Did the thanks script messages should be handled as SPAM ?
While I agree on the sentiment, I believe automatic/bot entering of GAs is not against the rules, right?
If so, I think the messages should not necessarily be handled as spam. If anything, I would disallow bots for automatic entering, which would handle the spam problem just as well if there is a way to reliably catch users that use automatic scripts.
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Using auto-join scripts/bot are against the rules, although using script/bot to automatically entering GA is only mentioned as rule breaking part. There is no mention about using bot/script to leave generic comments.
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From the terms of service:
the Content is [..] not machine or randomly-generated
Content, as it relates to the ToS, being defined as any data uploaded to the site. The site has- for at least 4~5 years now [ie, predating the rule clarification you've linked to]- had a no-tolerance policy for any scripts which automate any actions (under the justification of that exact ToS line).
Scripts which pull data [therefore not uploading data TO the site, but pulling FROM the site] are fine as, natutrally, are any scripts which only manage local data (such as those which modify the site interface). It's under that premise that one-click entry scripts (which move the Entry button to the giveaway list itself) have been allowed, as the user is still the one manually submitting any data, while autojoin scripts have most decidedly not been.
(Though, given how undesirable the community itself finds one-click entry, this exception could in fact be based more in the limitation that sites can't necessarily detect unwanted actions if they don't automatically feed data to the site, to begin with.)
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I had gone through FAQ and Guidelines but only saw the entering part through script/bot. There isn't any mention of content created through scripts/bots. I just realized that there was ToS after you had mentioned it.
I think creating content through scripts/bots (rule breaking) should be mentioned in Guidelines or keep a shortcut link of ToS in the Help section.
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Most likely the thanks bots are just to disguise the auto-joiners, no?
Someone somewhere must have had the idea that it wouldn't look like an auto-joiner script if there was a comment on entry? I don't know, I know nothing about bots. I just can't figure why anyone would use a bot to say something as pointless as "thx" otherwise.
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Да я на самом деле теперь уже боюсь писать "спасибо" за ГА после всех этих тредов...
Тебя просто закинут в ЧС, а сам владелец ГА подумает, что ты бот, и не поймёт, что я действительно благодарна за то, что он делится с людьми игрой... 🙁
И это немного грустно... Ведь изначально сайт создан для того, чтобы дарить и радовать людей!
Так почему же они должны бояться сказать спасибо? Это ведь прекрасное слово - "спасибо!"
Сейчас я почти перестала оставлять комментарии до того, как выиграю..... Но в своих собственных ГА мне всегда приятно, когда люди мне пишут что-нибудь.
Это ведь подтверждает то, что мы живые, что мы общаемся! 😊
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i would approve this thing too!
"Just hit that THANKS button to show gratitude to the creator!"
and write a thank you manually if you win :)
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I think it will take about 20 minutes to add this feature to the bot.
In any case, this will definitely complicate the identification of spam accounts for those who are against them (wants to add them to BL or are simply interested in it). Definitely a great idea.
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Well someone likes to say thanks for getting a chance. It's just an appreciation of the gifter's intent. I learned on this site that saying thanks is not welcome but in real life i would say thanks to a stranger that helps another stranger as positive reinforcement strengthens behavior.
You also wouldn't need to click on it, but you could if wanted and it would give a chance for the bigger donors to not have their inbox filled with spam.
But again my 2 cents.
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Well, not sure why would that matter.
The button would be for people who want to express gratitude and for the GA creator who doesn't want his/her message inbox to be spammed. Even if a 1000 bots would press it wouldn't matter for this purpose.
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you mean like a like on facebook? i could get down with that
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That sounds like a great idea.
I have stopped thanking people now because many feel it's spammy and some even request we don't post generic "thank you" messages. However, I have always disliked the idea of not thanking the people creating GAs. This can probably fix that issue.
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I like the thanks button idea. The thank you's make me feel good to give and receive (but I'm new, so it hasn't gotten old yet I guess).
I try to say thanks, but all these posts talking about bots and spam thank you's have made me wary of doing it :( I don't always have more than that to say and it feels a little grimy to enter someone's giveaway as a total ghost xD
A button would be nice for people like me, but people would just set up scripts to hit the button~
But if the point is that the comments are annoying, maybe just an option to disable comments when making the giveaway/only allow comments from winner.
