I have no idea if I ever played a game with an LGBT character or not, because I never look that way at them but I just look at them as a normal character and play the game, and besides that my memory sucks so even if I did see any by chance I don't remember, so guess I won't be able to apply ^^
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That's fair, I was just curious about how many gamers pay attention to diversity when it comes to characters is all :)
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True, but people who are underrepresented in the media (like races other than white, or non straight characters) sometimes like to see themselves in games too. I just think diversity should be celebrated is all. Not in a stereotypical way of course. But like you said people should make good characters, just sometimes make sure they're not all white and straight :p
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I can understand people wanting that and sometimes it makes perfect sense and sometimes it doesn't, I dislike games that try way to hard to be 'special' and with that (partly) ruin stuff in it or in the character, same as with movies.
They should just go with what makes the most sense for that character and if that is a black guy then make it a black guy, if that is a woman then make it a woman and if that is LGBT then use that, etc. Some are just trying way to hard to not use any of that even though it makes way more sense and that is a shame but some are trying way to hard to add as much of that as possible while for the story/characters it makes 0 sense and that is also a shame in my opinion.
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I see your point but having met all kinds of people from all over, I can honestly say that I haven't met anyone whose orientation or gender "made sense" or not. It's part of who they are, it's more or less important to them, but there was never an instance when it make sense or not.
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That's not what I meant with made sense at all, I meant it as when for example they wrote a character in a game or movie obviously white male and they make it a black female just because they think they should be included as well without changing the characters story and with that the character doesn't make any sense with the stuff they say or do.
I am fine with adding all sorts of people in a movie or game if that makes sense, but if they for example make a movie about a time and place where there were no black people, don't force a black person into it just because you feel they shouldn't be excluded, same if it were the other way around.
Like I said, am just talking game/movie characters here, nothing else.
For people the most important is to just be who you want to be and do what makes you happy.
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I got your meaning but my point is: how can a character be "obviously white male" if it's a black female? What are the inherent traits of a character that would make it "obviously white male"? There is no such thing as obviously black, white, straight or gay. If a character is romancing same sex characters, it doesn't even make him/her obviously gay.
Unless we're talking historical characters or having Idris Elba play an SS officer (I wouldn't even mind that actually because I'm used to theatre so I can stretch my imagination and as long as talent is there, I don't bother with cosmetics but I do get that not everyone can), characters just make sense how they are.
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Sometimes a character acts or talks in a way that you would rather think of a man than a woman, or the other way around, there are enough characters where either way could perfectly fine get away with it, but sometimes it just makes it a bit 'weird' just like some characters are just better as women than as a men as well, sometimes they just do and maybe not everyone agrees to that and that is fine as well.
It's hard to explain and I don't want to offend anyone, just that sometimes you see a character in a game (or movie) and for some reason it just doesn't make any sense why they went with something while for you it can be so obvious that something different would have matched so much better, it's just personal preference I guess and again I have nothing against LGBT or different skin colors or whatever and they are more than welcome in movies and games and all, it's just my opinion.
Historically speaking, in my personal opinion they should either make it truly historically or just go with what they want, but not say they are historically correct but then change stuff that makes no sense at all and can never be correct (like my example in my other post) just because they want more diversity in it or whatever reason they have for it.
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Don't worry you are not being offensive at all, just explaining your point of view, it's cool.
And I get that sometimes diversity seems like an afterthought, especially in games, like the creators didn't think of it or didn't care and then someone says "hm feels like it's all straight white dudes in there, 19th century much?" and they just click a few things to make it more palatable without putting much thought into it.
It really all comes down to writing. Ripley was written like a character. Not a dude. Not a girly girl. Just an interesting character. When they decided to make her a woman, it worked. But that's because the writing was good.
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Yes, that's exactly what I mean, diversity is fine and welcomed but not every game and movie should need that because in some it just doesn't make sense or if it's rushed in at the last moment while they don't change a story or character and it doesn't feel into place at all.
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I don't remember one, but, I think in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas there are some LGTB characters.
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TLOU is truly a fantastic game. I'm still super hyped about the sequel, whenever they decide to let us have it.
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As long as it is as good as the first one (maybe with a gameplay improvement), they can take all the time they need, imo
Ellie is so true. And I love those games in which it goes like "look, I kill zombies, I want to learn to play guitar and I also like girls.".
I almost forgot about it, because it's not the first thing that comes into my mind thinking of her.
It's just a great game with great, true characters.
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True true. But the gameplay trailer looked pretty neat and it's Naughty Dog, they really never disappoint so I'm confident it'll be great.
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We just gotta suffer like that and watch 4736 different playthroughs, there's nothing else we can do.
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I'd like to be considered, please.
I guess a game I can think off the top of my head is Undertale.
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I feel like it's a crime that I haven't played that game yet at this point....
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I can remember Mass Effect 2 or ME 3, in ME 3 there was that famous LGBT mechanic guy
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Haven't gotten as far as ME3 in the franchise but I'll take your word for it then!
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Can i apply? :D
Well, not exactly my favorite game, but it's my most played game (>1k hours) so I guess it kind of counts.. Paladins! They have this frontline/tank character named Fernando who was recently revealed to be gay by the developers, lol. He has a rather flirty personality in his voice lines and actions, so I wouldn't say it's a surprise :p
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Oh wow, I didn't hear that! I remember him being my favorite back when I was playing it like a year ago (I just really like good tanks).
