Hillary or Trump?
I can only assume that this is Hillary or Trump - which would you rather see butt fucked by ISIS and not which would you rather be President...
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I looked for a few hours, but I couldn't find it, no reason to be here any more.
EDIT: Just noticed that your post was a month ago, sorry. Lol
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Nothing really. The 2 things they hold against her are the email scandal (used a private server for some work emails) and they tried to pin the Benghazi situation on her. Nothing criminal there, and that's what the republican witch hunts concluded as well.
He just bought into the propaganda and smear campaigns that the right has been running for decades. And is willfully blind to the countless times Trump has lied to and defrauded people.
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Haha I watched it last night, actually, hence my asking, as I wanted to check whether there was any backing to his claim.
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Besides you being completely clueless and dismissing the very stuff you mentioned, which are actual crimes you are permissive of. Double standard. The decades of scandals including Whitewater and the murders of her political enemies that she kept a list of, that are still occurring? The Clinton Foundation's illegal acts and her illegally taking millions from dictatorships? That she did many acts of destroying evidence and stonewalling justice, that would have put any other person in jail?
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which are actual crimes
Not according to the FBI and every judicial body that investigated her.
The decades of scandals including Whitewater and the murders of her political enemies that she kept a list of, that are still occurring? The Clinton Foundation's illegal acts and her illegally taking millions from dictatorships? That she did many acts of destroying evidence and stonewalling justice, that would have put any other person in jail?
Please prove any of this. Conjecture by Fox News isn't evidence.
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Americans died in Benghazi when the embassy was torched by terrorists/rioters and Hillary/Obama placed the blame on some random video. The video has since been debunked as the cause of the murders. This cannot be denied no matter your political persuasion. There you go.
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Because can't seem to distinguish fact from fiction. Meaning the propaganda campaign that they take part in has effectively taken hold. Hence I clarified for you that the opinion pieces peddled there as truth don't constitute any form of evidence or justification for your beliefs or statements.
But sure:
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No offense taken.
All I feel is embarrassment for the education system that failed you, and pity for you for thinking that throwing around unsubstantiated accusations and reducing yourself to unrelated ad hominem attacks when asked to provide proof is reasonable behavior.
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When she was secretary of state her foundation received huge amounts of money from saudi-arabia to bomb Lybia and Somalia and fund Syrian Rebels who later defected to ISIS
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I feel like if there was any real evidence of that, it would be talked about a lot more than her e-mail and foundation scandals, no ? What investigation do you get that conclusion from ?
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Their own website shows the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the donor list for 10-25 million. SirJees comment about 'to bomb Lybia and Somalia is stupid.
But the above information does provide a great ethical question. The US Government has a STRICT policy for gift acceptance. If you hold public office, you are only allowed to accept a gift that has a value of under $100 (it may actually be less - https://www.justice.gov/jmd/do-it-right ). Is it legal for a US Secretary of State to accept donations to HER foundation in the amount of 10-25 million when she can't even accept a $100 gift? Does it LOOK pretty damn fishy? I mean lets get honest for 5 minutes - the Clinton Foundation only gives out 6% of its donations in charity - yeah 6% - they were even placed on a watch list for potentially fraudulent Charities. Did Saudi Arabia buy something with that 'donation'? There is only one correct answer to that question.
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Do you find it strange that someone who has a long standing history of paid speaking engagements by the largest wall street banks, that she is so self proclaimed anti wall street banks?
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Somewhat, yes, but I wouldn't equate contributions to the Clinton's charitable foundation to getting money in their pockets.
Nor that her stance is that "anti wall street banks" when it's more about regulation
I'd expect things like this to be the case with most politicians since money is the only thing that keeps them in office.
My point was that there are things which seem suspicious, but that they weren't necessarily something nefarious.
I am certainly not defending it, but when compared to the other candidate these things seem like nothing.
My conclusion is that despite Hillary Clinton not being perfect, she is more qualified and has the possibility of improving the country unlike her opponent, and the way she handled the morons from Black Lives Matters proved that to me (there's a clip online). I think the whole "he isn't a politician" thing makes middle class people think he is representing them, but he is a millionaire, whose interests do you think are in his mind? (he did not self finance his campaign)
On the whole Islamism crisis I would like a proper response (it's one of my biggest problems with Democrats), but I don't think the non-answers provided by Trump are a good option either. Not to mention all the stupid Mexico things he said and every other statement he made which was proven false. Just from their speeches the percentage of false/ incorrect statement made by him is more than 4x Clinton's. He is supposed to be a "good" businessman and he doesn't know what a blind trust is. He defrauded hundreds of people with his "University". He said Obama is the creator of ISIS, and not in a "he indirectly led to their creation" kind of way. He seems way too unreliable and uninformed for me.
The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive. (Trump tweet)
Is Hillary the best option?
Is she better than Trump?
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Evasive response for no real reason. I only ask because I am curious why someone who is not American would care who is the President of America. A good example would be: I'm not British and I don't care who the new PM is, or the old PM resignation post Brexit vote, or the Brexit vote for that matter - I'm obviously aware that they happened but I have no 'dog in the fight' so would have no reason to care about their political climate. So if you are going out of your way to call Mr. Trump a con man while making a comment that down plays Secretary Clinton's scandals it would appear that you are not only an American, but also a Liberal American (not that there is anything wrong with that). If you're not an American - just curious why you would care.
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People around the world care because it's the new comedyshow on our television.
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Am I to understand that you are not American but are anti-Clinton (from a few posts up)?