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In the end the people behind the autojoiners (with thanks scripts included in the autojoiner) are annoying.
And i thought using the, punishable, SPAM rule against their thanks spam would be a great idea because they deliver the evidences by themself and none must do very much.
And if they don't stop with it, a part would be perma suspended = a good bunch of autojoiner users lesser.
And as side effect the annoying generic spam stops, mostly, too :o)
Ps.: You made 23 comments, none have a problem with a user that wrote max. 23x thanks when he joined GA's ;-)
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In one of my recent GA, I left in the comments a message with a key, protected by a simple cipher. The user was able to pick it up more than 20 hours after I left it. And that's great. I think if people used bots less, this would happen much faster.
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Thanks for the info, that is maybe useful for some people that will read the comments, but i don't use ESGST.
Besides that, i don't want to hide each thanks, "only" the thanks spam of the ones that clearly use a script or bot for it. That few dozend accounts produce more comments as all the real users together.
The most of that accounts use different "thanks" messages, so you would need to block 20-40 different ones and that would raise the risk to hide more from the normal users too.
And not to forget... it would not punish the ones that spam (and partly autojoin).
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I went for the less popular choice "No, but ..."
I don't think there is a problem with people saying thanks. I don't even think there is a problem with auto-joiners or join-assisters saying thanks. I do dislike the autojoiners.
The way I look at it, someone having an automated "thanks" message has set up a (semi-)automated system, and at some point must have thought "I want to thank the people for their giveaways." And that's nice. I would rather have them express their thanks by not using an autojoiner, but I'll take it. That they don't see their messages as spam is probably more related to them never having made multiple giveaways at the same time.
Punishing people who spam "thanks" or any such message is only going to push "autojoiners saying thanks" to "autojoiners not saying thanks." It's not going to help a lot with the autojoin problem. And that's where I think the bigger problem lies. As you say, there's no problem with a person wanting to say thanks for a giveaway. In fact, it's encouraged in the FAQ.
In most of my public giveaways, I hide some extra giveaways. Consistently, not even 10% of the entries find the hidden one. Here are some random examples of hidden giveaways. Now, I'm not saying that all entries that do not find the hidden giveaway come from an autojoiner or even a join-assister: I'm not the only one hiding giveaways in this way, and I'm convinced I must have missed some hidden ones myself. Some of us enter a lot of giveaways and we miss things. Really, no blame. Regardless, it gives a ballpark number of the entries using some (semi-)automated system. And the percentage of those systems leaving a thank-you message is negligible.
Of course, my view is a bit colored by not being active on the forum; the automated thank-you's don't really clutter my inbox. Your mileage may vary.
So no, I don't think we should handle them as spam and suspend people over it. It would spare some inboxes, but at the price of having more rules, and maybe scaring people away from saying thanks. But maybe we should address what I think is a major source of the automated messages: the bots.
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From others and my own tests i can say that around 15-20% read descriptions. That doesn't mean you spot all that are, maybe, hidden there but the most obvious stuff, as example clear GA links, will be seen if someone really look at the description.
I assume that low percentage comes from the fact that a lot use ESGST and hit the enter button on the endless scrolling list, without to open the GA -and because of that they can't see the description- + of course autojoiners (but i assume the autojoiner users are the much smaller minority).
Yes, bots should be handled and it happen, obvious, with a automatic system but it is obvious too that some dudes optimize their autojoiners and stuff, much more, as cg (can) do the same for the anti bot measures.
Alone because of the fact that he need to handle other stuff too and they only need to handle one thing.
And it is clear that automatic systems can't be a perfect solution.
I heard from a lot that they aren't happy with the "thanks spam (from the script/bot users)" and i see often in a description a message like "no thanks needed/wanted till you win" or a "i blacklist all that write thanks before they win", so it is clearly a problem for a part of the gifters.
I am more extreme in that point and can say, before i would make 20 public GA's and get then, without a doubt, 100 - 200 spam messages (without to give a AAA game, with a AAA game much higher ammounts), i would not create that GA's and instead sell them, trade them, give them in a group where it is save (my own), gift it to friends or throw them in the trash.
