Thanks for visiting.
^ just copy-paste that in response to every comment disagreeing with you. Oh, and call everything that doesn't support your view propaganda. Good luck, man!
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Both threads are hot garbage, but so far this dude is more likeable (not saying much).
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The other thread OP was passive-aggressive, not clearly explaining points and biased sure, but at least they were posting news articles and history links. This person on the other hand is straight up going through extreme gore videos and getting excited by watching them and sharing them. Weird kind of person to find likeable.
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A worrying amount of the anti-Israel rhetoric going around right now is based on the misconception that Israel is exaggerating, or straight up lying about the extent of the Hamas terror attacks - just look at all the articles claiming certain pictures were faked using AI, and these examples being used as a 'Gotcha!'. Because, well, if Israel would stoop so low as to fake one image, who's to say they wouldn't fake a lot of the others too, right?
So, yeah.. It's important that these kind of videos and pictures are shared, the more widely available they are, the harder it is for people to downplay the horrors of what went down, at least in theory. I find your fixation with the whole 'people who share these images are sick in the head and get excited from sharing them'-thing really interesting, you might have some deep-rooted perversions of your own to work through.
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Oh, look. It's the good version of that terrorist sympathizing thread. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the thread that gets closed for some reason. Good luck with all the trash coming your way.
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I would whitelist you for balance, but I don't want to un-whitelist you first...
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Have you ever met a nazi or neo-nazi in your life? Do you know what you are talking about?
Sadly I have (IRL) and I am far from being one myself.
My impression from our interaction a couple of days ago was, that you simplified facts but that might be because of a heated discussion and/or other media influence. Assuming from your SG account's age, that you are well in your 20s or even older, I did not expect you lowering yourself to such a level of personal attacks.
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I wouldn't be surprised if this is the thread that gets closed for some reason.
I think this is a rather childish take. Mods have shown consistent moderation across global event threads, so I don't believe they would close it "because Israel."
With that said, this topic could quite possibly be closed, but that would be due to its graphic nature; i.e. the TG photos. Forums usually strongly discourage gore.
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It's unfortunate that this thread is necessary, but it does seem necessary.
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why? this site is mostly about Steam and gaming not world politics - i would read a news site if i wanted to hear this (not saying it's not important but just not suitable for a site like this)
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I clicked this thread hoping for genuine neutrality but oh boy was I not prepared for the insanity that lay within.
You people are not interested in humanity you're just engaging in war porn getting glee from the plight of innocent humans on both sides. Shame on you and shame on people like you. Disgusting filth.
Also, unlike the other thread this one is 100% against the ToS (do not post gore) so good job there mr. neo-n*zi
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You should link to the original puppy rescue image with the original puppy rescue story. That will get everything straight. Because all I could find was this:
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Everyone who don't support muslim terrorists = neo-n*zi
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Pretty much what I said below in a joke comment to another user that called eveyone a nazi if you think the terror attack was wrong.
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No, but people who are getting perverted excitement and posting videos of beheading, stabbing and ultra gore are surely deranged beyond belief. That thread did not have anyone that I saw who supported terrorism, unless you mean israel state-sponsored terrorism
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When removing the propaganda lies, you could at least add something like "EDIT: Removed the false statement of pro-terrorist propagandists that I mistakenly believed."
By the way, after this removal, your statement about the lack of genuine neutrality no longer has any weight. There is not a single piece of evidence that at least one photo or video or statement in the original post is not true.
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Everyone who supports the Israeli actions is a hypocrite. Do your best to support a colonial and genocidal country and yeah don't forget to take Hamas as an excuse to bomb and kill innocent women and children. I guess their fault is that they aren't blonde or Ukrainian enough for you to have the least amount of humanity and sympathize with them. Keep blaming the Palestinian victims who were pushed for years and years and raped and killed, for doing extreme actions against Israel. You ruin somebody's life, kill their loved ones, and expect to be rewarded. And yeah don't forget to accuse everyone who supports the innocent Palestinians for being anti-semitic. Everyone that supports the Israeli actions is no different to the Nazis or even worse.
