
WTF... I don't even... WHY... For People that don't know what that is. It's a modification that allowed people to play Dark Souls on higher resolutions than 720p among other things.

People actually bought the game because Durante fixed this shitty port and this is how they thank him ?!

Update: posted by Chariot on NeoGAF (it must have been an automated process after all to take down the leaked debug .exe):

"Good news: everything's ok guys!
I just called Volker Rieck from FDS File Defense Service. They were indeed hired by Bandai Namco, but not the germany division, but the US one, to take down all the debug mode patches.

Durante's DSfix was not part of the plan!
Mr. Rieck is currently writing emails to Namco and dropbox to clear everything. Durante is allowed to reupload the patch, there is nothing wrong with it.

Mr. Rieck was nice and took the time to explain the situation to me. I am currently on the phone, so I might add a bit more information when I come home in a few hours.

edit: also shame on the guy who send him a mail full of threats. He was a bit disturbed by that."

10 years ago*

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10 years ago

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Well, I was gonna buy Dark Souls...

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

10 years ago

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fixed it, my rage against ubi ports was still in full force :P

10 years ago

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Hahaha "So good at fixing broke-ass PC ports that his work has actually been declared illegal."

10 years ago

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I was thinking about buying it, but well ... You can go f* yourself Namco.

10 years ago

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wow such a mature point of view....

10 years ago

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lool??? I am sure it is some misunderstanding, or some automated proceeding (like their lawyer went berserk or something). It just doesn't make any sense at all. Prepare for the shitstorm (Totalbiscuit, PCGamer, Kotaku and the other "gaming journalists" will jump on this juicy controversy).

10 years ago

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Lawyer going nuts seems very plausible. Well, more plausible than developer team throwing a hissy fit because someone makes their game run better in a non-intrusive way.

10 years ago

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Yeah, because if they don't know what a copyright infringement is, then wtf?

10 years ago

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Since when has that stopped companies from abusing DMCA procedures? Especially Namco.

10 years ago

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What a retarded move...

10 years ago

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Yeah fucking bastards lets upload the fix all over google over and over again to disturb their asses

10 years ago

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Japan is very very old fashion.

10 years ago

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The DMCA complaint was submitted by Namco-Bandai's Germany subsidiary.

10 years ago

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Finished the vanilla game the other day. But I used a PS3 Controller.
I think this mod has a mouse fix so plenty of users must be affected. As if their reputation isn't bad enough after the SoTFS fiasco.

Edit: Reputation saved I guess.

10 years ago

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Someone should make a petition to rename this sad and broken PC port to "Durantes Soul" since he is the one who fixed their mess. I am one of probably many people who bought the game only because i knew about Durantes work.

10 years ago

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That's just plain stupid. DSFix is a must-have to play their mess on PC properly... :facepalm:

10 years ago

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they're going to re release both Dark souls aren't they?

10 years ago

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All the content will be free to existing users except for the resolution and mouse fix which will be a paid upgrade.
A separate Multiplayer Server DLC is in the works.

10 years ago

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:D paying for resolution and mouse fix that should be in the game since launch? sounds legit

10 years ago

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I seriously hope this happened because of some single person doing a mistake.

10 years ago

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I think it's funny that the linked thread consists almost entirely of people shitting on Namco Bandai and only a handful of people actually considering that it could have been a false DMCA complaint made to stir up drama, or that this was the result of an automated process hunting down that Debug whatever. It's all "Namco is full of idiots," or "This is stupid," in conjunction with the name-calling and internet equivalent of temper tantrums.

Even Durante seemed somewhat disappointed with the behavior, judging by the page 8 post.

One of the posters in the thread definitely had the right idea... just about the wrong people.
"Lmfao. How mindblowingly stupid can you actually be?"
Apparently stupid enough to go full-retard before a public statement can be issued in response to all of this.

10 years ago

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+1 it's just a matter of taking a step back and considering the possibilities

10 years ago

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Let's say 'automated process',

more than a reason to throw shit at Namco Bandai. They can't fix DS1, now stupid 'automated process'.

10 years ago

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Aaaand, consensus straight from the responsible entity's mouth says "Debug build". After all, it was a hired third party that actually issued the DMCA on Namco's behalf, so why should Namco be shat upon for this? You think the game is broken now? They've been trying to keep that build out of everybody else's hands so that online mode isn't even more full of cheaters. If anything, you should be thankful that they care about a game that's more than two years old to work to prevent that sort of thing in the first place.

How do you like your crow?

10 years ago

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Caring about online cheaters? I'd rather them fix the freaking bugs in-game. If they have time to hunt down the witches, then fix the game instead.

Even VAC won't stop cheaters. It's a futile effort.

So no, I'm not thankful. Implement all those fixes from Dsfix into DS and I might be.