And alone the thoughts, from the users (not only me) about "how to avoid that spam messages" should be a alarm sign for a site that needs gifters because each one can stop with gifting to stop the spam in his "mailbox".
Great solution for the EX gifter, bad solution for sg.
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I think we mostly agree with each other. The main difference is that I don't mind the automated messages that much. If I understand your post correctly, you say that you have no problem with thank-you's, even repeated ones, but the ones written by a script just take up space. That's a valid point, I disagree just a tad bit. But only because it hasn't crossed my threshold.
I don't think the problem lies with the auto-joiner spamming "thanks", I think the problem lies with the auto-joiner. This comparison might sound overly dramatic, but it feels like calling the police because the bank robbery is too loud.
I wouldn't want a rule that specifies how often one can say thanks; instead, I would prefer the "no auto-joiner" rule more thoroughly enforced. Suspend people (or fully automated accounts) temporarily for spamming thanks, and you will get the same amount of auto-joiners now not spamming thanks. It would solve the spamming issue, but little more.
I heard from a lot that they aren't happy with the "thanks spam (from the script/bot users)" and i see often in a description a message like "no thanks needed/wanted till you win" or a "i blacklist all that write thanks before they win", so it is clearly a problem for a part of the gifters.
Yeah, I've also seen those. Your poll also suggests that a clear majority would like to see the spam-rule used for this. I still prefer to get rid of the auto-joiners. It needn't be an either/or, no-one suggested that. It's just, I feel that the issue with your example (entering a slew of giveaways in under a second and spamming thanks) is the entering the giveaways in one second (so, automatically joined) and not the spamming thanks. The "spamming rule" you suggest primarily targets the auto-joiners who went through a modicum of effort to set up a thank-you note, leaving the ones who didn't even do that. And it gives a slap on the wrist for spamming, not for auto-joining.
And alone the thoughts, from the users (not only me) about "how to avoid that spam messages" should be a alarm sign for a site that needs gifters because each one can stop with gifting to stop the spam in his "mailbox".
I'm not saying you are wrong. And I'm not saying your complaint isn't valid.
But, as a hypothetical, assume that Steamgifts could detect these "thank spams" and "here's a cool video" and it gives you an option to not show them. You could then choose: hide those comments the giveaway and/or hide those comments in your inbox.
Or, more likely, it would allow a user only to submit one message per minute. All the other messages get an error message and didn't get posted.
Would any of these hypotheticals solve the issue? Not for me. For one, I'm not that bothered by the occasional avalanche of thank-you's (as I said, maybe because I don't have many conversations running on Steamgifts, so the inbox isn't that important to me, or maybe because I know they'll miss the hidden giveaway). But also, I think the issue is the auto-joining, and the spam is merely the symptom. The spam is only there because someone wanted to be friendly and didn't understand that other people sometimes make a bunch of giveaways at the same time. But, of course, your mileage might vary.
Basically, I think we agree. I chose the "no, but..." option because I think the issue needs to be addressed, but from a different angle.
And i assume because you have your own thoughts about the massive difference between public GA's and your second, not secured, GA's that, theoretical, anyone could enter.
Oh, do I have thoughts about that! But that's a rant that is about as long as it is off topic.
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Yeah, I've also seen those. Your poll also suggests that a clear majority would like to see the spam-rule used for this. I still prefer to get rid of the auto-joiners. It needn't be an either/or, no-one suggested that. It's just, I feel that the issue with your example (entering a slew of giveaways in under a second and spamming thanks) is the entering the giveaways in one second (so, automatically joined) and not the spamming thanks. The "spamming rule" you suggest primarily targets the auto-joiners who went through a modicum of effort to set up a thank-you note, leaving the ones who didn't even do that. And it gives a slap on the wrist for spamming, not for auto-joining.
You are correct, i would like it more if the heavyer auto-joining cases would be punished because it would kill, in one go, a part of the thanks script spammers too.
But because that will not happen, at least not soon, i look for new ways to slap them at least a bit on the wrist for the auto thanks spamming and that the site show at least the effort to protect the gifters with using the options that are available without to program something new.