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Have you read what is posted above? The Palestinian people as a whole are not blamed. It is about terrorists and their attacks.
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I read it and I'm not replying to what is mentioned in the post itself. it's for those who keep justifying the Israeli actions in the comments.
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Then reply to those comments and not OP.
Right now your comment seems like an attack on OP out of the blue.
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I am just going to post essentially nothing and see my blacklist get a +1.
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A couple of things you may want to add/change to your OP, if you wish to do so:
"Hamas has demanded 6,000 Palestinian men and women detained in Israel's jails be released in exchange for hostages in Gaza."
- Sky News
"The last time Hamas released a hostage, it took 5 years for him to be freed."
- Business Insider
"No power, water or fuel to Gaza until hostages freed, says Israel minister."
- The Guardian
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No amount of NSFW warnings can make this discussion main post follow the guidelines:
Inappropriate content. If you are posting content that may be considered NSFW (not safe for work), prefix any links or images with a NSFW tag to warn others. Do not post pornography, or explicit content, such as real life images depicting severe injury, gore, or death.
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DEATH/TORTURE/TERROR trigger warning!!!!!!
Hello, I'm Mdk.
I've been a member of this community since 2016, and some of you know me as the founded of the QGG group.
I've been struggling since last Saturday with the notion if I should start this post or not.
Similarly to the Ukraine awareness thread that was created with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I felt this was an important topic to mention.
However, I don't have the skill to create a topic as deep and full of information as that one.
And was hoping someone else would do it.
I also personally try to stay away from politics.
This is why I didn't even post in the Ukraine awareness thread, despite having strong opinion about it, and even distant relatives still living in Ukraine.
However as no one else created a thread about this.
And I've seen another thread created, that tries to shift the focus/blame from this horrible event.
Therefore, I see no other choice than to create this thread.
It may not be as detailed and full of links as the other threads.
But I'll do my best.
On October 7th 2023 took place one of the biggest terror attack in history, second only to the 9/11 attacks in the US.
It happened on the 8th day of the the Jewish Sukkot holiday, called Simchat Torah (Joy of the Bible).
Over 1,300 civilians, first responders, policeman and army personnel were murdered. Over 3,000 wounded.
360 more are still hospitalized in critical condition, and may yet increase the death toll.
Over 200 people were kidnapped, and are being held in inhumane conditions, without access to the outside world or even to the Red Cross.
This was the second deadliest terror attack in history.
Single deadliest terror attack in Israeli history.
A much deadlier terror attach than 9/11, relative to population size (US vs. Israel).
And biggest (by far) number of Jews killed in a single day, since the Holocaust.
Btw, not only Jews were targeted by terrorists. Over 40 Muslims (Arabs, Beduins and Druze) were killed. And members of many other religions and nationalities.
In a single settlement called "Be'ery", out of a total population of ~1000, over 100 people were killed.
According to eye witness reports:
40 children were murdered.
Some infants.
Some were decapitated.
In one case a pregnant woman's belly was cut open and the baby still had the ambilocal cord attached when both it and the mother were executed.
Some people were found handcuffed, executed and then their bodies set on fire
Others had their homes set on fire while they were inside, and burned alive.
Those who tried to exit their homes to escape the fire, were shot dead by Hamas death squads waiting outside for them.
Some were taken hostage and forced by terrorist to call out their neighbors to come out, and watch them get shot by the terrorist.
Some were taken hostage, and it was broadcast live using their own phone to their friends and family on Facebook.
In one instance, a young man and his girlfriend were executed, filmed by his own phone, and then the video was sent from his phone to his mother.
In other instances people were gunned down in the middle of the street, or in their cars trying to flee.
To further their cause of causing pain and suffering, many of the atrocities were broadcast live, or recorded and released almost real-time by the Hamas.
The entire country of Israel knew exactly what was happening in cities and towns in the south, as it was happening.
Those are just some examples of the atrocities committed on October 7th.
The Jewish people had not suffered such atrocities since the days of the Pogroms and the Holocaust.
This day was truly Israel's 9/11.
