Completly agree that is one of the really worth it.
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Getting that bundle for same reason. Heard its good.
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the first origin bundle gave keys for a lot of its games
(Dead Space Steam Key
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box Steam Key
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition Steam Key
Medal of Honor Steam Key
Mirror's Edge Steam Key
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising Steam Key}
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Steam AND Origin are awful. Origin's just the lesser of two evils.
But you're right, if I could get DRM-Free I would. Though I'd get it for everything. Not just this stuff.
But EA's Origin is the one that helped make the bundle a thing. Why wouldn't they give origin keys? To assume they wouldn't makes no sense to me. That's like steam putting together a bundle but not giving a single steam key. Or GoG putting a bundle and just giving all Uplay keys.
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Yes, lesser evil. Their customer support is leagues better than steam. Their games can be found much cheaper than steam as well. (Though I think UPlay's keys beat them there). And the speed of the client is much faster as well as the client is much more stable than steam.
That being said. I hate all gaming platforms and wish we could return to the good old days of DRM-Free being the common thing. It's my preference. These are all my opinions and my experiences.
Origin spyware though? If you consider origin spyware then google chrome must be the worst case of spyware ever.
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Origin scans your PC , your files, hardware profiles and program data (Uplay and Steam are not doing this s....)
Steam customer support is pure evil, (in my opinion)
EA game prices is cheaper on origin than steam - true, it would be surprising if they were sell at higher prices (.. you cannot buy indie game or ubisoft on origin only EA)
'I hate all gaming platforms" - I couldn't agree more :P
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Steam most definitely does scan your system, that is exactly how VAC works.
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Right back at you
use brain or google and read why origin is called by many people a spyware (is not a spyware in full meaning of that word)
Origin scans your PC , your files, hardware profiles and program data
Privacy policy EA is bad and controversial
'EA collects non-personal information along with personal information when you actively provide it in the context of various online and mobile activities. In addition, we and other third parties use cookies and other technologies to passively collect non-personal demographic information, personalize your experience on our sites and monitor advertisements and other activities as described belowWe may also derive from the information collected other facts, such as determining the applicable tax rate based on your IP address"
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Oh yes, I'm very aware of those 'rumors'.
The fact that AVs haven't been classifying Origins as malware/spyware speaks for itself, though.
Clarified directly:
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That would be because spyware generally doesn't offer you a EULA :P
You'll note that they said "considered spyware", not "is spyware", it's a key difference.
Very few people actually check the fineprint of the EULA, and that's where the controversy started. Remember (for context) this was all said in response to somebody calling Origin a lesser evil to Steam.
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Opinion = very valid.
Spreading false info like you did = stupid and must be bashed to no end.
Don't be one of those goddamned idiots that have no clue of spyware definition.
You don't like Origin? Fine by my and I respect that decision.
Calling Origin as spyware? Stupidity.
End of story.
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First - i did say - is not a spyware in full meaning of that word
Second - calling Origin a spaywer is a form of condemn the practices and suspicious solutions used by EA
I did say - "use brain or google and read why origin is called by many people a spyware"
Thirdly, - Origin has a lot of similarities with spyware behavior (like many other programs... )
point of view depends on the point of the seat
And what is more fun is your statement "Opinion = very valid."
First thing you did i call my opinion "retarded statement" and you keep offend me and my opinion in every answer you give
" Very stupid. Brain. Dead."
"stupid and must be bashed to no end"
You give no argument why Origin is not a spyware, you just assume that you're right.
US spying on Europa ? Stupidity .
End of story.
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You are a joke , cann you even read english ?
Stop fixating and obsessing over one word
You really need to carefully read what I wrote in the previous post
Ps: I don't think you need to worry about your intelligence/ IQ , you can not drop any lower
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Everything you do on the net is logged and your worried about little old EA?lol
Are you afraid they will find your secret porn stash??
The internet is full of truth,but most cases you will find lies and hate.Crap i better log off the net EA is watching me,wait are they more evil then the NSA?
Crap Crap Crap.....i need to find a safe place....crap can they hear me talking to myself
Please help me
Stay indoors if you do not want your privacy invaded and even then sometimes it still is.
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Alternatively you could just use the common superpower of simple observation, and accept that creating a hard access ante of "you can only access these things if you give us unrestricted rights to the data on your computer, the specific nature and content of which we won't disclose to you" is a really terrible business practice.