It give the point "SPAM" as option to punish users and the thanks scripts users, obvious, SPAM messages.
But, as a hypothetical, assume that Steamgifts could detect these "thank spams" and "here's a cool video" and it gives you an option to not show them. You could then choose: hide those comments the giveaway and/or hide those comments in your inbox.
Or, more likely, it would allow a user only to submit one message per minute. All the other messages get an error message and didn't get posted.
Would any of these hypotheticals solve the issue? Not for me. For one, I'm not that bothered by the occasional avalanche of thank-you's (as I said, maybe because I don't have many conversations running on Steamgifts, so the inbox isn't that important to me, or maybe because I know they'll miss the hidden giveaway). But also, I think the issue is the auto-joining, and the spam is merely the symptom.
I try to avoid hypothetical assumings of "what would be" because, on sg, you must be happy, in general, if something happens and that are in 99% of the cases only possible if cg don't need to be involved.
Sounds maybe hard but it is how i feel as it work here.
So i try to reach the limit under the, not great, limitations that are now active.
And sure, if i don't had some chats/dicussions that i read and answer, then would be 100x spam thanks not be annoying because it would cost me one click to mark them as read but if each one would do that then the site would be very boring, empty, uninteresting and lifeless.
The spam is only there because someone wanted to be friendly and didn't understand that other people sometimes make a bunch of giveaways at the same time. But, of course, your mileage might vary.
I don't expect that "someone want to be friendly" from the thanks script users. From my viewpoint they only want to kiss as much asses as possible to get access to WL and Invite Only GA's. So in short, they try to have a advantage from it and not because they are such nice people.
And yes that viewpoint is more the "half empty glass", pessimistic, one because i hunt the black sheeps each day (not only at sg) and i see so, extreme, much cheating, exploiting and abusing.
Basically, I think we agree. I chose the "no, but..." option because I think the issue needs to be addressed, but from a different angle.
Each discussion and viewpoint about the matter help and maybe show possibilities and options that we don't thought of before.
Oh, do I have thoughts about that! But that's a rant that is about as long as it is off topic.
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I took now a view into the links from you and i seen my own comment here and a lot of other comments in the direction of this one and this one.
Did it surprise you that i see the thanks scripts users that i know in your public GA's but not in the second ones?
I don't think so.
And i assume because you have your own thoughts about the massive difference between public GA's and your second, not secured, GA's that, theoretical, anyone could enter.
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A post other than "the words of gratitude" will be "public talk" or "presence of prize" and "about entry bug".
Let's think appropriately ....
Is it a script?
(Autojoin? Zap!)
I do not know.┐(´Θ`)┌
Is the local custom?
If there is no greeting for one day, there are also areas that are very insensible, so we will give you a greeting like "template".
It seems that there is also a culture of such earth.🌏
General members will not be able to post comments until victory is confirmed. ☑
I feel that you want you to desire such options.
It seems that excess of comments is painful for some users who often make prizes.
I feel that.
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Sometimes, the space translator is not good.┐(´Θ`)┌
[image word]
by the way.
From the kind of kanji, it is a usage of China and Taiwan.
If you think about the meaning of one kanji ....
A letter that does not know.
Umm..It seems not to be beer.🍺
"厚屎尿 kāu-sái-jiō/kāu-sái-liō" - 臺灣閩南語常用詞辭典
Aha?Let's drink well with good 🍻.
I am in the vortex of such a "sh*t" each other.
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Damn I wanted to make that joke :(
At least I'm glad I checked before posting 👀
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I agree it's annoying to have the inbox filled with repeating "Thank you for the chance!"-messages from the same user (I had 6 of these on 7 giveaways), but like so many things (on steamgifts; on the internet; in life in general) it's easier to just ignore it rather than put time and energy into trying to change the world - it's not gonna happen and it's not gonna help anyways. Should you succeed in changing this little annoyance, another will just pop up and annoy you instead.