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ME really does have a lot... Also, pozdrav susjed :)
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It does! I'll totally let that count since I'm super excited about it. Also love that they (kinda, not technically but still) finally made a full female protagonist, it was about time.
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Duh, best canon LGBT characters are self-insert ones obviously.
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Tracer is pretty cool, I even bought a Tracer poster once lol
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I would like to join your WL.
Totally forgot about Life Is Strange: Before the Storm. Its a little vague. But possibly bi or lesbian. I remember I went for the kiss when I played the game :)
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Not too vague, I played it too, it was pretty fun! :)
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I played the Mass Effect Trilogy and the Dragon Age games. Also years ago I played The Longest Journey, which has a lesbian NPC couple. That's just some of the games with LGBT characters I played and can remeber right now.
I also originally bought The Sims only because I could create a sims and have a same-sex relationship (marriage in the later parts), though I came to enjoy parts 1-3 after playing them for a bit.
Right now I'm playing Stardew Valley as a female farmer married to Penny.
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I haven't played The Longest Journey yet, maybe I'll have to give it a shot then :)
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Oh man, GW2 is one of my favorite games too! But agreed, maybe I'm just not a fan of them cause I prefer other races than humans lol
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That's fair too. But hey, I mostly play norn and I have to say I'd take Kasmeer and Marjory over Braham any day lol
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I have played a lot of Borderlands 2 and Mad Moxxi is the character i like the most in my gaming history! I just found out she is Bisexual but she still looking hot! "The barbaric, the beautiful, the most buxom sponsor in the history of Pandora: MAAAAAD MOXXI" =))
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I've only played the Tales from the Borderlands and I gotta say I thought Athena was pretty cool and her mechanic girlfriend too. Glad to hear there's even more characters! :)
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I know right? I expected that to be one of the first answers honestly.
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My personal favorite would probably be The Witcher 3 with Elihal, the crossdressing elf, though I'm not entirely sure if he counts because I think he just takes method acting very seriously. So maybe Anthony from Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony? That was a very fun game and my favorite of the two from Liberty City Stories
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I'm gonna let it count, also I'm pretty sure I've heard Ciri was into women too from my friends who played The Witcher 3 (I'm not there yet, only recently finished 2).
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Haha, all characters are LGBT if you ship them hard enough :P
Nah, but I wanted to say Dragon Age as well 'cause I remember accidentally leading on Zevran in Origins since I wasn't expecting a bi character, but then his romance was surprisingly sweet so I went with it anyway and left Morrigan for my second playthrough. Also, Fire Emblem Fates. The whole thing. It's playing as a Shipping God.
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That's a true statement, I 100% agree :p
Zevran was so fun! I was romancing Leliana in my first playthrough and remember wanting to flirt with him but she got super upset so I backed off. That's why I got the "no jealousy" mod for my second playthrough lol
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Truly. There's 3 must have mods for Origins: 1) no jealousy, 2) the "please let me date Morrigan as a woman" mod, and most importantly 3) hide helmets mod.
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I honestly can't tell if that's Zach Galifinakis or Mark Hamill in that gif (or anybody similar for that matter)
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Technically I guess they're alive? It's just like all the vampire romances...
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Depends on how they're defined. The classic definition has them strictly as reanimated corpses, so they're always dead. Modern readings generally consider living infected humans as a valid type of zombies, though.
BTW, just checking, did you miss my message below, or did you elect to not reply? If it's the latter, that's fine -- just making sure.
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I am pretty sure Tiny Tina from my favourite DLC ever in Borderlands 2 was.
I would like to join you WL if possible as well.
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Hey, I'd like to joy your whitelist :) I share what I can and whenever I can :)
I played and loved Life is strange game, and though that Chloe was a real badass :D. Saving money from trading cards for Life is strange before the storm now :)
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Before the Storm is great! I honestly enjoyed both games equally so I hope you do too once you get to play it :D
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I'm honestly just commenting to give this game more attention because I love it.
Hustle Cat is a lovely little visual novel. If I recall correctly, you can choose for the main character to be male, female, or nonbinary. There's also a variety of male and female romance options (my favorite characters are Reese and Graves). Unfortunately, I dealt with some issues with the game randomly crashing when I played (which have hopefully been fixed since then), but I would 100% buy and play it again. The game's adorable, haha.
Edit: Happened to be looking through the other answers and saw that you haven't played Undertale. I would highly recommend that game too.
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I actually played that game once! But like you said i remember it crashing once and then I never ended up finishing it. Maybe I'll try to finish that in addition to playing Undertale too then :p
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Well, if you manage to sit through the crashes, I hope it's a worthwhile experience for you too. I really wish they'd come out with another VN :C But Hustle Cat came out in 2016, so I won't get my hopes up.
If you get around to either game any time soon, feel free to update me on what you thought of it :)
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I only have a handful people on my whitelist and I'm about to make some giveaways so I figured why not do some WL ones!
I'll probably do this a few times with different requirements each (even though I'll keep it fairly simple).
I'm curious about how many are out there. To start off mine's Dragon Age (Dorian and Leliana are just cool regardless). Guess there's plenty of them there so you could probably rip off that answer if you don't know any others :p
Edit: one GA is up and running now and you can join here.
It's a small one and I published it by accident as I was planning on scheduling a bunch for next weekend but I'm too big of a clutz I guess. I'll just put the others up when it's time and avoid more accidental postings lol
Edit 2: Second giveaway is up and running so join here.
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