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What the USA does affects every other country in the world: of course many non-american people care about who is or who isn't in the White House. Same thing with Brexit, for people in the European Union.
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don't say that, we don't need american egos getting bigger.
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Well, egos or not, the USA is big enough (and has fingers in enough pies) to affect things in a global scale. And the world is smaller than it used to be.
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The world's still the same, there's just.... less in it.
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' I only ask because I am curious why someone who is not American would care who is the President of America'
the president of america , one of the most powerful nations in the world will undoubtibly have an effect on relations with all 1st world countries at the very least
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It's really just a matter of who we think will do the least damage at this point.
Both suck, but I am pretty sure Trump would be a foreign policy nightmare. And I am still unsure about what his actual policies are given how many times he has flip flopped just to get as many votes as possible. Is he pro-choice or pro-life? I have no idea since there are quotes of him advocating both! The guy basically won the nomination by saying incredibly vague shit like, "We're going to fix Merica!" without really providing any ideas on how to actually fix the problem.
Also, that wall idea is ridiculous. Most illegal immigrants actually cross the border legally via plane and just overstay their visas. Last time I checked, planes could fly over walls.
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not to mention that it's actually impossible to build. Half the border with mexico is a river. Can't build on the mexican side, because that's mexican territory. can't build on the american side, because the river's needed for agriculture. Is the wall gonna be built in the middle of the river, splitting it in twain? maybe an engineer can chime on on the feasibility of such a project; then we can have a discussion on the cost and how to pay for it
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because it would completely destroy the texas economy. large swaths of texas are dependent upon the river for agriculture and recreation.
I mean, it's possible to push it through, but, I'm prettty sure texas will have an uprising if they lose the rio grande
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Better than Trump. Clinton is the lesser of two evils.
Moronic Democratic party sabotaged the only candidate worth anything.
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Best part about this image is that it's not fake. I would have voted for Deez Nuts.
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nothing, but the italian democrats party (pd) and renzi openly supports hillary. under the matteo renzi government 250k of public money has being donated to the clinton foundation for no appearent reason.
doing the opposite of what renzi say has become a trend here :v
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Of course the pd supports Hillary - Crooks of a feather flock together.
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when berlusconi asked for it the entire country was against him, now renzi is telling the same and everyone is prising him (at least that is what you ear from the corrupted media). there is something very very wrong with this country, and that trash has even a name: the democratic party.
about the referendum i'm puzzled. I would be for the "yes" if we were not at the third president not elected by the people and placed in command by the grand capital to do their own interests. if the "yes" wins we would have a puppet that runs directly under the ue/usa commands, without the parliament having too much to say in the matters. though an election would change everything ... it would be a good opportunity for an authoritarian turn and to free ourselves once and for all from the anti fascist constitution born of the partisan resistence (the usa). a very risky move.
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a referendum with a Big campaign for Yes promoted with italian ppl money ! Minister Boschi goes in Argentina ,with the only porpouse to speak for YES to italian in that country..and all this spending Italian money is unacceptable.the costitution reform is only a Joke..they wish in any way to deprive citizen of any rights to vote their spokepersons..this is unacceptable.and the 2 campaign are fighting with unbalanced resources..yes campaign is using italians money and all the media and papaers, and radio..NO ppl are only selfunded..this is absurd. #IVoteNO
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che poi perché scriviamo in inglese ancora non l' ho capito. :v comunque si senza dubbio. data l' attuale situazione propendo per il no pure io, ma con le dovute circostanze (e con la dovuta cautela) andrei sul sì
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io voto No convinto, renzi è un uomo pericoloso. farebbe qualsiasi cosa per il suo ego , non per gli italiani.e lo vediamo dalla vergona sull'invasione di musulmani e clandestini a spese nostre. poi vuol toglierci quel poco di democrazia che abbiamo (pochissima in verità grazie alla UE-USA).e far eun Senato di nominati PD.già lo ha fatto in tutti i media italiani pubblici e non.Basta!
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Everyone knows Hillary is a better public speaker than Trump - its the difference between being a career businessman and a career liar.
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Why... it's currently 50:50. That's damn close to what the real polls suggest with 52:48.
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Well Trump already said his vice president would be responsible for all "foreign and domestic policies" while he would focus on making America great again. So kind of an hand-offs approach on leadership :D
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I'm pretty sure neither does he, otherwise he would realize that making those changes that will make America great again falls into the category domestic policies :D
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yes, but remember that the american voter has a tendency of electing presidents with shady backers that goes berserker around the world and gives F all about domestic policies.
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you forgot to tick the auto-save option. last save is the battle of hastings
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hopefully they will be there on the other side of the wall soon
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because that's an oversimplification.
Every president is able to push through one or two signature sets of legislation (sometimes more). The president is responsible for running the country, which means how the various departments operate (within the confines of the laws as written by congress - which are usually quite vague). Furthermore, the president has sole responsibility for dealing with foreign nations (treaties subject to ratification by the senate).
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The president by himself/herself during any given single term has the power to do about 2 things that can shape the future. Sometimes more, it really just depends - and of course it depends on the makeup of congress.
Ultimately speaking though, the president can steer the ship off course about 1 degree per term... or something that is completely correctable - unless they are doing insane shit like making millions of executive orders to bypass congress.
This is more or less referred to as the Tyranny of the Status Quo (no I won't debate this again as it is something that has ALREADY been proven).
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I couldn't find an actual poll.
Here's the new and updated poll:
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