I even stopped checking winners for rule breaking 'cuz what's the point... someone selling a game they won might even be more happy winning than someone who already won a thousand games :)
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Good thing not everyone has this kind of mindset, otherwise, nothing would ever change. O_o
Yes, auto-thanks scripts are possibly a very minor annoyance compared to other things that go on here, such as rule breakers... At the same time, not doing anything at all might allow a problem to get bigger and bigger.
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Good thing not everyone has this kind of mindset,
Yes, you're probably right, it's good that some people do put in time and energy to change some things. But I also think I could be a little bit right about people not letting other people annoy them so easily.
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You are, from my viewpoint, partly right too when i take your words as "don't stress yourself with stuff that you can't change"
I even stopped checking winners for rule breaking 'cuz what's the point... someone selling a game they won might even be more happy winning than someone who already won a thousand games :)
But not checking your winners are bad.
The point is that cheating and rule breaking, autojoiners, multiaccounters, win sellers..., shouldn't be rewarded.
When such people haven't a advantage, or not a big enough for the invested time and energy, they will stop.
If they have a advantage they will do it and animate other people to do the same.
And i seen enough cheaters and rule breakers with hundreds or over 1k wins -and never or nearly never gifted something-, so your example with the win seller that have nearly nothing and is then happy will not fit for, a high ammount, of rule breakers.
Besides the fact that a lot of that guys have a good ammount of money in csgo skins and other items (so finding the few poor ones, will take a good ammount of time and energy).
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But I also think I could be a little bit right about people not letting other people annoy them so easily.
Oh, absolutely. Well, I'd say being annoyed is ok... as long as it doesn't have a negative impact on yourself. If you get too angry over the tiniest things, you end up spending too much energy on something that might not be worth it. Being able to let go of something, of a situation is also important.
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I don't make public GAs for that kind of reason but I get it can become quickly unbearable when you're making as many GAs as you do, Masafor.
I also don't see the point, tbh.
In general, all human that I am, I refrain from commenting to say thanks before I win a giveaway so as not to bug gifters with general messages, unless I have something personal to say or a question to ask about the GA so I really don't get spambots like that.
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spamy wolf emoticon May the wolfs protect you spamy wolf emoticon
I agree, these spams and autojoins are one of reasons I reduced public giveaway. Nice to see people joining all my giveaways in minute since creating them with spam for every single one. On the other hand a lot of winners miss basic politeness to say "Thank you" on winning.
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Issue is mostly notifications, there is no way to setup notification for messages, many sites have, notify me on direct message on/off, notification if I get reply on/off and so on...thats what missing here in my opinion, not just when it comes to giveaways replies but forum replies, there are people here who made megathreads for various things, and they dont have option to turn off notifications about replies...
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I did a test on some giveaways recently which may show the scale of the problem.
I offered three sets with five DLCs keys from the same games (set A, set B and set C). In set A and B the first GA was public to the entire community and contained a link to the second GA (as in a tran), which was restricted to level 1 users and contained a link to the next one, which was restricted to level 2 and so on. The third set (C) I left public with only the level restriction, without the train scheme.
The GAs in the trains had a huge difference in the number of entries between the first GA (public) and the following (via link): Set A: lv0-459 entries, lv1-28, lv2-23, lv3-23 and lv4-22 / Set B: lv0-493 entries, lv1-37, lv2-29, lv3-29 and lv4-29. More than 400 entries less!
Meanwhile, GAs in set C (all public) had a similar level of entries. Set C: lv0-210 entries, lv1-203, lv2-161, lv3-165 and lv4-158.
Edit: Only now did I see the LordBaal post showing exactly the same thing that I tested with my GAs. Shame on me.
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Sorry for the late response, internet problems and when i had internet i was always in a hurry to solve (more important) stuff. So less time for sg comments (that were harder to spot between the thanks spam).
Hopefully the internet will now be more stable because yesterday the ISP technican came around and i was able to change a cable that made problems.
Thanks for the stats, that show, over the thumb, the same result as from us all that made different tests.
It's bad, that so many don't read descriptions and/or use automated stuff make me sad.
I am happy that i have my own group ( https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/C3vvd/join-masafors-group-of-friends ) to close such people out but in the end is it wrong that users must hide in groups to avoid to get spammed and to avoid other black sheeps.