As much as this subject is emotional and close to my heart - I will try to remain factual and unbiased as much as I can.
All the information provided here will be backed by photographs, videos and eye witness reports.
These are just the things I found most important, there are x10 times more records and accounts out there, which you can find. And many more are being uncovered every day.
I will refer to all Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and representatives of other similar organizations simple as "Terrorists". As this is how they are defined by the law in US, EU and Israel.
To combat what they perceive as a PR disaster for them, the Hamas in recent days have stared to employ 2 tactics: Denial and Deflection.
Jews do not have the habit of flaunting the pictures of their dead - death is considered a very private matter (people do not have open-casket wakes).
So you would be hard pressed to find any photos of dead Jews/Israelis online.
Hamas has used this to spread misinformation and deny any wrongdoing ever happened.
Among their claims were: "The massacre in an Israeli propaganda, because there are no photographic/video evidence of what happened", Some facts got mangled up and mis-quoted in the media (for example a mis-quote that claimed "40 babies were decapitated") - so Hamas claimed they are proof that all of it is propaganda. In addition Hamas claimed that they were humane and disciplined - all the atrocities were perpetrated by civilian Palestinians not affiliated with Hamas.
However, as we live in the information age, nowadays everything is leaked online.
So you can now find not only eye witness accounts, but also photographic evidence of most if not all atrocities.
SERIOUS WARNING: The following images/videos I'm placing here are not just NSFW. They're NSFL. They will rot your soul and keep you awake at night.
Due to the graphic nature of the photographical/video evidence, the links will be provided mostly to Telegram.
Inside towns/cities:
Leaked photos of babies/infants killed in the massacre
Burnt body of a child
Abusing dead bodies
A nursery drenched in blood in Be'ery
Blood soaked baby car seat
A kid's room full of blood
A container full of scorched/burned bodies
Remains of a family burnt alive in their home
Eye witness account about slaughtered and burned people
Another eye witness report of the atrocities
Yet another eye witness report of the atrocities
Reporter retelling eye witness account from soldiers that entered the town of Be'ery and saw the carnage
A typical house of a family. Everything filled with bullet holes and blood.
There are potty training seat and small backpacks, indicating small children lived there.
People slaughtered at their homes
A burned body of a woman.
On her hands parts of a plastic ziptie - which indicate she was tied.
The pose of hand protecting her face - indicates she was alive when she was burned.
Lack of underwear indicates it's possible she was raped.
A group of women gunned down in the middle of the street
A different group of women gunned down at a bus stop
Decapitating a person while he's still alive (you can see him moving in the beginning of the video)
This is Gina Semiatich, a 90 years old Holocaust survivor -
On October 7th, Palestinian terrorists entered her home, dragged her from her room, forced her to stand on her knees, and shot her.
What Nazis could not do to her, terrorist did instead.
Two videos.
First video - Four women, including an elderly woman, are lead by terrorists, their hands are tied.
Second video - the bodies of the four women, with terrorists around them.
A teenager tells how her grandmother was murdered, and then the terrorists took pictures of her body with her phone, and posted on Facebook. This is how she found out her grandmother was dead.
Eye witness report about a mother getting a message from her son's phone, where the terrorists murder her son and his girlfriend.
During an interview for Sky News, a woman receives news that her husband was murdered by Hamas.
Not even pets were spared
Terrorist killing a dog and setting a house on fire
The music festival in Be'ery:
People massacred at the music festival
Bodies inside one of the tents of the music festival
Survivors from the music who were hiding in the bomb shelter, after terrorists shot inside and threw fragmentation grenades
Famous video: A young girl crying out to her boyfriend, while they're both bring kidnapped from the music festival
A video from the music festival.
It starts with people dancing in the festival, and later shows the same people fleeing and hiding, some being wounded, while there is constant gunfire on them
Eye witness report of the music festival aftermath
Birds eye view of the aftermath of the music festival massacre
Hamas terrorists circling above the music festival on paragliders
Kidnapped to Gaza:
A small child, alone, being kidnapped to Gaza
A kidnapped child, alone, being treated as a toy in Gaza
Terrorists playing around (in full military gear) with kidnapped infants
A half naked body of a young girl kidnapoed from the festival. Her body is spit on and abused.
