release was everything they could have wanted from 2000 that wasn't. 2000 didn't get adopted by people, because although it was a step towards general-purpose everyday use (built on the rock-solid NT foundation used by business), it was being sold alongside ME (built on the shaky DOS-Frontend Windows). ME was for consumers, so who was 2000 FOR? Nobody knew, so nobody bought it. Both 2000 and ME flopped at release, but 2000's flop wasn't for technical reasons. XP was rushed out the door the next year.
second to that is win8,
Whoa whoa whoa. Are you saying (and I want to make sure I'm completely correct on this) that
Yeah, no. You're definitely remembering history, even very recent history quite differently than I am.
win7 had more compatibility issues.
Everything about this statement is factually incorrect. VISTA had boatloads of compatibility issues, and WIN8 had boatloads of compatibility issues. Win7 was nearly as flawless a release as XP. Both had the benefit of being built on technically-great-but-flawed predecessors, 2000 and Vista.
but in long-term any version was superior then its predecessor. If I had a gun pointed to my head and I had to choose between Vista and XP, I would choose the better option, Vista.
Vista is technically superior to XP. XP has deep fundamental problems that stayed pretty hidden until 64-bit computing. The broken memory model in XP alone is something no right-minded person (with more than 2 gigs of RAM) would put up with in this day and age. Not to mention the security model turning XP into a hotbed of viruses.
Vista had a dumbed down UI compared to XP's all-access-pass. Vista's security model, while intended to fix XP's horrendous barely-existent one, was itself full of flaws. And Vista's improved security model led to awful driver compatibility, which lead to instability and crashes. Vista was a misstep in the right direction. Win7 was where they finally got it right.
But see, nobody is going to hold a gun to your head and make you choose between XP and Vista. Because Win7 exists now, and is superior to both.
people saying win8 is shit,
Only people that have seen it or used it, and who know about computers.
reduce it simply to its optional tile ui and the missing start button.
No. Metro apps take full-screen. You can't multitask. YOU CAN'T MULTITASK IN WINDOWS! That's absurd. It makes no sense.
The missing start button is a side-effect of the awful, slow, harder-to-navigate Metro tiles. More about pretty than work. Fine for a toy, not fine for a workstation.
the button is back
It isn't, but continue.
yeah. but it's
"its". An apostrophe doesn't mean "Look out, here comes an S!". Do you put apostrophes in other possessive pronouns? Hi's? Her's? You probably do say "her's", knowing you.
previous functionality is gone and that is good.
It isn't, but it may be too much for me to expect you to understand why.
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But, being old does hurt support. Steam actually doesn't run on my Windows 7 machine anymore, but runs perfectly on my 8.1 machine.
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Why would it not run? I think it must be something else causing problems.
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I've heard through the rumour mill that MS is looking to put out a successor to Win 8 (tentatively called Windows 9) to distance itself from 8. But this was just one "news" website probably a month ago. No idea where I heard it from.
Would also recommend Win 7. Less issues with a whole plethora of software/hardware; Win 8 is still pretty buggy.
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Not buggy I could say, but it's awfully incompatible with a lot of programs that used to run under Win7. Not to mention almost EVERY user looking at the Win8 tiles wonders where the desktop is. And then they come to the desktop the wonder where the start button is.
No, I'm not using Win8 myself (and never will!) but Win7 x64 Ultimate instead. My son on the other hand has his PC with Win8 installed and is opting to upgrade to Win7 (can't blame him)
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idk about 8, but i've used 7 for over 4 years...
not a single crash, freeze, or any other problem to speak of. ever.
on a side note, people love to reminisce about how great xp was...
but all i remember now is how often i'd see BSOD and how generally unstable/crappy it was. all those reformats/reinstalls... ugh
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I so agree with you. Never had problems with 7, but XP was the worst Windows I ever had. on TWO PCs. Pretty much daily freezes and chrashes. I never understood how people were saying XP was much better than Vista (on which I had only ONE crash during all the years).
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What are you two talking about? In my whole life I had 4 PCs (well, not exactly, but yeah), first one with Win 98, crashed sometimes, like, when you taked out a Diskette without closing everything, hell yeah that was wonderful (?). Then I had a Win NT, and that was the WORST shit ever, that PC crashed like a hundred times o more in just 3 or 4 years, most of times just because yes. After that, I had a HP notebook with XP, and that never gave me a BSOD, really, NEVER. Even the time that I put the proccessor at 107ºC with a program named "HeavyLoad", and even now I'm still using it sometimes, just a bit slow, but it's hard like a rock :3. And now I have 7, and crashed a couple of times (well, not crashed, just a couple of resets, but it wasn't the OS fault, it was a problem in the proccessor...) and still complaining with some compatibility problems with some old games that I didn't have in XP, but 7 is still superior in everything else.
So I would say:
7 > XP >>>> 98 >>.infinite.>> NT
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I'll tell you what I'm talking about: my own experience, so calm down. Win 98 was shit, I agree, but XP simpy destroyed my systems. Good for you, that it worked better on your PCs. For me it was a nightmare.
P.S. never tried NT though
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If XP destroyed your systems... I can't imagine what NT could do D:! Also, what Service Pack did you use? Mine was SP3. Also, to me, your experience is something uncommon, because in all PC's I've used (not mine), XP worked perfectly fine (I never had a BSOD in any computer with XP, really). Not the same with 7, a friend of mine have a desktop with 7 and if he unplugs the speakers, BOOM BSOD LOL :P. I don't even know why it's that xD.
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I've had more BSODs under Win7 than I had under XP. In the end it seemed that one GPU was about to crack down under Win7 and some of my North bridge settings were not optimized. With both fixed (about 6 months now), I haven't had a single BSOD.
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Sincerly, when I passed on Windows 8, I really regreted Windows 7. There is quite a lot of shortcuts missing, the Start Menu is not here anymore, the program list is kinda lacking some programs, and the fact that it prefers default applications - which fill the screen completly, unlike normal windows - rather than normal programs is annoying. Also, you can't create ad-hoc networks, and it means that you just can't play with friends on a local network except if you have something else hosting the network.
Well, I wish I wasn't charged more than 100€ more for Win8. I could have bought Win7. Only intersting point with 8 is that it kinda forces you to use Linux more often.
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Since 8.1 is a free update, I would ensure that I updated straight to that if you get win 8. Honestly though it depends with your hardware and setup. I would never tell anyone to upgrade from win 7 to 8 as I feel its no where near worth it. But I do feel that its definitely good albeit quite annoying to get used to at first. Most driver updates are likely to be compiled for win 8.1 as well so I guess it can help you keep up to date in terms of graphics cards and stuff.
In terms of gaming I've never had a problem getting a game to work on win 8.1 including both old games from win 95 and emulating older ones, all the way to the latest games I've ever played. I would assume and from what I remember win 7 would be the same really.
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I'm asking for someone who has experienced both of them already, I'm planning on getting the Win 7 Ultimate, as I already know how that one works, but I also got the choice of getting a Win 8, I have never tested that one, so I have no idea what to expect, mostly gaming-wise~ (I heard some bad stuff about this) So? Opinions? :o
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