Hey guys,
we created a website where you can compare your games with your friends to decide what you want to play


Today we are going live and to celebrate this, we have created a group giveaway.

Feel free to join, and we hope that some of you like our page.



11 years ago*

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seems cool

11 years ago

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Create links like that: "[something] (link)" without space between

11 years ago

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thanks! didn't know that :)

11 years ago

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Nice idea! and thanks for the ga!

11 years ago

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Interesting. That logo, needs work.

11 years ago

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Yeah our original logo was better, but we changed the design and need something quickly :)
The old one was: Logo
I loved it :D

11 years ago

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Hit the Reply button under the comment you wish to reply to, so we can follow the conversation, haha. You're in the 2-year club! :-P

11 years ago

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Whoops /o\ won't happen again!

11 years ago

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Da fehlt ein "http://" vorm Imon Themes-Link.
Habe zwei Gegner ausgewählt und den Filter auf MP gestellt, warum werden Spiele angezeigt die sie besitzen aber ich nicht?

11 years ago

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danke! ist in 5 Minuten angepasst :)

zum Edit:

Es ist so gedacht, dass wir erstmal oben alle Spiele anzeigen, die ihr alle besitzt. Dannach werden spiele angezeigt, die alle bis auf eine Person haben. (Da nochmal sortiert dannach, ob aktuell im Sale).

Der Gedanke dahinter ist, dass wenn man mit ner größeren Gruppe was spielen will, der eine vielleicht bereit ist, dass Spiel auch zu kaufen.

Bei mehr als 5 Leuten werden auch die Spiele angezeigt, die bis zu 2 Leute nicht haben.

11 years ago

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  1. Thanks for the giveaway!
  2. I like the idea for the site.
  3. WHY aren't you using Log In With Steam? (There's an api for these situations)
  4. It's a little buggy. I get inconsistent results if I toggle options. I added another friend and the list of games we "all" had INCREASED! I'm logged in as "" (until I change to FAQs and back).
  5. It's a little slow. There's no obvious indicators when it's still working (eg, updating the game list after toggling options).
  6. The look... No clear delineation between games we all have and games people are missing. And that logo...
  7. I like the idea though. Keep up the hard work!
11 years ago

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thanks for your response :)
3) we had it first implemented, but the most people in beta test, wanted a fast way to login, so we decided to use the login via profile link. If there are more people demanding the login through steam button we will put it in again!

4) The case is, that we also show games which just one of you guys don't have. So if you play with 3 people maybe one will decide to buy the game the other two got. If you just compare with another friend, this will cause you to see games of both of you. We will see if we can make this behaviour a little bit more obvious to avoid confusions.

5) Yeah the first time it is very slow because of the slow steam api. If you compare a second time it will be faster because we are caching the relevant data.

6) Yeah, there is realy some need for improvements, and they will definitely come. :)

7) We will do. Thanks for your hints :)

11 years ago

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I'm really not fond of the logo of the site, but I really like the idea!

11 years ago

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if more people complain about the logo, I think we need another giveaway where you have to post ideas for a beter logo to join ;)

11 years ago

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New Updat with old logo: You can now save and load group of friends!

Surely there is also a new giveaway

Check out the new feature and good luck with the giveaway

11 years ago

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he he nice! thx!

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by xargi.