Those leechers (I guess I could be counted as one) are mostly people that can't afford games so their only option is either piracy or trying to win a game on a website such as this one.
Setting up CV requirement on giveaways basically makes it so only people who have money and can basically afford games themselves can enter the giveaway while the ones that are poor can not. Of course the giveaway creator has all the right to do whatever he wants, but tis just something that should be considered.
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Yeah, exactly. It's not necessarily a bad thing to have people only come here to try to win games. I'm saying that there shouldn't be a stricter minimum limit to who is allowed to do that.
Giveaway creators just need to decide if they want to give a game away to everybody or just to the people that have contributed so far.
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If anything, it should be decreased.
It should go without saying that a giveaway website is especially helpful for the people who can't afford buying many games themselves.
Also the term "leacher" is not needed and uncalled for. Again, we are on a GIVEAWAY website here... way too many people consider to be an exclusive trading group.
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As much as I agree with you, decreasing it would just maje matters worse
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If that's giveaway website - why don't you like to give away much?
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+infinity Honestly some of these high and mighty people calling othes leechers aren't much better (due to how they get their stuff via price glitches and abusing region price differences)
For a site supposedly about giving away stuff, that mindset certainly sticks out like a sore thumb as it suggests it's more about flaunting one's wealth than any real kindness.
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Um it's no epeen, and you don't see me ranting about CV values, leechers or entitled $10000+ value gifters. That's pretty much the point really, users like Thirteen13 just make a fool out of themselves, losing credibility.
Oh also djalma1282, you won 27 games, and managed to give away 3 free games and one price glitched one. 8 gifts in total? Good job! You just made a fool out of yourself too.
Yeah I am not very generous myself, I have a simple principle on SG: I try to maintain an 1:1 ratio, without exploiting any free games and price glitched games.
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No offence but good job stroking your eepen, you can tap your back and say what an "awesome person" you are (there, I said it too)
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He is not an awesome person, just a contributing member of a community made to SHARE games, unlike the ones agreeing with Thirteen13.
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Oh sorry mighty sir, i shall now get down on my knees and praise your name for your holyness
Just get down from your high horse for once
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Making fun of me doesn't change the facts. On second thoughts, I don't understand why leechers are asking for a lower library value, to register more accounts? I mean if they are commenting, that means they already succeded registering in this site.
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Thirteen13 has given things away, meaning he/she is not a leecher. You've listed all of your recent giveaways at $30.01 CV, which shows that you care more about the status of having given away something that isn't on the bundle list more than you care about how much someone actually gives.
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We already have a problem with people with multiple accounts. No need to increase the risk. Also don't forget there are tons of phishers and bots who would love to be able to join the site and post spam links all over the place.
If you want to lower the minimum value, then can you give an idea on how to prevent this problem?
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having participated in a very few giveaways > and losing quickly interest (stuffs thrown around anyway)
the more you have the rather you'd not partake, but make a giveaway yourself
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The main reason for minimum account value has nothing to do with leachers or not, but to help stop alt accounts..
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Jesus christ people! People on this site are always complaining about other people not being thankful for they get. Well if you limit this site to people that are practically rich and are able to afford tossing $1000 at steam games than you're going to get even less thank yous than your getting now. A majority of the people who are truly thankful are the people who get the games that can't afford them.
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maybe true,i don't even know how you got here with all those previous free games.
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I think there are different point of views. First as far as I know bundle-games don´t count or at least don´t count 1:1 for the library value, so even a 1K or 2K valued account could easily drop below an 200 or 250$ ....and I would be really disappointed if i´m not able to do giveaway to so many nice people just for reason like that.
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Steamgauge puts my library at a little over $2000 but if you exclude all bundles and free (even some I got before they were such) I am most likely under $250 (probably right around 200 - IDK which ones might have been bundled after I got them).
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wait a second... if your all games get bundled at one point, does cg kicks you outta here? :O
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i don´t think that there is any "kick-out"-function, if something is bundeled after. but the intention of AlphaBetaGamma is a kick-out, so the value of every member would have to calculated again at one point and...maybe even it will kickout himself, who knows.
And it´s not only the fact if something is bundled or not, also the storeprices pay 50$ for a game and 2 years later it´s 20...and so on.
anyway this petition is for me like a "make me an easier" competition by kicking other out of the race....would it change anything? Givers that want to reduce the competition already doing groups,puzzles or CV-setting...
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oh boy, i was scared for a second that i can't play any fairy games anymore -or watch a LP of it if i have 1 or 2 gb data cap via my cell as last resort. .-.
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Not at all. After you made it on SG, your account remains. I know somebody who registered with a 50$ account during a COD free weekend (does add to the value) and he was fine even after the temporary game was gone and his value was lower than the minimum. oops just revealed a breach in the system
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it is a known "trick". people do it all the time unfortunately. -.-
you should report that user if you didn't already.