Later it was revealed she was a French national, in response Hamas claimed that they found her like this and were taking her to the hospital, where she is currently being treated. But provided no evidence of this.
You can watch the video and decide for yourself if you believe their version of events.
A young woman being kidnapped to Gaza. She is beaten and pulled by her hair. Her hands are bound.
She has a large blood stain on her pants and blood is running down her leg. Some speculate this may be due to rape.
Several kidnapped young women in a car guarded by armed terrorists
Photos of some of the kidnapped from inside Gaza
A kidnapped mother with her 2 children
Faces/Ages of some of the kidnapped children
Elderly woman being abducted
An elderly woman abducted into Gaza
A terrorist posing with a kidnapped elderly woman
Kidnapped men being abused on their way to Gaza
A man being abused while kidnapped to Gaza
A group of men kidnapped into Gaza, the kidnappers treat them as if they were cattle.
A kidnapped young man in his pajamas being abused while paraded in Gaza
A family being held hostage at gunpoint.
The small children are in shock as their older sister (18) was killed earlier (off camera).
The video was livestreamed on FB, using their own phone, to all their friends and family.
The family later disappeared, and were presumably kidnapped to Gaza.
Another family held at gunpoint, while it's being livestreamed on FB from their phone.
The son is later forced to go around the neighbors houses and call them to come outside. (According to eye witness reports, people who went outside were immediately shot by terrorists)
The family later disappeared, and were presumably kidnapped to Gaza.
A father saying he was relieved when he heard that his 8 years old daughter was killed and not kidnapped, because death is better than what they would do to her.
A girl with Cerebral Palsy that was kidnapped into Gaza
Another way of Hamas trying to shift the blame, has been deflection from themselves into both the Palestinians and Israelis as the ones to blame.
They claimed that all the atrocities were perpetrated by civilians unaffiliated with Hamas. And were completely improvised/unplanned.
They also claimed that the atrocities were actually Israel's fault, because they way Israelis treat the Al-Aqsa mosque (the 3rd holiest place to Islam). And named the massacre "Al-Aqsa wind".
Even though it paints the Palestinians as heartless monsters capable of horrible atrocities, Hamas still uses this tactic to deflect blame.
However, as we live in the information age, nowadays everything is leaked online.
So you can now find not only witness accounts, but also photographic evidence of most if not all atrocities.
It is now becoming clear that Hamas started to plan this operation 1-2 years ago, and it was planned to the T.
From what we know the attack itself started at around 6:30 AM on Saturday, when barrages of missiles started being fired towards towns around the Gaza strip, as well as towns and cities in the center of Israel.
The date was chosen with a purpose, this was both the weekend and a holiday - so army bases had only skeleton crews while most soldiers were at home celebrating with their families.
While the Israelis were cowering and seeking shelter from the rockets - Hamas infantry units breached the perimeter in approximately 20-30 places at the same time, attacking 20 towns and cities and the same time, in addition to several military bases.
At the same time, Hamas terrorists on paragliders entered Israel from the air, coordinating the attack and later landing and taking part in the attack themselves.
At the same time, Hamas Naval units, on several fast boats and additional divers came in from the sea, and landed on the coast of Israel.
At the same time, Hamas used drones (similarly as they are used in the Ukraine war) to drop grenades on any cameras watching the Gaza border, to blind the Israeli army. To drop grenades on any communication towers to prevent them for calling for help or reinforcements. And to drop grenades on tanks to disable them.
Learning from the Al-Qaeda and ISIS instructions manuals (such manuals were found on bodies of some of the terrorists. In addition to at least one ISIS flag), the terrorists entered Israel on white Toyota pickup trucks and motorcycles. They were carrying automatic weapons, RPGs, grenades, heavy machine guns, additional ammunition and even food for prolonged stay. They were also carrying detailed instructions of who should go where and do what, which included killing, kidnapping and taking hostages.
