Is worth ?
"*Only customers who recieved this email directly are eligible. Purchase a three month Humble Monthly subscription to get Kingdom Come: Deliverance for free. Offer ends October 22 at 11:59pm PT. Current multi-month subscribers are not eligible. "
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Yeah, I too. And few hours later another one:
"Oops, sorry about the Kingdom Come: Deliverance email mistake this morning"
"Earlier this morning we accidentally emailed you about a promotion with the subject line 'Get Kingdom Come: Deliverance FREE when you subscribe to Humble Monthly'.
Unfortunately you are not currently eligible for this promotion. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by this mistake."
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WOW, screw Humble, that's a big slap in the face for customers who have an active subscription!
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Indeed it is. I never thought I would be missing out on games BECAUSE I'm a subscriber. And because of the "free" game for new subscribers, they either can't put it in a monthly ever or, if they do, slap the lured in new subscribers in the face as well. The only way this would be acceptable in my book is with a lure that has already been in a previous monthly.
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That was my thinking too, if they put it in November's bundle they would slap the new subscribers big time!
But.....would be kind of fair to current subscribers to get the game as well.
Got the feeling this was NOT thought out well by Humble!
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Maybe they will surprise us and it will be a bonus reveal game for current subscribers ;)
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I don't remember anything about how it started because I wasn't there, I started with the January 2018 bundle. Besides, if it started with "first time subscribers only", everyone would have been one. It would only have been a problem if it continued like that and I wouldn't have been okay with it back then either.
Also, it's not about envy, it's about fair treatment. People generally don't like being treated as 2nd class.
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Yes indeed. It's bad enough it's a great looking game that hasn't been in a bundle yet, but it's also a game that rarely goes on sale and when it does, it's still usually no less than $40 bucks. -_-
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Only if they accidentally got the promotional mail as well. Otherwise, still excluded as said in the link you provided.
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Yeah, but I did not get the email, so no deal for me!
I got the $15 dollar email offer followed by another email that it was all a mistake and as an active subscriber I could not use it!
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This is how customers of service providers for TV/phone/internet feel at times. They offer special promotional discounts to new signups all the time while slapping active subscribers in the face (some of whom may be very long time ones). Then of course they fuck you in the ass after the introductory period ends. It's certainly not anything new in the world of business. Like someone else said you may be better off generally not staying a subscriber for long. Exercising your power of choice (or abstinence) could be a way to get what you want or feel that you deserve as a consumer. But you have to have the nerve to hold out when necessary and not cave in.
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I know you are absolutely right ofcourse!
But from a customer point of view and being an active subscriber it still is a slap in the face!
Guess I will go back to a monthly basis onece my subscription ends and just take a bundle when I can afford it AND when it has great early unlocks. who knows what nice deals I get thrown at me then! xD
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LMAO. This is exactly what I thought of when I read this thread.
Every six months my cable company (Comcast) raises my bill by about $17, and every six months I call and threaten to cancel my service and go to DISH, and they give me the introductory rate again and credit my bill the difference.
And every time I ask them "Why don't you save us both some time and just keep giving me the introductory rate?"
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ROFL, but so true!
Have the same experience with my internet provider, they compensated me several times and substantial!
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I always tell them I'll discontinue my service or go to DISH, but if you don't have that option it might not work ...
Another option I've used is saying "Well, I'd like to cancel my service, and I'll be calling again tomorrow afternoon to sign up again, so do you want to just take care of all that now?" I'm very persistent with them, because it's really not right that long-term customers pay nearly $100 more (in my area, the new package is $179/month and my bill at one point rose to $265/month).
So yes, persistence is key. Best of luck.
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That's terrible that you don't have alternatives in your area to leverage them.
Even something like rewarding people who always pay their bill on time would be immensely better (both for the customer and their publicity) than simply raising the bill for consistent customers.
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It's really ridiculous how these companies are able to get an effective monopoly by subdividing the country between them. Comcast has a monopoly on fast internet in my area, they bought out the only competitor where I previously lived, and AT&T merged with Time Warner to create a monopoly where my mom lives. No wonder prices keep going up. They're not worried about me leaving for someone else because they know I don't have a choice.
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Every six months my cable company (Comcast) raises my bill by about $17
So the long time customers are pretty much covering the costs for the new subscribers. "Great" loyalty reward.
in my area, the new package is $179/month and my bill at one point rose to $265/month
You are ripped off big time. Sounds like a very greedy ISP.
