It's about security for people and espacially new members...
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ST is extremely unfriendly and unsafe to new members, no modding could change that.
However, they should get a pop up warning or something like that when joining, telling them all kinds of useful things regarding scams and trading; like not to trade with other 0/0 as a start ... (idk, maybe theres already some warning? theres should be, right? o.o )
When two 0/0 rep peeps trade, theres a good chance something will go wrong one way or another.
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Steamtrades is an absolute mess. Having to make a post listing every game you have and every game you want, then bumping or updating that post to gain visibility is a joke.
Other places like show how a proper trading site should be structured. You list your available games, it can grab your wanted games straight from Steam, the matching engine then find matches for you and allows you to make offers.
Far superior to the cluster fuck that is Steamtrades.
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The neat thing is the developer of is active in his steam group for the site and is very receptive to design ideas and usage problems. If there's something you don't like, let him know. :)
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I did 668 succesful trades on steamtrades until I quit about a year ago.
Been scammed once. Got accused of scamming twice because people where pretending to be me.
That's not even worth mentioning really. What has changed?
Or is this about something else?
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Nono, it's about some of the things you mentioned yourself... that's what i ment with wild west... you can do what you want...
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To be fair, no amount of moderation would change anything about these issues. The rep system is the only thing that can help in such a situation. One thing that would help your suggestion is pointing out what you kind of issues you think a ST moderator should be able to handle.
The one thing I've seen that poses a problem is the brigading to upvote/downvote rep. A friend had a disagreement with someone who left them a negative rep, which he replied to to in the hope to get it removed. (In my opinion it should have been as it wasn't even trade related.) The other person asked a large group of gamers on Discord to help him make it stick and the upvotes poured in to keep the -rep. I've seen the same thing happen to get a -rep removed over something I felt was legitimate. A mod might be able to help in the first case and delete the fake -rep anyway, but would be useless in the second case unless they could undelete a rep. It would probably be more helpful for cg to add some code that detects a sudden high number of votes over the same rep.
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peolpe that spam fake reviews are a good example why the site needs mods... review voting is manipulated through steam groups... these people have to be banned from the site...
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3 threads per user is fix in the site system... only one user i know has 4 because he has an anti scam guidline in it...
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I agree it's a shame that there is no moderation. The user voting system is nice, but far from perfect. Still, closing the site would be silly, as I am sure the vast majority of trades is successful and scam-free. It may be like the wild west, sure. But even in the wild west most people were just doing their thing without harming anyone. ;)
If you really want to be safe on ST, then just stick to high-rep traders. The rep system is still valid. There may be the occasional black sheep, sure. But in general, if you trade only with +200 people and above, you're pretty safe. And I also had a lot of good experiences with low rep traders. Not everyone is a scammer. Most people just want a nice, fair trade. In all the years on ST I got scammed twice. And after I established a few simple rules for myself, it never happened again.
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steamgifts already has a too low stuff number, i dont think that will change if people wont stand up and say something... :(
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I am not aware of any plans regarding ST. That doesn't necessarily mean there are none.
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Why is that a problem? Just don't use it, if it's that bad.
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It really is about time to remove the link to steamtrades.
But if you do get scammed, feel free to post it on SG,a certain someone has to take responsibility for it.
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Are you suggesting that people break Steamgifts' no calling out rule, and get themselves suspended, if they get scammed on a trade that was initiated on SteamTrades?
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My bad, That certain someone isnt the scammer.
true, that used to happen in the past. I wanted to say, do come here and express your negative opinion about it, since the site was made by CG and he decided to leave the link on steamgifts, despite ST being completly unmoderated.
And yes, i do need to read out loud after i write
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You can just go and use a site with secure way of trading. Oh wait... There is none. Trading was always about trusting the person you trade with. It's never safe. Just like real life.
Yes, I get it, the problems it has are frustrating and such. But I think even without your feedback, cg is still working on everything to make sites better. There is hope.
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a completely unmoderated trading site shouldnt exist imo...
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if you believe or not i would but i have no interest in doin this work again because its very unhealthy for me... i put too much energy in this kind of job... i worked for some big gaming sites/publisher, SteamCompanion (12hrs+++ a day), small gaming forum for xbox community... most unpaid except publisher work, got some free games (some before release)...
since i dont have any experience in moderating trading sites i wouldnt join this alone... being mod isnt that thankful and "cool" like many people think...
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Yes atm it can be hard... best way is to trade with high trusted users only (500+ about a few years)... you can go first without getting scamed...
Some tried to get some +rep with idling games wich i dont suggest because these are the people i dont trust and i wont go first even if they have more rep than me...
