Your opinion about region restriction
You can buy ROW games at Steam if you are in USA, Japan and other countries I think.
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Then enjoy your 10 cent AAA games and don't complain. In actual 3rd world countries, we have to pay full American prices of approximately 600 American dollars for each AAA game. That is like 20 years of wages for the average goatherd.
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No rude would be: "Wow, sure are a lot of whiny bitches that can't take an obvious joke in this thread."
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You have no ability to read in to humor do you? What part tripped you up, the 10 cent vs 600 dollar games, or the goatherd bit?
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I am not complaining, I just don't like it.
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Only idiots would think that was a serious comment.
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You're right, at least in the first part.
Anyway, don't use a VPN. It's better to have another account with the payments set to another region, this allows your account to be locked to that region. You need a payment source in that region to have it setup like that through Steam, you may be able to do this online. It can be done on a single account, but I find it annoying when switching regional payment methods back and forth on the same account, items on that account will appear and disappear as your region changes. The only way to switch it back is to make a purchase again in the other desired region. It's easier to have 2 accounts and just gift the games between them.
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buying in steam store with VPN is just a very bad idea. it's way safer to buy from traders. but honestly, i doubt you are willing to pay twice or thrice your price for every game. ;)
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1: based on your profile you're from Kazakhstan. Meaning that you're in the RU/CIS region if i'm mistaken, but as far as I know that makes you capable of activating both RU/CIS games and ROW. As long as you buy your own games on Steam, HB, Bundlestars I don't know if you can ever find restricted games.
2: Can be, but will be punished with ban sooner or later.
Also, as a friendly tip: "rudeness shows what a retard you are... " Using the word retard also shows how rude and simple a person is, especially if said person was trying to be morally better than the subject of the sentence. This is just like saying " Don't swear you f**k", you immediately make a not-so-nice picture of yourself.
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Wait a little, I've seen that you're quite new. I hope you know that you can make giveaways for game keys as well, not only "gifts" from Steam, don't you?.( Steamgifts = Gifting games for Steam) If you buy any bundle (Indiegla, Humblebundle, Bundlestars, Groupees mostly) you'll get an activation code for every game, usually following the XXXX-XXXX-XXXX 15 character long form. As Humblebundle, Indiegala and Bundlestars are having their own stores as well, you can buy single games from them, not only bundles - and it will be an activation code as well. If it's not stated otherwise, all keys should be ROW-locked ( = no region lock)
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great info...obviously i didn't even know that...i often bought few games from them and i always thought they will provide region free keys...
already given away some keys and didn't have any problem at all...
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1) Living in USA or certain countries.
2) VPN = Ban. How about you read the TOS?
3) TOS.
A way is that someone enters your account from USA and buy them. Of course it will have 7 days locked, but not sure if affects the store.
Now without the store of steam (I read your edit) you'll have to trade it with paypal if you don't want to share password.
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They are probably referring to the steam guard lock. Anyway, I'm pretty sure sharing account login information is against the TOS as well.
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valve should allow region restricted customers a choice whether to buy cheaper region locked games or/and row gift with the original prices (in usd generally)
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Deponia prices by region just for example...
deponia just cost 51cents (in usd) in my country right SG it shows 99 cents for usa region...
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Prices in kazakhstan are stupid. We get same prices as US and Canada but we have restrictions. Example - i bought payday2 base game for 5.99 with 75% sale
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Region restriction is a countermeasure Valve uses to prevent Russians (and users from other countries in the same tier) from buying massive amounts of games on their platform for cheap and reselling them, which means many people will tend to buy games from Russian traders and not from the store - loss of profit and exploitation of cheap prices for products meant to be used and not sold/traded.
Still, I'm against said restriction because it restricts the trading of game gifts on Steam way too much, it's an overkill of gift trading.
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That's why everyone regardless of region should pay the same price. There are thousands of free games for poor people to play these days.
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so you basically want to make it impossible for people in poor countries to play expensive AAA games? and they shouldn't complain, because there is enough cheap/free garbage they can play?
i say, let prices be low in poor countries. and drop all region restrictions. there are only very few people who take advantage of it. just compare the amount of users registered here to the amount of steam accounts. most people don't bother, or don't even know about the possibilities of trading. i have several friends who just buy the games in german steam store for 60€, because they don't know about the trading market, and don't want to use shady resellers like G2A. i think they actually represent the majority of steam users.
i even think, valve doesn't make much more money by applying region restrictions to cheap gifts. i mean, what does the typical trader do? he looks for alternatives. alternatives to my expensive german steam store are cheap key sellers like nuuvem, or even GMG. valve gets no money at all for the games i buy there. for a cheap russian gift, they would at least get half of what they would get if i bought it in my store. and if i can't find cheap alternatives, it's not like i suddenly invest double the money into games. i just don't.
so i really think all those measures valve applied in the last months don't increase valve's income by that much (maybe not at all). maybe they just did it, because the big publishers demanded it.
of course it's hard to talk about this topic without any actual facts. so this is just my personal estimation...
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they wouldn't lose profit. many people invest a certain amount of money in games. if the games are cheaper, they just buy more games. also, if games are very cheap, people tend to buy games they wouldn't have bought otherwise.
i quit pirating games because of trading. because this was the only way to afford the amount of games i wanted to have/play. so in my case (and i am not the only one), cheap russian copies actually increased valve's income generated by me, from zero to maybe 100€ per month.
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Why do you even wanna VPN if you are in CIS?
If you are not.
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Ive lived in Kazakhstan for many years, bought a lot of games. When i travel abroad i cant play them. What a waste of money
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what im intrested in is what is the process of setting up regions, like what make Japan non restricted and Singapore is. i dont know if thats true just an example.
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thats how they tell my region. but what make them decide that a certain country should have different price and set as a new region.
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I'm afraid you can't avoid it. Learn to live with it, region lock destroyed my income and trading. I had a nice thing going for me before region locks destroyed it :(
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no method to avoid, because steam operatively fixed all the bugs (speccially about transactions). I fully agree this is bullsh*t, I am from Ukraine (RU/CIS), but last year, during trading cheap steam gifts to foreigners I got many internet-steam friends with whom I speak not only about steam, but life plans for future too. So I can call this people 'friends not only in friend list'. So why should I avoid from gifting them steam games???
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I don't understand Valve.
"You are willing to pay us more so that you could gift games to your oversea friends? No, you are not allowed. You only have 2 choices, buy cheap game and give us less money or go buy from somewhere else like Amazon."
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Hello everybody!
Personally, I don't like getting region restricted games (gifts). It's just stupid. I understand that it (region restriction) exists for a certain reason. But, honestly, I hate it anyway :D
So questions are:
And there is a little poll for you.
EDIT: trading is not considered, only purchasing from steam store
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