Yes, it's happened to me with a few games.
The one that comes to mind the most is XenoSaga episode III, I bought it used from GameStop and the second disc refused to work, they also refused to give me a refund/exchange the game... As you can guess, that was the last time I bought anything from a GameStop...
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I just replayed the first few hours of Darksiders II and only managed to remind myself why I never played the rest to begin with. Not so good, despite loving the first one. But now I'll probably finish it if only because its button-mashing slamfest play style is a nice relief between frustrating runs of Dark Souls.
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Thats a real shame, The Witcher I thought was a pretty good game, not the greatest, but definitely worth playing. I do this all the time though, I can't restart those games because I get so far in I don't want to go over the whole thing again. But I don't want to go from where I left off because I forgot everything thats happened.
IMO I would probably keep playing the Witcher, the story isn't exactly complex, infact I reckon the hardest part to get used to again will be relearning the cumbersome combat.
I remember hearing somewhere, someone saying they could imagine all those NPC's getting all there hopes up that this amazing hero was coming around to save them. And then he's never heard from again haha.
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Legend of Legaia, 18 month break because of a damaged disc.
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That pic is from Legaia 2: Duel Saga (the sequel to Legend of Legaia PS1), which was on the PS2.
Another great game IMHO, even though many people hated it.
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One of my all time favorite PS1 games!
It's in my top 10 favorite games of all time!
You sir, have excellent taste. (⌐■_■)
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Yup. Get bored with some infuriating part of a game, move on to other games, forget what I was doing by the time I get back to it, months later. I almost always either restart or just get frustrated and decide to come back a few months later.
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Yeppers. One time was with GTA San Andreas. I had a Playstation 2 copy that I was playing, but ended up without a console to play it on. And now that I can play my PS2 and PC copies, I'm all WAHT DO. It's gonna be a pain in the ass starting over again. And when I finally get ahold of a Playstation copy of Final Fantasy 8 so I can finish the save I made years ago, I'm gonna be soooooo lost. ._.
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Humm just stick with the game for 1 or 2 hours and the magic will come back, its how it work for me when i´m about to end a game but i need to stop for some reason, witcher if not for the gameplay will offer some interesting points on the history and such, so just stick with it and remmeber, silver for monsters and iron for humans you will be okaty following that rule.
Then again go for Witcher 2 if you can but finish witcher 1 first since the gameplay, system and such is on another level.
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I think we've all been there. Its so hard to remember what the hell was going on and what you were doing; why were you carrying some random items, etc. Fortunately, I've only gotten like an hour into The Witcher. Every time I've tried playing it, I get distracted by something else and never work my way back to it.
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That happens to me a lot of times too, feels weird that sometimes you love a game and when you return that feeling is gone :(
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That happened to me with Bioshock Infinite. I preordered it, started it the day I got it, and then had a week-long vacation away from my Xbox right in the middle of it. Kept putting it off and putting it off... it collected dust for about 6 months. I eventually finished it because my friends kept bugging me and I'm so glad I did, but it took a lot of trial and error to get the hang of it again.
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Exact same game. Got about 20 hours in, then ran into a game breaking bug and could not proceed. The bug was patched but it required you to restart the game....
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I am the person with whom you want to chat. Not only have I been in your exact position with The Witcher, but I know how to get back into it and pick it up, again. In fact, I need to get back into my current playing of it. (I was just about to do the water boss and move onto the last part of the game.) This will be the third time I've left the game and forgotten everything, so I've had some practice at this. P
Send me a friend request on Steam, and post a reminder on my wall in case I forget who you are.
Also, regarding bullets, it took me a while to figure out how to do those properly. The trick is that you need to leave a single empty line before you start your bullets.
If you do not leave an empty line, your bullets won't "take."
If you leave a space, however, then you will get your bullets to show.
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Happened to me when I played wild arms xf on my psp, took a 2 year break...just cause? But now I really regret it because it was one of my favorite games on the psp and I'm too far into it to want to restart.. ._.
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Yup, it sucks so bad. I used to start many games over a short period of time and by the time I got back to one, I would forget the story and end up restarting. Now I only allow myself to have one or two story heavy game going at a time. Indies, puzzle, music, and iOS games on the other hand...
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.. this literally happened to me just this week with xcom.. had to restart my game since i had no idea what i was doing or what my plan was and which saves were which.. so i just deleted everything! and restarted and everythings going smoothly ^^ i somehow managed to keep most of the council compared to my previous games where i know ive lost a couple. <3 anyway i feel for you .~.
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This almost strictly happens to me with RPG games, because there are so many variables one needs to remember. What enemy is weak to what element, what skills combinations work together well and things of the sort. Trying to get back to Dark Souls and dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen was such a nightmare, I found myself struggling to remember what weapon did what sort of damage on what type of enemy, not to mention half finished side quests.
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I had a glitch in dragon age origins awakening steal all my best gear so I ragequit the game and before I got back to try to get back to that point I had that hard drive go bad and lost it all. I think I started another game after getting a new hard drive but I have not had the motivation to go though the game like I did with my first warden.
I think I tried to restart Fallout New Vegas one time after a long hiatus, but didn't make it even close to as far as I did in my first game when I stopped.
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So, last year I enjoyed playing The Witcher a lot, I mean A LOT, I was so much into the game and the story that I knew everything about weapons, quests, ecc...
But, right when I reached the middle of the game, I bought a new GPU, so I started playing other games, and then I've been busy with school and other things so I never opened the game again.
Today I decided to continue playing:
So I now lost the "magic" of the game, of an rpg :(
I won't restart the game because I hate to do the same thing twice and I won't even try to force me playing other 30h without knowing what's going on... the only thing I can do is now playing the second Witcher and wait for the third to come out.
Does this ever happend to you?
I feel so angry with myself because I lost the opportunity to complete what I thought was an awesome game :/
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