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I tried that with my provider. A nice lady said she had no power over it but she could forward my request after I cancel the deal. I cancelled, gave them my phone number... They never called. So I moved to a different provider. It's less stable and a tad slower, but I feel it only when I download big stuff which I do rarely nowadays. And the discount I have now is really good, even if the Internet is not the fastest possible (in my area).
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OK it's strange that you replied to my comment when you did O.o
My cable provider actually called me yesterday to let me know my current contract was up, and that they wanted to offer me the introductory rate again before my rates rose. First time they've ever done that, but it saved me over $50/month on my bill, since they're no longer doing the graduated increase and it was going to jump from $213/month to $271/month! Freaking insane. At least they're letting people know now rather than slamming them with a higher bill, I guess.
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Yeah, I get a whole package "deal" (and I'm using that term very loosely LOL) - the fastest internet (really what I use the most), a gazillion channels (that I DVR and never have time to watch), and phone. I guess I do also use their WiFi hotspots and movie mobile apps when I'm on the road and working, so I should count those as benefits, too.
Having no direct competition around here is why their rates are so high. DISH is the only alternative for TV, and it's not much better in terms of price, and AT&T DSL is the only other "fast" internet available. Kinda shocking, given that I live in a city of over half a million people ...
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Yeah, I thought so. I didn't have that kind of leverage since I got rid of my TV and was using only Internet plan with them. The previous company was using fibre cables so the connection was fast. The current one is a mobile company (having mobile phone helped me get a better deal), that's why the Internet is not perfect. But for now it suits my needs.
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Nah. Chances are it's going to show up as the early unlock in 3 months or so. It's a big bait and switch for the new customers, that's what it is. And the newbies who are going to get it "for free" will actually have paid 35 bucks for it instead of just 12
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Thing is, they'd still get a copy they can give to friend or other reasons so still essentially getting this one for free (for those that plan to subscribe anyway).
I really wish they just emailed it to everyone. I would prepay an extra 3 months (still subbed for 6 more months on my yearly) for that wishlisted game.
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Like your thinking, hope it ends up in a monthly soon then, cause after this months bundle there's only one left on my subscription and i am SO going to cancel!
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Well, they won't actually pay $35 for it. They'll pay $35 for 3 months of bundles, a $1 savings, and get the game for free. If it shows up in the next 3 months, they'll still save $1 off the month to month price and have an extra copy to give away.
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lol did I eat your sandwich or something?
I'm sorry, I don't speak internet sometimes. Is "newbie" an insult now like snowflakes? I'm old, I didn't meant to insult anyone with a word that means "somebody new". What does it mean now?
Seriously, I just meant you can only get the promotion if you have not signed for Humble Monthly before so technically that makes people who get the promotions "newbie". It's not an insult.. I think?. Look it up.
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> Maybe I was overeating to your post.
He he, did you get tricked by his sandwich joke? ;)
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I can only promise you I was not. I really just meant newbies (not n00bs which I don't really use because we're all n00bs at something sometimes, right?)
Ps I have missed maybe 5 or 6 monthlies and got the offer weird
Yeah I'm not surprised. I think IGN is hearing the fat lady sing a bit and they gauge other pricing options, which was obviously a disaster but people are going month to month (I do and I skipped quite a few in the past year) and it's throwing their model.
So they are trying to get new subscribers in advance, and to get other people to come back so they can negotiate with devs for the next few monthlies instead of waiting to see how many people they get with the unlocks to negotiate for the other games each month.
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no need to explain i was overreacting
you are right didn't thought about that. hb have to sell monthlies so they can negotiate with the devs for the upcoming ones, or else the whole system will fall apart. This is the only time i went with 3 month sub, month to month is my way to go too.
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We're good, no worries
Enjoy Kingdom Come :D and I hope you get your money worth in the next months but honestly, like Timobkg was saying, even if there wasn't a single game you're interested in at all, in the next 3 monthlies (which is very unlikely), it's still a pretty good deal just for KCD since it was never sold for less than 30 bucks.
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And here I am, sitting with an offer which is likely to remain unused
I wish we could transfer promos like that to other people
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That's the "typical" way business is done these days.