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Thanks for the answer. Being part of SG involves making some decisions about 'for whom' the game will be given. Of course, this is completely out of our control, but I usually try to leave some GA open to give everyone a chance to win... in the meantime I always try to block spammers or people who have already won a million games and who only gave one or two in exchange (these people definitely do not need more games).
Later I will apply to your group. : )
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I seem to be in the minority of users who do not mind in the slightest getting a "thanks" from random users before the giveaway ends--and thinks that this website's community spirit was stronger and more cheery when more people said thanks--even before the end of a giveaway. Yes, getting 20 "thanks for gib" messages in your inbox can get a trifle annoying, but I'd rather have that than dead silence.
乁( ◔ ౪◔)ㄏ
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Hope to win with wolfs protection... or smth.
To all those who don't get the idea that auto-thanking bots are bad - try to make more than one giveaway running in the same time xD
Also it's not about thanking in general but about SPAM - rules are clearly against machine generated content.
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Even if it sounds weird - there are bots that post only thanks messages without autojoining... Although I would say that it's safe to assume that most of spam thanks messages are generated by autojoiners. Don't have any proofs though :)
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It's a bit tedious, but you can check this way:
Go to the entries list of the giveaway → Search for the commenter → Right click on the time of entry → Click Inspect → Browser console will pop up with the timestamp highlighted.
If all the entries and comments happened within the same second or two, it's probably a safe bet that no human could go through multiple pages entering GA-s and copy/pasting their comment that fast.
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True xD I did that couple of times and it's the case in most of times... Although I also found people who added thanks comments to like all their wins from last year or something in the same day xD Or had comments in the same second but not entries xD
Still - in most cases auto-comment = auto-join.
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Hey look! junior Moderator actually appeard in the thread...
it was not very effective though
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To be fair, i not expect that a Junior Moderator give as first one a comment to the "rule explanation and possibilities in this limits" because his rights and possibilities are limited. And mostly the time since that person is Moderator (= lesser experience) too.
But yes, after 8 days it feels, in general, a bit, like the woman with the cat :-D
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People has really too much time if they care about harmless thanking bots. Also I still cannot envision the psychological terror these might cause. I just do GAs and people enter. They say something or not i don't care. One wins and say something or not i don't care. Process ends. Maybe commenting should be disabled and that's all, if people don't like to be thanked.
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Then you have, most likely, no normal conversations or threads that get buried between/under all the thanks spam from scripts.
And don't mix 2 things together.
A thanks from a human is something else as a thanks from a script (and the owners often use autojoiners too)
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Thank is a thank. They feel to do it and it's hard to comment in every GAs manually so they use it. Also that all these use autojoiners too s just an assumption. Of course if there is an evidence against one than it's the moderators duty. If you ban thanks or thank you than some's generousity might decrease who depends on it. Or maybe there should be a commenting character minimum limit (excluding space) or only the winner can comment. Choose any and some might suffer.
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Thank is a thank. They feel to do it and it's hard to comment in every GAs manually so they use it.
I'm so thankful about all these giveaways, that I put effort and time into getting this script so I can ignore you all (and enter giveaway without me even knowing because it's automated lol)!
It's the same level as gifting someone the same mug with their name on it each year. Or repeatedly getting milk chocolate for the lactose intolerant. Did you get them a gift? Yes. Did you put any care, any thought, any personality into it? Naaaaaaaaah.
It's emberrassing. It shows that you don't care YET you put effort into showing that you are caring, but everyone can see past that lie. At the end people like that put more effort into the lie than into the actual gift (or in case, saying thanks).
Not all thanks are equal, some have negative worth.
edit: and even with that in mind, I don't care about "spam" because as far as my experience goes, it's a non-issue, which partially stems from not having super conversations to be interrupted, and I just press "mark as read" after I scam through my notifications and reading the unique comments.
Things aren't equal and interchangeable just because we don't care about the topic.
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The proper way would be to personally thank every GA, but these bad people useing computers which are emotionless machines to type some digitals could means nothing. Of course the personal thing won't happen and those thankbots just another layer between the GAgiver and the participants and they actually DO some extra efforts to use some extra app to do the thanking.