After entering the Israeli territory, some terrorists turned to Israeli Army bases. Their goal was to take over the bases, killing and kidnapping as many soldiers as possible. If they were unable to do so, they were to pin the Israeli forces, to prevent them from assisting the civilians nearby.
Other terrorists drove directly to 20 Israeli towns (each town had their own Hamas units assigned to them), where they proceeded to commit atrocities as soon as they arrived. Each town had a Hamas ambush unit places at the entrance of the town, to target first responders and prevent them from reaching the civilians inside. The massacre lasted for hours, many civilians contacted by their besieged relatives and frustrated by the inability of the Army/Police to reach them, tried to drive there themselves to rescue their loved ones, only to be butchered by these ambushes.
Some terrorists were disguised in Israeli army uniform, to fool first responders, and let them come close before killing them.
It is yet unclear if the terrorist were aware of the Nova music festival taking place near Re'im kibbutz, or was it a target of opportunity.
We do know that the festival was filled with roughly 3,000 music lovers, from all around the world.
The main roads were cut off by terrorists, and anyone trying to flee at any direction was shot at.
In addition, the terrorists entered the premises of the music festival, and started shooting at and kidnapping people.
At least in one case, party goers tried to find shelter in a bomb-shelter near by. The terrorist threw several grenades into a the place crammed up with people.
Full list of towns and cities attacked can be found here (use google translate)
SERIOUS WARNING: The following images/videos I'm placing here are not just NSFW. They're NSFL. They will rot your soul and keep you awake at night.
Due to the graphic nature of the photographical/video evidence, the links will be provided mostly to Telegram.
Interrogation of a captured terrorist, talking about the plans of the Hamas perpetrators
Interrogation of a another captured terrorist
White Toyota jeeps (beloved by ISIS) used in this attack.
There is an UNRWA (UN agency for helping Palestinians) first aid kit in one of them.
A document found in the terrorists vehicle reveals Hamas's true intentions - a murder of innocent civilians, using them as human shields and setting homes on fire. (Document in Arabic - use google image translate)
Document labeled October 2022, describing the plan of the attack (Document in Arabic - use google image translate)
Terrorists entering the music festival grounds, shooting everyone
People shot dead by Hamas ambush on the road
Hamas boasting dead bodies of civilians on social media
Terrorists, armed to their teeth, kidnapping people from the music festival
Terrorists setting up ambushes on the roads to kill first responders and people passing by
Terrorists walking through the street of a town, shooting at any signs of life
Terrorist sees a silhouette moving slowly (probably elderly men/women) shoots to kill
Terrorists enter a kibbutz, kill a person driving a car entering the kibbutz
Terrorists leave some troops to pin town soldiers in a military base, while they continue towards a civilian town.
One of the non-Jews (Arabs) killed by the terrorists
Hamas child soldiers posing in full military gear
Terrorists in full military gear throw a grenade into a bomb shelter.
A civilian tries to flee, the terrorists shoot him point blank and continue to abuse the dead body
Terrorists in full military gear throw a grenade into a bomb shelter, when a civilian rubs out they shoot him.
Another civilian us badly beaten by them outside.
Entrance to one of the towns. A civilian tries to flee on foot, a terrorist ambush shoots him dead.
Moments later the ambush comes closer and one of the terrorists shoot at the dead body to verify he's dead.
A salary slip found on a dead terrorist, showing he received his salary from the Palestinians Authority
Terrorists setting houses on fire with people still inside
Civilians shot dead at their homes
ISIS flag found on a dead terrorist.
Dashcam footage of a terrorist ambush of civilians driving in the road
Terrorists looting cars of people they killed
Apparently Hamas paragliding units were trained by the EU envoy to Gaza
Son of a leader of the Hamas, now living in the US, talks about who Hamas really are
P.S. Something I wanted to mention - was the huge wave of love and support from all over the world, in the wake of this horrible massacre.
Especially stands out the response of President Volodymir Zelensky, who's own country is in a war for it's own survival for over 1.5 years, yet he encouraged world leaders to come visit Israel and show support for the people. Time and time again he shows what a great mean he really is.
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