On my "My Stats" page it says I've been added to 13 whitelists, but through ESGST I've found at least 31 users with whitelist giveaways that I can view.. Am I missing something that explains this discrepancy, or is the "My Stats" page wrong?

Edit: the giveaways ESGST found were whitelist + group giveaways and I was able to enter because I was a member of the group, not on the whitelist. So that "My State" page is correct.

Edit 2: Following PoeticKatana's comment below, I re-synced my Steam Groups, then clicked on "Manage Whitelist/Blacklist Checker caches" in ESGST settings and clicked Update. 21 users moved from the Whitelisted column to the Not Blacklisted column, making the results consistent with the "My Stats" page. Thank you to everyone who commented, and I hope this thread helps someone in future!

1 month ago*

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maybe these are whitelist/groups giveaways?

1 month ago

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That's probably it, thank you. I'll double-check and then update my post. Seems like this is actually an issue with the ESGST whitelist checker then. Do you know how or where I should report that?

1 month ago

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Have you joined any new SG groups recently? If you did but didn't sync ESGST's groups, the WL checker won't know that you're a member of those groups and might report false positives for WL+Group giveaways.

1 month ago

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I thought that the WL checker must not be considering whitelist + group giveaways, but you're saying it is supposed to take groups into account? Looking at the false positives that ESGST detected, they're groups I've been in for a long time. I just installed ESGST recently and I think it syncs everything during the initial setup?

1 month ago

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Yes, it takes WL + group giveaways into account. If it finds that you can access a WL + group giveaway for a group that you're not a member of, it concludes that you're whitelisted by the creator, and vice versa. So it's important that ESGST's knowledge of which groups you belong to is accurate. That's why I speculated that ESGST's groups info may not have been synced correctly.

In case you don't know how to sync the data manually:

  • Go here
  • Make sure that the Groups box is checked
  • Click on Sync

If it finishes without errors and your problem persists, then my hypothesis is wrong.

Edit: You don't even need to re-sync. Just check the date of the last successful group sync on the right side to make sure it's recent.

View attached image.
1 month ago*

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I believe if you are in any groups with bugged group names(the ones that show blank and someone in those groups needs to submit a ticket to valve for) it won't ever sync.

group sync has never worked for me with ESGST... and that is the most reasonable reason I can see.

1 month ago

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I have eight groups like that at the top of my Groups list (I was wondering what was going on with them) but it looks like my sync succeeded - the Sync page shows "Synced Groups 5 minutes ago."

1 month ago

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hmm, maybe I am just way to impatient I am in alot of groups after all.

1 month ago

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Have you added your Steam API key at the bottom of Settings? That seemed to make the whole sync significantly faster for me.

1 month ago

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yea, also let it run for hours straight.

something regarding the qauntity or a specific group(say one with special characters) breaks it for me if not the bugged group name ones.

not an important sync for me so I won't try to hard to get it working.

1 month ago

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Let's see... "Never synced Groups"... d'oh! My bad. I did switch from the dedicated add-on to the userscript version - maybe I didn't let it sync again after that? Thank you very much for the details, I'll do the sync and try the WL checker again.

1 month ago

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Are those 31 users doing whitelist-only GAs? Many people do group GAs and add white-list in there, so then you can see it if you're in the group, not necessarily their white-list.

1 month ago

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That was it, thank you.

1 month ago

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maybe some of those users have since removed you from their wish lists and ESGST is showing you stale data?

1 month ago

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I don't think so, because ESGST gives you a link to a whitelist-only giveaway for each person so you can confirm that you have access, but thank you for your suggestion.

1 month ago

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Don't feel bаd, I'll whitelist you <3

1 month ago

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You're awesome. Have a 💙

I'll try not to let the whitelists and blacklists get to me. :)

1 month ago

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