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Gotta agree, although I think games that were in a bundle should add at least some value, especially since I'm sure many of us have purchased games that were later put in some bundle. Seems pretty stupid that all the many games I paid about $10 or more for, are worth $0 according to SG.
Another point is look at the info for the person that started this thread. Looks like all his giveaways, or attempted giveaways were from free giveaways through other sources. Then if it was increased to $200+, looking at his Steam library, he may not even be able to be here himself.
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Maybe as an alternative, add a new filter option for giveaways - minimum/maximum library value? Maybe even post an estimated library value in people's profiles, updated every sync. Of course, it would be nice to see a filter for 'luck' as well, to allow us to create giveaways for those with poor luck. How about one for minimum Steam account age... the list goes on. It's all readily accessible data, why not leverage it?
I suppose, in a perfect world, we as gift givers could special gifts for those underprivileged souls with less than $1000 in their library, over a year on Steam and a ratio of less than 1:1000 wins/entries on SG. Those that feel that people need huge libraries to qualify for their gifts can limit them to people with $5,000 game portfolios, more than 5 years on steam and no ratio.
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I see a lot of people who don't even reach 100$ here... why ?!
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well, you wont find them here, as you need 100 dollars to join this site
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why not lower it. place is already full of crap, why bother keeping up this pretence with the minimum entry shit. just let everyone in, who cares any more. the mods dont care, the users dont care, the people that fuck this place up with fake giveaways, scams, exploits dont care... place went to shit the moment it stopped requiring invites to join.
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Let everyone in
Yeah, lets open the floodgates for bots/phishers to come in, great idea sarcasm
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Wait....this site had a minimum of 100 bucks steam library value? How on earth did I meet that back when I had like 6 games on Steam and joined here???
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I wasn't here 3 years ago but maybe the limit was different back then? Or maybe you had 6 games with high enough value?
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Could be I guess. I bought them all retail but a while after launch when the Steam value should have already been reduced so I don't actually think they would have been enough but maybe.
Could also be I guess that the limit was lower or non-existent.
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200$ it's fine for me BUT would be nice that we have to resync again so the bots and millions of accounts of just 1 person to have more chances to win,get the f* out of the page because actually is really sad that we have less opportunitys to win because of that.
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Actually, it's Steam that does. And since SG get this info from Steam...
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So lets say someone joins steam today and buys all the bad ass expensive like 40-60$ but doesnt know about SG, he finds out about it in about a year. At this point all those games would have been bundled and would have no value therefor he wouldnt be able to join SG. So your idea is to force ppl to buy more new games, spend close to 200$ or more, when they want to join SG, a GIVEAWAY site ?
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Not the OP, but giveaway creators have the option to set a CV requirement, I don't see the point in making it a sitewide rule. Some people are fine with giving away unconditionally. Like someone else wrote, the account value rule is there to make sure fake accounts are locked out and I think it works just fine.
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hard to buy non bundled games when you dont earn :)
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i don´t think we have to increase the minimum value, because, like others said before, not everybody has the money to pay for games, and for them, the opportunity to win games here, wich they couldn´t efford otherwise, is one of the reasons steamgifts got that big.
i think it would be hypocritical to say: "i like to gift", but on the other hand want a high minimum library value, to keep those away who really should win those Giveaways. (at least as long as they are gratefull and acctually play the games they win)
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Problem is that if for instance there wouldnt be any limit, site would be flooded and there would be like 40 k entries for no cv giveaways and such, would make the site overloaded with spammers/beggars/etc. Just check out WishAGame steam group as to why its not a good idea to lower the entry conditions
Its hypocritical, yes, but I believe its still the lesser evil solution to keep things reasonable to a bare minimum
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i didn´t say that there should be no minumum value, ecause i understand why it is necessary, but i also think that we don´t have to raise it. yes there are some beggars, leechers and ungrateful guys on this site, but you wont get them away from SG, because they will mostly have the required library value. the only thing this value is good for, is, like you set too, to keep away the users of multiple accounts. every other argument is au fond selfish motivated and against the keynote of this wonderful site.
don´t get me wrong, i understand why one may think it would be a smart move to raise the "entrance fee", but if you exaggerate this, the only effect is to get those from this site, that really should win gifts.
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I consider SG to be like a charity, I giveaway games for free with no restrictions, as there are those who cannot afford games.
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Bundled games do not count toward the $100. The entire point of the $100 minimum is to prevent alternate accounts I believe.
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Because without this minimum requirement the site would be flooded with bots and alternate accounts. That's the only reason there's a minimum requirement.
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was just thinking that sg is becoming too overcrowded (with leechers (sorry if you found it offensive))and maybe they should increase minimum library value from 100$ to about $200~$250?
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