Because that's what it was, back before they modified it due to the massive controversy. It was in the EULA, dude. It's not that they would actually be scanning your entire computer and harvesting every morsel of data for profit, but the fact that you had to agree to give them the right to that degree of data-mining was the controversy. Just because it is incredibly unlikely that you won't have to take legal action against a company, it doesn't make it such a hot idea to waive your right any legal action other than arbitration decided by the developers.
Telling people not to go outdoors if they don't want their privacy invaded? That's akin to telling people to only store cold hard cash at home if they distrust a specific banking companies, or to never get vaccines if they don't trust new age medicine. There's certain descent into absurdity there.
Then again, I suppose it's easier to build a strawman than to address their actual concerns.
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Except that spyware is something that discreetly collects information without your express consent. When asking for your consent for unrestricted access to your data, especially when no effort is made to convey exactly what data is being shared (nor to confirm before sending), it is a bad practice to bury the only warning of this within the EULA, and not bring it to the forefront for proper consideration. Even though the client now offers you the ability to opt out of certain data collection, because you agreed to the EULA they can shrug off your opt-out given the permission you already bestowed upon them.
It's the same with Paypal's sign-up agreement, burying the clause that they can freeze your account without giving you a reason for up to two years without returning any money you have within it (along with granting them non-specific access to any attached credit cards). Again, not bringing this to the forefront is terrible practice and is indicative of abuse waiting to happen. Not sure if they finally changed that garbage though. I hope so :P
Whether collecting information from you without any prior contact, or by attempting to get your consent to harvest your information by burying important matters within walls of standard EULA text, the behaviour is at least indicative of data-mining. Hence why people consider it, often tongue-in-cheek, to be a form of spyware.
It isn't really 'retarded' when the controversy was actually a thing, and there are still plenty of people who don't know about the (still present) EULA thing. If you really want to go there, you could argue that if an adware toolbar actually announces itself during an installer and you forget to mark it as 'do not install', it isn't really adware because you 'chose' to install it, therefore what happens after the point isn't explicitly unsolicited. Do you see what I'm getting at?
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I was not being serious,but i guess thanks for taking it serious? lol
Why so Serious?
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At any rate, uhm.... emotion can't be conveyed well over text on t3h internet, I guess. Not to mention your post (that wasn't serious) didn't contain any emoticon, at all, making it hard for me to understand. Especially for paragraph 2 and 3.
So yeah, I misunderstood if your intention was NOT serious with that post.
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You don't need to be serious to make a strawman in an effort to ridicule someone's stance :P
I just decided to address why your attitude / approach was hollow.
If that doesn't do it for you and you only speak clown, next time I'll just strawman back at you with stuff like "haha oh god who cares if a stranger comes into my house and watches me take a dump, it's not like I have anything to hide, lol! Only drug mules don't want people watching them drop a deuce!" :P
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Hey it is a free internet
Life is to short to take every little thing to heart :)
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Every little thing like "Am I being dickish right now?" Not caring doesn't mean you weren't being dumb. Just sayin'.
The only funny thing here is that you're surprised people gave you the benefit of the doubt when you dropped into a so-called 'serious' discussion, but whatevs. :P
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a Jerk...maybe so but if having an opinion makes me a jerk then i guess i am.
They may be trying to protect are freedom but that does not mean i have to like and obey everything they do,and i rather give up some freedom then be spied on and be tagged and watched like i am cattle waiting for the slaughter house.
That is the problem people are willing to give up so much for so little protection,in the end if people like what they are doing that is fine,but i still do not like what the NSA stands for.
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I was just sharing what i thought about the whole NSA thing.
It was not what you said,i just added the Jerk thing at the end just for the hell of it.
Jokes are not my strong point,if they where i would be a comedian instead of some blip on the Radar of this thing called the internet.
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You do get steam for a couple games but it is also called "Origin Bundle"
so why would you expect any steam keys
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But most of the games were free to everyone in on the house game for Peggle, Bejeweled 3, Dragon Age Origins, and probably bonus game is Simcity 2000 which was also free.
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Considering half the games in the bundle were already given away for free as part of their 'On the House' initiative, it would probably be another one of those freebies (DA:O, Peggle, Bejeweled were already given for free).
It also seems this time there are less Steam games in favor of Origin :/
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Holy Crap this bundle is damn awesome!
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Be warned that all Origin games come as a single key.
There are separate keys for Steam games however.