10 years ago

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Yep, because it couldn't possibly be that the whole point of the "witch hunt" was so that they could keep that build offline as much as possible until it is rendered moot by a patch. I'd rather a company that cares enough to try rather than say "Welp, it's out there now. They're SOL. Thanks for all the money, people."

Futile effort or not, people are going to find something to whine about. If the company sits back and does nothing, people would be all "Nuuu, wai does Namco does nothing boot cheetahs! Dis gaem is the ruined," but if they try to keep said build out of circulation, they're all "Namco is a DMCA mongering bunch of idiots! Go fix the game rather than have us whine about an honest mistake." I'd honestly prefer the latter, because there is at least a reaction on the company's part.

10 years ago

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And they indeed have genuine concern for Dark Souls cheaters. Like they did by removing VAC and can't be arsed to re-implement it.


Given Bandai Namco's track records (and the upcoming Dark Souls 2 remastered), it's all bullshit.

While it's a reaction, at least, they're doing all the wrong things. Might as well do nothing, so as not to damage anything.

Hello Square Enix, you have friends named Bandai Namco.

10 years ago

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I don't think it's funny. I think it's very sad.

10 years ago

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Exactly; there is no humor in any of it. That is the irony of it all. That irony is the only thing that gives it the slightest bit of value.

10 years ago

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Before you stick pitchworks deeper: Seems like they are hunting an actual leaked build ("Dark Souls Debug Build"), so DSFix could be just accidental victim.

10 years ago

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i downloaded it even if i dont have dark soul, just by principle :P

10 years ago

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I don't even... I hope this is just a misunderstanding or something.

10 years ago

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Even if it is, it's still inexcusable. DMCA has got to be one of the most thoroughly idiotic laws ever created by humanity.

10 years ago

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I know, fuck everyone who actually makes content! I want all the entertainment I consume for free!

10 years ago

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this is stupid...or u want tell the tale 1 copy pirated=1 copy not sold? it's not!

10 years ago

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I assume you wouldn't like it if your employers decided not to pay you because they could have not hired you, correct.

10 years ago

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I'm tired of their shit. First they release a bad port (luckily is not the worst), then a kind person decides to create a patch to make it work like it should and now they want to take it down? Jesus, without the patch Blight Town is impossible to play.

10 years ago

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Appears it has been a misunderstanding:

Originally Posted by Chariot

Good news: everything's ok guys!
I just called Volker Rieck from FDS File Defense Service. They were indeed hired by Bandai Namco, but not the germany division, but the US one, to take down all the debug mode patches.

Dutante's DSfix was not part of the plan!
Mr. Rieck is currently writing emails to Namco and dropbox to clear everything. Durante is allowed to reupload the patch, there is nothing wrong with it.

Mr. Rieck was nice and took the time to explain the situation to me. I am currently on the phone, so I might add a bit more information when I come home in a few hours.

edit: also shame on the guy who send him a mail full of threats. He was a bit disturbed by that.
10 years ago

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Whether or not this is a misunderstanding, Bandai Namcunt has made it onto the list for their DMCA shit once again. Pirating DS2 right now.

10 years ago

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Oh you definitely justified pirating now, RIGHT RIGHT?

10 years ago

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I didn't say I was gonna play it.

10 years ago

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generally whenever someone states that he is pirating something it generally means yes, he will exploit it

10 years ago

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I think I've given the reasons and I think generally the threat of actually pirating it in order to make clear there are consequences for corporate buttholes is justified. I'm still not going to be able to "enjoy" (I don't believe it would have been enjoyable, shit company, shit games) their product, but at least I'm not just saying "oh whatever I like to burn my money anyway". So it could have been just as probable I would do this out of protest rather than just being a cheapskate.

10 years ago

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  • Hires company to target dev build of game circulating on the net to prevent online from becoming festering hole of cheating.
  • Unrelated third party gets snagged by said company through misunderstanding.
  • "Namco sure is full of bad people! I'm going to pirate their stuff in retaliation for trying to keep the game playable."

Such beautiful logic, mate.

10 years ago

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trying to keep the game playable

The only person ever doing that was Durante.

10 years ago

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The game runs fine for me without his fix, so is it necessary for EVERYBODY? No. Is it nice to have? Certainly.

But think about this... If they had just sat back and let all of this debug/dev build stuff happen, you would just get invaded time and time again by cheaters. You'd never be able to accomplish anything in your game online. Sure, cheating is already a thing, but it would only become more widespread, because people would realize "Namco dun care." They were damned either way once the mistake that leaked that build had occurred. They went with the option that benefited the community better, and this is how they get thanked.

10 years ago

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DS2 works good without fix so you know ....

10 years ago

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Well if you already come in with an overwhelmingly negative bias, it's easy to see why you would share Aboow's opinion. Of course, it's bordering on conspiracy theory: Namco files DMCA complaint, gets patch removed. They see the backlash and decide to rescind the complaint and covers everything up by making third party say it's a mistake.

