Nice job CG, hope this time things work better. I like the new changes.
Now I need to choose between my friends and a few additional chances to win games, sadly they loose :P
If you are curious about how much your account is valued right now, you can check sites like steamcalculator to have a laugh.
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I just hope this community won't regret the "oh let's give 100 codes to some community" who then translates in a bunch of kids raiding this website. :P
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That already happened as a result of people spamming invitations on the SteamGameSales and Reddit for total strangers to pick.
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I know, I've been here since the start and followed the events. I meant I hope it won't happen again. In my opinion, it left a bit of a scar that changed this community.
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Yea, hopefully this time people would stop inviting total strangers.
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Awesome, but I'd say invites need to cost more. 50 doesn't seem to be enough.
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Of course, it's easy to say that requirements should be increased, especially since all of us here are already part of the community...
But anyway, great work, CG! And I hope to see mods like Cult and the others get more power over naughty individuals.
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I am about to give invites to a bunch of scammers, exploiters and cheats, but I wanted to check if those can be tracked back to me first. I wouldn't want to be banned because of those people you know. [/sarcasm]
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You are not responsible for who you invite, but obviously you don't want to hurt the community so don't go looking to invite people who you know are bad. However, don't go out of your way Not to invite people out of worries that you could get in trouble or that they might do bad things, because that results in no growth for the site.
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So whats the feedback score? (I just woke up, so maybe I'm just a little slow right now >.<)
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The exact details of that setup are going to be listed at a later time, for now, just check on Create Giveaway and it will list how many more giveaways you can post.
From what CG told me, as long as your score is above 75% you will keep gaining new giveaways you can post. It also seems that you will have 1/3rd the number of giveaways you have posted before + 5 total giveaways you can post at any given time as long as your feedback is above that. This all presumes I understood him right :P
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I think it's a good idea that registration just opened up. It was kind of in need of it since the site's activity was really decreasing.
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Yes. But it seems like Russians can start trading invites again. They don't care about rules. They don't even read'em. I know because i'm a Russian, lol. It'll be one huge Russian zerg rush. Again. Guarantee it.
p.s. 50 bucks? Not serious.
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The minimum is not an "Are you addicted to Steam" check. It's a "Does this person own at least a few games to show that they are a Real person" check. $50 is about 2 or 3 normal priced games or one brand new game. That's a pretty good basis for whether or not the account is real. Especially given that bundles no longer count as the full price of the games included in them, but instead as the price of the bundle.
I know tons of people that only want to buy a few games a year on Steam, and if you had your way and had a Vastly higher minimum, then they would have to wait several years before they could even start using Steamgifts. Not everyone has $100s a month to plunk down on Steam.
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Lol, i have 3 Steam accounts. The cheapiest of them is 20 bucks, the most expensive is 500 bucks. However, i'm not so sly to make 2 accounts for Steamgifts. But i'm able to do so to cheat. You know what it means. Some others with multiple accounts also can do. I know one man who has 2 accounts on Steamgifts, lol. So 50 bucks is not serious. 100 would be better.
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So happy that there will be new life in this website. Not that it was dead before at all. Now it will be a bigger community. Hopefully that means that it will be better too!
Comment has been collapsed. ban this spammer :|
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thanks for the warning, I got out of the giveaway just in time (those points would have gone to waste)
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38 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Kingsajz
Registration is back up for now, along with the invite system. We still need to work out some additional features, but they'll be developed as the site grows.
There are a couple of small changes. Accounts require a minimum of $50 to register. Account value incorporates bundles, so if a user purchased the Humble Bundle, or the Orange Box, their value isn't overly inflated. As well, there's a limit to the number of giveaways a user can create, based on their feedback score. This is setup to lock out users with poor feedback, and to prevent new users from creating a large number of giveaways while having no feedback.
It'll be nice to see a few new users around here. Don't forget to check the FAQ, and if you have any questions, leave a comment below.
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