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Let't not forget about the autojoiner that works without them being at the computer, or even being awake. :\
They can say thanks when they win in a proper, handwritten, "artisan" way lol. The charade before that is only good for people who thrive on the number of likes, upvotes and thumbsups. It's fine to like having lots of thank yous and comments and stuff.
But let's not praise people who use bots to blindly post a comment as they would have done anything outstanding.
It feels shit when you get 5 different languaged "thanks" from the same guy because of some autojoiner script optimised their points and they entered and left your giveaway 4 times over a week, but posting a different "thank you" from a list 5 times. And that they don't notice it that they already did it 1-2-3-4 times already. I really suspected the guy using a script, but the multiple comments really buried the thing.
edit because this again turned into a semi-related rant: this is what I think and what I prefer. But it's silly to have anti-spam rules, and the "thank you" button idea doesn't deal with the machine-generated "fake" thanks, it just hides them. I don't think there will be any change regarding this.
Lehet én vagyok öreg, vagy pesszimista-realista, de nem zavar ha valaki nem köszöni meg giveawayt, sokra belép, ideje kevés, morognak az emberek hogy szpeeeeeeeem meg minden. Értesítések bevezetése előtt én is mindent megköszöntem(kézzel, max copypaste :D ) mert senkit nem zavart - ha valaki kérdez, vagy adott dolgot kér, mai napit úgy válaszolok, mert ő vette a fáradtságot hogy írjon valamit, akkor tőlem is hasonló .
Szkript-Jóskánk meg inkább már ne tegye az agyát, hogy ő mennyire cukimuki hogy megköszön mindent, amikor egy szar script posztol és egyáltalán, lép be helyette. Minek átlátszóan hazudni ott, ahol nincs a rossz válaszért büntetés?
Olyan mint amikor a viccbeli srác Valentin napra 12 darab "egyetlenemnek" lapot vesz. :)
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> Lehet én vagyok öreg, vagy pesszimista-realista, de nem zavar ha valaki nem köszöni meg giveawayt, sokra belép, ideje kevés, morognak az emberek hogy szpeeeeeeeem meg minden. Értesítések bevezetése előtt én is mindent megköszöntem(kézzel, max copypaste :D ) mert senkit nem zavart - ha valaki kérdez, vagy adott dolgot kér, mai napit úgy válaszolok, mert ő vette a fáradtságot hogy írjon valamit, akkor tőlem is hasonló .
Szkript-Jóskánk meg inkább már ne tegye az agyát, hogy ő mennyire cukimuki hogy megköszön mindent, amikor egy szar script posztol és egyáltalán, lép be helyette. Minek átlátszóan hazudni ott, ahol nincs a rossz válaszért büntetés?
Olyan mint amikor a viccbeli srác Valentin napra 12 darab "egyetlenemnek" lapot vesz. :)
I think your autojoiner broke and started gargling letters.................Fix this!
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:) Igaz-igaz, meg nem is. Együtt érzek veled. Persze baromság az autojoiner meg autoköszönő, de meg mondom őszintén én nagy ívben lexarom. Nekem van valamim ami nem kell, másnak meg kell. Vigyétek!
I actuallly do not care auto scripts. I have something i do not need and they want it. Take it and all happy! This is what this site is about.
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The "proper" way would be to go ahead and enter 20 of that users GAs if that's what they are going to do, but say "thank you" in ONE of them. "Hey mate, thanks for all the awesome GAs." There is no need to annoy someone with 20 fake notifications. People who thank in this way don't actually give a shit about the user they are thanking. They just want to win a +1 for their library.
No one wants their thanks. As I said to another user below, I don't blacklist for it, but it does annoy me to log into 50, and sometimes more stupid copy/paste messages. Sometimes, the nice messages get lost in all of that. I have missed some that I might have noticed days later when checking the GAs that have ended because 9 times out of 10, I hit "mark as read" on the whole lot after briefly scanning them. Oh, and it tends to happen more in the lower level GAs.
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i think u have too much free time if ur checking time of comments and giveaways entries so see if its same person with thanks script or no...