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most people won't accept games from users without any rep.. i certainly know I'm very very unlikely to accept a game in return for a game if the user isn't rocking some pretty heavy rep.. Best bet is to find a currency that isn't other games that you're willing to accept until you get yourself known as a decent trader.. High rep traders are like going to a local store, you're pretty safe trading with them.. When you get in the sub 100's, it's like going to a bodega and buying some of the homemade food.. you might get a good deal, or you could get food poisoning.. As I suggested though, if you want to get your foot in the door.. look for some currency you're comfortable taking that people are less likely to scam you with.. like Trading cards.. or Ref's.. Never try to trade any AAA games until you're well established as a trade.. otherwsise you'll shift through a ton of trade offers with nothing of substance and more than likely find someone to trade with who will probably at the least try to do some under handed crap..
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nobody forces anyone to trade, if you don't want to be active in trading on steamtrades, then have at it.. Those of us that find value in it will continue to do so.. Common sense rules you'd use when trading with others should be the same rules you use when trading with people online..
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Well, it wasn't like this in the past. A shame if it is now. But I can kind of understand it, even if I don't agree. Having low rep means you can not (yet) be trusted. So people are careful with those. I myself constantly advise newcomers to only trade with high rep traders, so they are safe. Of course that doesn't mean the high rep traders should only trade with their kind. They have the high ground. They can demand the other guy to go first. They are as secure as they can get. If anyone should trade with low rep traders, it's them. I had lots and lots of trades with low rep guys, and I almost never had a problem. So if people nowadays really avoid low rep people at all costs, that's really a shame, and quite unjustified.
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Your first impression might even be right, who knows. I am not trading that much anymore, and I really can't judge how the newcomer experience is today. All I can say is it shouldn't be that way. ;)
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tried few times and probably will never come back.
Place, where ppl farm +rep with their bots, place where u can open +10 trades and bump them every 5 mins, place where among users with +300 reps u can find ppl with permanently suspension on steamgifts, or just well-known on steam forums thiefs and scammers.
Now I prefer to sell my leftovers on g2a (sounds shady, but its not) or just gift extra-keys to my friend.
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So, you just need to do the first tier of the community badge. Or buy $5 wallet and send it to your main account. I can't remember but I think to level up now you need the $5. All old accounts got automatically "verified" and let you level up from the start.
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Why? The site moderates itself. Just use some common sense when you're trading, and you should have a pretty decent experience.
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i doesnt moderate itself... thats nonsense...
it has a user based review system and that's it... this has nothing to do with moderation...
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i doesnt moderate itself... thats nonsense...
Maybe your not paying attention? I often see users warning others on potentially dangerous trades, as well as calling out scammers. That combined with a rep system that will ruin a scammer's hustle after the first 2 or 3 -reps, I would say the community has all the tools they need to take care of themselves.
And what do you think a mod patrolling the thousands of open trades could do that we can't? Sure, they could ban someone for good, but someone with enough -reps is essentially an outcast already.
Addressing you OP edit:
Bad behavior? Dude, it's the internet. People are jerks. The good thing is that on SteamGifts, jerks tend to loose quite a bit of potential business, making them reevaluate how they treat people.
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mmmm 50/50
To be a great site it needs to be well managed by trained people.. But it does not need to be closed, this big page is like a resume in a job interview, it's just a cover letter, it's very helpful to avoid scammers and have confidence votes before commercializing.. besides an account with much Reps has a positive added value in the steam account: D
PS: Only my point of view.
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I prefer indiegameswap and, and I know at least a few people use
So just be aware there are other options. :)
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I registered 3 weeks ago on Steamtrade, my rep is 21 right now, and i realize there is which i like it. You just have to be meticulous about the person you want to trade to. Set your own rules.
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I use it every once in a while and never had any issues, after more than 30 successful trades, just be careful with who you're trading with, pay attention to reputation and be especially wary of new comers, let them go first before sending your keys/items.
Barter is safer and more reliable, but a lot of cheapskates and time wasters there, you know, the people with a + 90 % rejection rate or worse. Good and fair traders are hard to come by, a sound strategy is to build a trading network over time, comprised of people you come trust and you've successfully traded with in the past.
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I still dont get how someone can run a big trading site wich in COMPLETELY unmoderated...
It's like fucking wild west...
What you are doing is unresponsible... and i hope i dont have to explain why... take some time and check it by yourself...
EDIT: seems some people are confused about what i ment with my short rant.. sorry for that...
it's not about SCAMMER, this is like some people say and i think myself well handled with review system... it's about the bad behaviour like swearing, the manipulation or abuse of the review and votingsystem and other things you may have in normal community forums... thanks for reading... :)
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