10 years ago

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People like you are why PC as a platform isn't taken seriously. Enjoy console-centric gaming, you've reaped and sown it.

10 years ago

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Indeed. For all the superiority PC Gamers claim over their hardware-locked brethren, it seems like PC gaming has the biggest concentration of whiny, entitled brats of all. With all the behavior shown in that thread, I do not even feel out of line using the term manchildren in place of brat.

10 years ago

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Actually the concentration of kids on PC is far lesser than on the consoles but - a) young kid with high-end PC is spoiled brat that's because he has high-end PC so his parents don't need to pay attention to him - b) kids with keyboards are much "louder" than kids with gamepads.

10 years ago

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I never said kids, though. I said brats. Adults can be just as bratty as children. ;)

10 years ago

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I outright dismissed PC gaming before I got to try it based on how I saw PC gamers act. The overall attitude is just so fucking horrible that it seems like satire of gamers, but the sad part is that it's not.

10 years ago

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I am sure consoles never had issues of piracy and literal entitled children.

10 years ago

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Oh they have. They just usually stick to their own closed circle voice chat as they call each other racial expletives, threaten each other's lives, and claim to have had relations with your mother for the nth time.

10 years ago

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Sure, there were old Famiclones and burnt Dreamcast discs. I've just never seen console gamers tell devs that they're going to steal their games as some sort of punishment.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Widespread console piracy is over, but I never said it's impossible to steal games on a modern console. I just said that console pirates don't try to justify their thievery.

10 years ago

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Because you hang out in places where console pirates meet. Your horizon is incredible, do you need glasses to see your own nose?

10 years ago

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Yep, those tiny little console pirate forums sure are equal to the amount of people who pirate on PC. Thievery isn't ingrained in console culture like it is on PC.

10 years ago

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BS. Did I make them make a shitty port? Did I make them use GFWL, then remove it to screw the entire game again by releasing it in a beta state? Did I issue a takedown of the only fix that makes their shitty product usable? No, I didn't. Now suck it.

10 years ago

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Yep, if art isn't up to your satisfaction you can just take it. Enjoy your stolen games thief.

10 years ago

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It's a technological product, your poor attempt at the "it's art so you don't get to judge quality" isn't going anywhere because this isn't about quality and no one is arguing about the design or concept of the game.

But well, who do I even try to argue with. "Stolen", haha.

10 years ago

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Oh sorry, I didn't know that it's ok to steal poor quality things.

I'm not sure what else to call it when you take things that aren't yours that cost money, so stolen seems likely.

10 years ago

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Keep trying to spin it whatever way you like, you can't follow up on any of your own trashy arguments because they're entirely void. Just as stealing includes depraving someone else of being able to own a single entity of a product by taking it away, which clearly isn't part of deciding not to buy something rather than download and delete it for the sake of telling a really bad developer&publisher to go fk themselves because once again, pirates are the superior part of players as they get to play their product flawlessly while regular customers are being banged until they can smell it. Guess who made it so? You. You and your attitude of "the company is right".

10 years ago

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I support the people who make things that I like. If I want something I pay for it, If I don't I won't steal it and then try and justify why I'm a thief. You just want to argue semantics because you can't steal software morally.

"pirates are the superior part of players as they get to play their product flawlessly while regular customers are being banged until they can smell it." If we all stole our games you'd have none to play.

10 years ago

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You either can't read or your bigotry has you at your balls so I won't bother any more, keep preaching.

10 years ago

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My parents actually raised me properly and taught me morals, but you can keep stealing your games like any other common criminal.

10 years ago

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pirating a game you never would have bought...that will teach them!

10 years ago

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Oh, would I not? Strangely I have DS on PS3 and PC. Both platforms it's hardly playable because From just can't code. And there I even considered getting the second installment of pure crap.

10 years ago

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There should be severe consequences for sending someone "a mail full of threats". This shit needs to stop.

10 years ago

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I have nothing against Germans really (apart from starting 2 ww) but this censorship crap they have in place needs to end already. It's in all media.

10 years ago

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Congratulations for complaining about something that had absolutely nothing to do with the situation at hand, matey. ;)

This was about a case of mistaken file identity in a case where a company was attempting to prevent the spread of a dev/debug build to prevent mass cheating, not censorship.

10 years ago

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First of all, it wasn't a German who started WW2. Hitler was born and raised in Austria.

Secondly, there is no censorship in Germany. The things you call "censorship" are extremely strict selling restrictions that basically only affect minors. Even if a game gets indexed or confiscated in Germany, you are allowed to own and consume every media you want (unless it contains child porn), if you are at least 18 years old. And if the gaming industry, or lets say companies like Valve, Sony or Microsoft, can't figure out ways to make sure that minors won't be able to access 18+ games on their platform (Steam, XBox Live, PS Network), with an age verification process for example, people like you will always think that there is censorship in Germany.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Kiru.