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There is one Origin key that activate all the games from the bundle at once on Origin.
There is a separate Steam key for each game.
You can activate it on Steam with the Steam key, and the generic Origin key will add it to your Origin account along with all the other games.
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If i activate the keys for the games that have a steam key, does it mean that i can activate the same games in Origin?
Seeing that as you said, all origin games are contained in one single key.
Asking, because i'm not too sure i want to DL Origin on purpose to play the Origin only games, despite the fact that i would like to play Dragon Age 2... one day. But seeing as it would probably be so far into the distant future... meh.
So, in the likelihood of wanting to trade the origin keys instead (because i've never actually traded Origin keys), and anticipating activation of all steam keys from my end... what exactly would the person i were to trade the Origin key with, get?
Assuming you know the answer, that is. :)
If not, it's ok just the same. :)
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Yo get a single Origin key from the Bundle. The person who add that key to their account get all the games in the bundle. (Either the base tier or the whole thing, depending on what you bought) You, on the other hand, only get to have the handful of games that provides Steam keys.
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but Origin has about no good games i'd imagine to be bundled ... :() *** kinda more stingy than 1st Origin Bundle
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instabuy for first tier, dont have cash for the second one
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Terrible bundle since quite a few games were free from origin.
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But that's 5 bucks I could be spending on hookers and then play PVZ illegally ;p. Jking about illegally part btw. I don't want to go to jail and lose my butt virginity.
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How is it it annoying?
what is annoying is people bitching about lack of Steam keys when it says "Origin Bundle" maybe if it said just EA Bundle but still even then depending the games it would still need Origin as some are only on that.
Steam is not all that great either,and i have used Origin with no problems people sometimes hate just to hate,they all suck because they are all stupid DRM wrapped in a ugly bow.
I wish all games where on GOG but i doubt they will happen.
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Well, the games that don't have Steam keys aren't on Steam so that's the reason why they don't come with Steam keys; Tier 1 is totally worth it and so is tier 2 in my opinion, because of Garden Warfare. At the same time, the BTA bonuses might make it so much better.
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BTA heading low so you might get it. Started at 6.72 and now its 4.57 in 40mins since no one likes it lol
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Ah, I've just noticed that, but it seems that Steam doesn't have Peggle, only Peggle Deluxe and Peggle Nights, now, there might not be any differences between Peggle and Peggle Deluxe, but a company like origin is gonna use that as an excuse for sure.
As for the multiple Peggle in your library issue, all you can do is hide 2 of them, it does suck indeed and what makes it worse is that many of these games have been on the house already so a lot of people have them. Putting all the games on a single key was a douchebag move. Either way, I still bought bta because of Garden Warfare.
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That might be it for the absence of Peggle key.
If I'm not mistaken, those multiple entries are due to Humble Origin 1, On the House & Humble Origin 2. I prefer's Steam way of simply ignoring everything you already have, although the best method would still be to provide gift copy of anything that's already in your library.
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Oh fucking shit. If you activate the Origin key on Origin it doubles all the games you had before.
Look at this fucking mess.
Does anyone know how to get rid of the doubles?
Edit: And how come it added only "MOH: Allied Assault"? Where's the rest of my Warchest? This is ridiculous.
Edit 2: Oh, they're under "expansions" for AA.
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I owned Sims 3 before the first Origin bundle (I do know I need to get out more). I still have doubles of Sims 3 + various DLC in my Origin library nearly two years later - and yes I know there were individual keys that time but my Sims 3 DLC didn't work with my original Sims 3 after I started adding DLC from the Origin bundle so I had to redeem the Origin bundle Sims 3 key as well as my original Sims 3. And if I click on the wrong Sims 3 in my library my DLC doesn't work even now. I think it may even be installed twice on my hard drive.
Sometimes Steam doesn't seem so bad...
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I personally feel Steam falls somewhere between 'the ideal platform for PC gamers' and 'the best platform that PC gamers currently have available'. That is a fairly broad area in my opinion.
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My DA:O from the previous "On the House" didn't double with the new bundle one like yours did.
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Three of them were free last year, from the rest I'm interested only in Mass Effect 2. I don't find this bundle interesting so I guess I'll pass...
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Don't miss it, really... I'm sad because I didn't know about Humble Bundles back when Origin Bundle 1 came up... I also have a lot of games to play, but it's better to have them for cheap sales than to buy them later for expensive prices...
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