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Squeezing through
When I was new to the website, I didn't even know about bot-users or script-users. So I thought the generic thank you message was the norm and I was "spamming thanks" as I was entering more and more GA's. (Some users even think it increase their win chances)
I'm not saying everyone is like that, it's obviously not the case at all, of course there is bots BUT, I don't think everyone is to blame because of them.
Not all of us are part of the community and, we can't force anyone to go to the forums and become an active member. Many just see free games opportunities and that's pretty much it. In that "many", some will win, and in that bunch of winners, a few will start to give, but this process takes time.
All I want to say by this is that many users probably don't even know this is a spam-bot thing, or that saying just thanks annoys active users; and simply try to mimic others just because it's nicer with a little thank u.
You can't blame all of them for being polite.
Scripts users are to blame, but I don't think the thanks message as a whole negative thing. The scripts and the bots only are to blame.
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The spam kinda makes it a negative thing. I haven't blacklisted people for it, but I was really annoyed when I logged in to tons of "thank you" messages all from the same people after I made maybe 30 GAs at the same time. At that point, it becomes noticeable.
A real user would have written in ONE of the GAs. "Thanks for all the GAs" or something to that effect. But no. They wrote the exact same thing in every one they entered, and multiple accounts did the same thing over those few days.
So it's not the odd random "thank you" that is bothersome. It's the bot spam. The problem with that is after getting 50+ notifications each time you log in, you're probably going to miss a real comment that someone left you. In fact, that has happened to me before.
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As i wrote:
To be clear, i don't speak from the normal users that use from time to time the same sentence in a GA. They don't spam that messages, need more time to write or copy the sentences and aren't everywhere. It's very easy to spot the difference in GA comments and i am sure the support can see timestamps for the comments that would show the ones that act in, for a human not possible, lightspeed.
So it is very clear that i see a difference between someone that write, sometimes, a thanks, a thanks with different words at different Ga's [That is fully ok]
Accounts that spam in 20 Ga's the exact same thanks text and, as my screenshot in the first post show, partly in the same second and that is not possible for a human, so clearly a script/autojoiner user. [That isn't ok]
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I don't mind thanks from winners, or non generic thanks for the opportunity.
But thanks as a way to show their bot / script that they entered a giveaway - is downright suspicious, and doesn't add anything.
Especially when they manage to post 5-6 in the same minute/second. Makes me think they're using more automation than is legally ok to use here.
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The thanks script are a part of the autojoiner and can be activated to send a automatic (thanks) message when entered a GA.
So yes, not really something that add more trust, that the people that use a autojoiner "only" use it for endless scrolling and sending a automatic thanks message.
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284 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Fluffster
i see more and more accounts use thanks scripts/bots.
In the past only a few done that so it doesn't had a big impact on the GA's but right now i would be able to make a list of 30 - 50 accounts that do it.
It have a very strong impact on public and open groups GA's and can be seen as punishment for the gifters. I feel exactly that way when i give something and get then 20 spam messages as "thanks".
It is annoying to get spammed with that, generic, messages.
This messages clutter a thread and hide real comments.
In the end they make a lot of work and don't bring a advantage.
Public GA's and open group GA's are worse, as they were in the past, because of that.
The accounts that i mean do it in each GA and to proof it, i can back it up with a easy example from my own made GA's.
2 different GA's, opened and entered in the same second = impossible
To write on top in both the same, very short, message = impossible²
And i am sure that, nearly, each one of the thanks script accounts have the same entry and writing speed as my picked one for the example.
So in the end easy catches
To be clear, i don't speak from the normal users that use from time to time the same sentence in a GA. They don't spam that messages, need more time to write or copy the sentences and aren't everywhere. It's very easy to spot the difference in GA comments and i am sure the support can see timestamps for the comments that would show the ones that act in, for a human not possible, lightspeed.
It give in the rules a punishment option for SPAM and i want that the moderation team discuss if they want to use that punishment possibility for the thanks script accounts.
Or if they can perma suspend all that accounts... but i don't bet at this option... so i try it with the SPAM rule ;o)
Thanks and have a good day.
PS.: I got Blacklists for this discussion. I shouldn't be surprised but i am still so innocent that i don't expect them for saying a opinion :-D
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