Sorry for your lost, we are energy and all is a cycle, not metaphysic talking obviously, but is physics, his body is now evolving into other forms, other bodies, other forms of life, everybody knows what a loss means. You can't carry any pain now for things you didn't, time doesn't heal, but, makes you wiser.
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Ah, the pain i will carry, but i will use it for better decisions, besides, i wouldn't be able to justify not carrying it.
Also, do you want to join the giveaway?
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It's good that you recognize and learn from your mistakes, but avoid feeling guilty, Guilt is a very negative feeling that never leads to a good place. I'm sorry for your loss. Some people are just hit by life like that (I mean your uncle) with disease, etc. Some people because they don't take good care of themselves, and some just because. My father-in-law also has some serious health struggles and he's fighting like a champ and with a positive attitude.
That's why I think we people who are healthy for the most part, need to take care of our health, keep a healthy attitude, eat right, avoid bad stuff that harms our bodies, etc. We owe it to ourselves, to the people who are ill and to our loved ones who would suffer if we weren't healthy.
Also sorry for the fact that you couldn't have a "nice" family funeral. Out of respect for the deceased, everyone that knew him should forget stupid grievances and such, at least for the occasion. Unfortunately the situation with your other uncle being a "drunkard" is also sad. I've seen how alcohol can ruin people's lives, and honestly I don't think societies and governments take that epidemic as seriously as they should. We even make so many jokes about it on TV, etc. But for thousands, if not millions of people worldwide it's not funny. At all.
A bad situation for gamers in Eastern Europe. Thankfully you have bundles and such, and then Steam offers that allow you guys to have many nice games, even if you can't always acces AAA games at launch. GL with that too.
Also, I've whitelisted you. Thanks for the sad but inspiring story, and the awesome W/S ratio.
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Thank you for the kind words and for the whitelisting.
And yes, families should become closer at such events...
You want to join the giveaway?
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Sorry for your lost...
He's gone to nicer place for sure...
Thanks for sharing with us, I'll keep in mind to be better person too before it's too late...
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I'm really sorry for your loss, but that's life. People come and people go. I'm sure you will feel better after a while. Thanks for sharing the giveaway with the community though.
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My condolences to your uncle.
I understand how u feel.I am also like you as i also rarely have any emotions but if it is someone that help me or do something good that i will nvr forget and die,i will also feel very sad.
Its really sad if i cant go to the one's funeral if that person mean alot to me.
I dont mind joining the giveaway as hotline miami is the game that i wanted ever since the release.
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I'm sorry to hear that :(
Thank you I'll remember your word
I heard this word many times, I hope I won't make this as a mistake
"You only realize the importance of someone when they are gone"
But hey your uncle must be happy, because you remembered good things about him
To join the giveaway, let me know you want the game, and i will add you on Steam
Thank you but I have to refuse
Well, if you want to add me I don't mind having +1 friend :)
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In few short words... I am someone that doesn't have many emotions, someone that rarely feels anything, yet, the death of my uncle teared me apart so much that i was shocked.
He was a strong motherducker, he had diabetes, cyrosis, for few years already, recently he got Cancer as well, a 14cm tumor... Yet, he was still strong.
Don't get me wrong, he stopped fighting, trust me, he did... but he still was very strong as it is.
I am not a religious person, or a scientology follower, or anything that might fit these two groups, yet, i've seen how a powerful consciousness can basically wash away any disease... I believe we just limit ourselves, we don't try enough...
I couldn't go to his funeral due to some family disputes, death threats from some other uncle that was a drunkard (I wasn't afraid of him, i just didn't want to ruin a funeral...)
And i also didn't visit him the last days before he died... Just because i was stupid. For this, there is no excuse.
He didnt' see me for quite few years IRL, if i went... maybe i could encourage him, and give him that confidence... .
These two are sins that i will always carry on my shoulders, and i don't want to sound dramatic, i don't want to sound pitiful. I just want to be sure i will remind these hard moments i am now living, and guide myself in the future to make better decisions, and to not hesitate important things.
Just keep in mind, there is more to life than we will ever know, all words and actions have a big impact on others, tihngs that may seem irrelevant for you, might help others.
Try to not make the same mistakes as i did.
Now... for the happy part of the story.
Happy memory of him
He had some issues, he was known to have a bad temper from time to time, nothing big, nothing to put him in the 'black sheep' spot.
I will always remember him as a very kind and good hearted man, when i think about him i always remember the times when he owned a small store and he was always giving me some small chocolate bars when i was visiting him (He wanted me to have what he couldn't due to his diabetes), and.. me.. being younger... i was even asking him for some extra, that extra being usually beer, and he gave me, these moments... were happy for me back then, but they make me even more happier now, because.. they are memories, fragments of life that can't be erased not even after death.
Sorry for the wall of text that might've saddened you (Personally, i believe it shouldn't sadden you, i think it should inspire you to never make such mistakes).
For the giveaway part, i am giving away a Hotline Miami copy, one of my all-time favorites (and i have quite of history of gaming).
You might ask yourself why i'd rather choose to include people from Eastern Europe into the giveaway, the answer for that is.. Prices here are amazingly big, many of us can't really afford much, salaries that are around 180-200 euros (Can be bigger, i am not lying, but these cases are pretty rare), and we pay the same as the rest of the Europe.
Basically we pay almost half of a salary for an AAA game.
However, i am not restricting this giveaway to Eastern Europe, if you have a bad financial status, i understand you, just add me on Steam (Best way to keep track of those that should be in the giveaway, in case of leaking), and i will give you the link.
But, i do restrict people that just want to hoard it.
I do this in memory of my uncle, and i want someone that will really enjoy the game to actually win it.
To join the giveaway, let me know you want the game, and i will add you on Steam so i can keep better track of people that join it, and then i will send you the link
Again, sorry for the wall of text, and the small drama, i just wanted some more people to hear this story.
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