Just wanted to give a heads up to anyone looking at the new Humble Audiobook Bundle - Lord of the Rings

These audiobooks are NOT audio books of the actual books but instead are American dramatizations done by NPR, as you can see by following the links on the page to the products' entries on highbridgeaudio and Amazon

Here is the original American full dramatization, as broadcast on National Public Radio.

This is probably pretty apparent to most people who have read the books before or just read a lot in general, I'd call anyone a liar if they said they could read an entire Lord of the Rings book in 210 minutes, much less narrate it.

So anyways, I just wanted to give potential buyers a heads-up that you aren't getting a full audio recording of books' narration. Dramatizations can be considered audiobooks, but it's not personally what I think of when I see the term "audio book" used so to me it's a bit misleading based on my connotations of the word (but not false).

Humble does say in the bundles overall description that they are dramatizations but I realize not everyone reads that ;)

8 years ago*

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Thank you for the heads up. Dramatizations definitely aren't what I expected these to be from the page alone... :-/

8 years ago

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I read the entire set of Lord of the Rings books in a weekend - and that was with a huge gap in between (my brother was reading the books that I, erm, pilfered). No way I could read them aloud in such a short time

8 years ago

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NPR radio dramas are great. They are like "watching a movie" while you are walking around, commuting, or whatever you may be doing where you can't actually focus your eyes on a film on your phone.

8 years ago

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The bigger issue is that the BBC audio dramatizations are supposed to be much better.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Monukai.