I think they learned it from the cable companies back in the day, "Screw your loyal customers, give better prices to the new ones"
Now it would take a huge movement, but it would be nice if all the long time people bailed (I'm talking in general here, not HB specific) That's what it would take to kill these type of shit promotions
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Very good point!
I am cancelling HB anyway, my subscription is nearly at its end.
But I wonder.......would it help to treaten to cancel and saying that i am upset about this deal offered to newbies?
Will they try to keep me onboard and offer it to me too?
Think I am going to try!
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If you manage to pull that out, I want a copy of your message to their support to send the same. :)
I didn't threaten them, but I wrote to their support.
All I got was a sorry that you feel letdown, but we valuate all feedback and we'll take that in account when we do our next monthly promotions
once subscribed, they give a damn shit about you!
paused for next month yet; and I'm seriously thinking that I should just let my few months left run out and end my subscription. No way I'm resubscribing as a yearly without 4 AAA title for free as a bonus. If they can offer that kind of AAA title to 3-months subscriber, I'll wait for the next one that good else I'm out.
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I don't remember for sure last year, but I know going further back the Halloween sale was focused on horror games or at least games with stuff like zombies, vampires, werewolves, etc. I'm sure there have been some games included that were a stretch, but Kingdom Come doesn't remotely fit Halloween.
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The Winter Sale's coming pretty soon too (late Nov I believe), so that's probably a guaranteed discount.
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It is worth it if your going to sub anyways.
HB Monthly is a good deal for any gamer who isn't too picky.. or locked into few game genres.
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Statement regarding active subscribers
For any user that received this promotion email: You are welcome to purchase the 3 month subscription gift using the link from the email (it will be a gift intentionally). Even if you have an active subscription we will still uphold the promotion for you to receive Kingdom Come Deliverance! Please keep in mind you must have received this email personally (not forwarded from another email or friend)
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but things i dont like are awful and things i like are great for me. greatness and awfulness is also subjective so let him state his opinion. by trying to shut him off that and saying that taste is subjective you are contradicting yourself which is ironic.
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Yes, greatness and awfulness are subjective. That's my point.
Everyone is free to express an opinion, of course. But maybe try to phrase it as an opinion and not a fact.
"X is awful." --> an opinion, but phrased as a fact, and it subtly implies judgment towards anyone who likes X, because then you like something that is awful. It's not at all respectful that others may have a different opinion towards X.
"I don't like this." --> clearly an opinion, and it leaves room for acceptance of someone who may feel differently about X.
Just something to think about.
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how can something be a fact which is based on subject opinions? you cant get out of the wording that it is a fact. i can say that X is awful without being subtly judgmental towards groups that like it. For example: Math is shit! This doesnt mean i hate everyone who likes math.
i am not an expert on grammatics but i think that the wording doesnt matter on subjective stuff.
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Taste is subjective
I hope you realise the irony in stating that after berating the person for voicing their subjective tastes.
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Let's not get too hooked on to semantics here - I liked the November bundle, but I'm cool with others not liking it, regardless of how vehemently they state that. It's only a problem when it becomes something big, like a circlejerk.
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HB screw me up. Really, I shouldn't have become an active subscriber until any kind of deal pops out.
Sh*t, this is the game I actually want to come in humble monthly
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I never received any email for that kind of promotion, only sales this and sales that. The game will inevitably be in a monthly bundle so i will just be patient, but HB should have sent that mail to everyone not just a few lucky, that's bad commercial practice.
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If they are offering kingdom to monthly subscribers I doubt it will be in a future monthly... that would make no sense
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We are talking about HB here, believe me it makes sense. KCD is an attractive game and i bet it will be in a monthly in less than six months. This promotion pissed off a bit their loyal subscribers so they have to make up for it or they will loose more people than they gained.
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If you already got a subscription you'll be charged on the last Friday of the month.
If you buy a new subscription (be it 1, 3, 6, or 12 months) you pay the entire amount up front and then the subscription will auto-renew itself when it has expired on the last Friday of the month.
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As do I. With the email debacle, and for those that didn't get the email, it should be just done. But knowing UGN, they won't do that.
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They seem like they are going out of their way to rub my nose in my decision to buy a 12 month plan. Right after I got it, they started the deal wear if you get the twelve month plan, you get $25 to your wallet. Like, a week after I bought mine. Now this. I want Kingdom Come.. I'm a very sad camper...
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Is worth ?
EDIT : Anyone know if is a steam key of DRM free?
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