Blizzard updated their FAQ today.

Selling items on the real money auction house to cash out to your Paypal account now requires you to sign up for SMS alerts (so you need a cell phone).

Junk items now incur a 15% fee upon sale.

Higher grade items (uniques, set items and such) now incur a $1 fee upon sale.

In addition to the above fees, there is a 15% transfer fee if you want the money to go to your Paypal account plus any fees that Paypal may charge.

I must say, this is quite disappointing after the last information I heard about free listings every week and 10 cent flat fees a few months ago.

12 years ago*

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12 years ago

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Not surprised that Activision would force Blizzard to do this.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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+1, you got this

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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wow they are trying to milk it harder than cod...

12 years ago

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I didn't know that you can sell your gold for money and vice versa. I think they messed up the name of this game. It's not "diablo", it's "Chinese Farmer: The RPG"

12 years ago

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I have to say, I laughed pretty hard at this. Thanks, I needed that.

12 years ago

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hmm... although i'd bet most of that is due to PayPal... still... ick.

12 years ago

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Actually I saw a post by a Blizzard mod on the forum that said Paypal shouldn't charge any additional fees (although they may to use the money later).

12 years ago

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They won't charge any additional fees because whatever fees they do charge you for are included in the 15% you lose for cashing out. How much of that goes to Paypal, how much to Blizzard, and how much of that is actually necessary, we don't know.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I demand a game with him as the final boss.

12 years ago

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Torchlight 2/Path of Exile please...I want none of this, game is looking worse decision wise everyday.

12 years ago

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I skipped over Starcraft 2 and I will skip over Diablo 3 too. Blizzard is going downhill, and that's coming from a loyal Blizzard customer with every game they made except for those two plus WoW. (I'm not interested in any monthly fees for my games)

12 years ago

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Path of exile is boring as hell.

12 years ago

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Had more fun in it then I did in any game like it since Diablo 2.

12 years ago

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Made one of each character and none entertained me.

12 years ago

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Oh well, not everyone likes the same game after all, a lot of people liked the Beta better then the Diablo 3 beta so it has to be doing something right for some, nice that its not a pay to win game also. :-)

12 years ago

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I have to agree here. The gameplay in Path of Exile is severely lacking next to the competetion. Combat and skills are really stiff and not very fluid. Really the only games since Diablo 2 that have been able to come anywhere close to its gameplay quality are Titan Quest and Torchlight.

I didn't find any worth in the skill tree either. That huge skill tree looks a hell of a lot more complex than it really is and seems completely unnecessary to me. The only thing that looked interesting was the skill/spell gem system, though that's not enough to make the game worthwhile.

12 years ago

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Torchlight 2 <3

12 years ago

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And this is why i won't be using the auction house.

12 years ago

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Well, i'm not using that auction house then.

12 years ago

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Funny I was just reading a thread on the forum about the cell phone requirement being unfair, try to go to the next page and a mod had deleted the thread... On to Torchlight 2 then.

12 years ago

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Well it's not like i'm gonna buy anything from that realm money AH...I'll rather grind for hours and hours and try to get it on my own

12 years ago

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You guys don't have to use the RMAH. I think this is stupid, but you can still enjoy and play the game. I'm not sure why this is suddenly such a big to you guys. You can still play the game just the same way as you were going to before knowing about this. I have no interest in the auction house. I have interest in the game. If this is a big enough reasons to not play the game then you guys are really dumb.

12 years ago

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Well I had been interested in playing a game I enjoy and making some coin on the side. The beta didn't convince me that I'd enjoy the game as much as I had been hoping, and now the coin on the side is looking like a cash grab, and I haven't even been able to figure out about the AH regions (I'm in NZ, don't wanna be on the same auction house as the pro farmers) so it's all looking a bit shithouse to me.

12 years ago

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I love how it's called a "beta" but was actually a demo. No betaing was involved. I actually kind of feel doubly awesome for scamming Nozzle into buying me Amalur in exchange for it. ◕ ‿ ◕

12 years ago

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Well it was beta only insofar as that they were testing loading on their servers. In that respect it wasn't too bad. Seemed to run OK, although there was some lag and rubberbanding which is always total crap in a damn singleplayer game.

But they could have made it so it actually gave people something to chew on that was actually good, to encourage sales. The "beta" part was pretty piss poor and showed me little that made me want to pick up the game.

Inb4 Yatterman telling me I'm totally wrong.

12 years ago

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They announced that you will be able to play the game in any region. By default, it should connect you to the North America servers if you live in AU/NZ.

12 years ago

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I have an interest in the game, but I also have a bigger interest in not giving my money to companies that are pulling shit like this. Blizzard had been going downhill for a while, and the RMAH was the final straw for me.

12 years ago

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Well actually, I don't have much money at the moment. The only reason I was considering buying the game is because I would be able to pay for the game through the auction house (and probably get a little extra to do some giveaways). But since I don't have a cell phone, that's impossible. So Blizzard just lost a sale and I'll be sticking with Torchlight 2 for now unless they change that policy.

12 years ago

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I still remember when my friend bought an Eaglehorn bow in the early days of D2 for like $30 off of eBay. Don't see a difference with the in-game AH, except that Blizzard's getting their cut now.

12 years ago

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Holy shit so 30% goes to Blizzard? Balls to that.

12 years ago

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For a shitty digital item. It's obvious that they wanted to make a killing off of the auction house from the start.

12 years ago

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It's not 30%. It's ~27.8% for junk items and $1 + 15% for good items. Still bullshit.

12 years ago

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Torchlight 2 is 19.99


12 years ago

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Plus Mods...


12 years ago

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Plus fun... :D

12 years ago

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Its almost crazy that an indie game like this looks better then a big budget game. I plan on getting Torchlight 2 when I have some money, never bought the first one, played it at a friends...but I really need company when playing those games, online is a must for me with dungeon crawlers, excited for TL2.

12 years ago

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+1 isn't enough.

+<3 That seems good enough.

Fuck Blizzard, and to think I used to be such a fanboy. (Lots of time spent on Warcraft1-3, Diablo1-2, and some other older games you might not know about :3 )

12 years ago

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The Lost Vikings! Ah, memories.

12 years ago

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Dude! I played the shit out of Lost Vikings.

12 years ago

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Memories indeed. Great game!

12 years ago

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$15 in the 4-pack!

12 years ago

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and BAM! I suddenly stopped thinking about buying the game. Thanks for the heads up, this sucks.

12 years ago

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lol.... do you even know what this is? auction house with real money you don't list junk items you list items you will make profit when you sell them and it's optional

12 years ago

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and i still cant wait to get addictet from this game.. :)

12 years ago

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they're still providing you a way to get your item to the masses and make cold hard cash on it. game is sans subscription, so i'm ok with this. if it's that bothersome just sell for gold, that's always an option :)

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Blizzard gets greedier and greedier. WOn't even download it from sharing network, just like Starcraft 2 1\3. In our country it actually came with mountly fee...

12 years ago

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¯_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not buying the game to make cash out of it. I wasn't planning on using that feature anyways.

12 years ago

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Blizzard is a lie !!!

12 years ago

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So basically the gold farming they wanted to get rid of so much is going to be booming.

The idea was, essentially, that you have many providers and therefore there is much more competition, and the prices lower, obviously.

12 years ago

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only one who makes money out of the auction house is obv Blizz

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

12 years ago

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Except you can choose not to use this feature. Not using it won't make your gaming experience any worse.
I don't know what the big deal is. Maybe a lot of people were expecting to make a job out of D3.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Soupinator.