I remember losing my CD Key for Spore (Also the first expension)
I went to support, SHOWED them that my EA Account had Spore stuff in it, SHOWED them my Spore account, SHOWED them a picture of the discs. They wanted $30 for the CD Keys anyways...
This happened to all my games (Mom decided to keep Cds but throw the cases out, With the Keys in em)
The only one I really regret loosing is C&C Tiberium Wars really, But it still pisses me off that EA is such a scumbag of a company -.-
About Origin: I refuse to buy any EA games from now on, Im not gonna install a whole other thing just to play 1 damn game, Its enough with Steam... I dont wanna end up with a million different game managing programs :\
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it's the fact that i purchased the game from EA, no go.
i purchase the game from valve. No problem what soever.
it must be something more than just the DRM.
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there's really been a whole lot of these stories lately, Im really enjoying myself :P I am personally boycotting every EA product (with the exception of Dragon Age Origins which I still want) since the ME3 day 1 DLC and the BF3 shortcut items. I've tried Origin but it just hasnt got the social features that Steam has (and lacks free games to lure you in).
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I think it is. Im tired of their attitude and how theyve run Bioware into the ground. Dragon Age Origins came out before they started going down the hill (starting with Dragon Age 2). I havent bought ME3 or BF3 while I have all previous games in the franchises.
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This has happened to me with Spore, and all the Battlefield games. All the battlefield games that are not BC2 or BF3 do not work, cannot create keys for or anything. And yet they still sell the non-functional games. I bought BF2 on steam.... wont work, talked to support over 20 times, they cant do anything about it. Also redeemed my CD keys on Origin, they dont work either. Redeemed my spore key on origin, doesnt work, bought it on steam, works. The battlefield series is my favorite games. But the company has made me uninstall every EA game I own, and I wont go back until they actually care about the players, which doest seem to be for awhile.
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what do you mean? the CD key i got with my retail copy on steam? that wouldn't
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I must apologize; if you weren't on the thread you wouldn't really get it.
In honesty I tl;dr'd on the original post. I am sorry earth brother.
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i had problems with spore too. i had bought maxis games in the past (simcity and simcity 2000) but hadn't bought anything from ea before. turns out ea is so bad that they brought maxis down with them. it's a shame because the idea had a lot of potential, but it got abandoned early -- probably because ea realized they already had everyone's money and fixing the serious bugs wouldn't actually get them any more money. i already didn't like ea so bought spore and its expansions used, but now i know that buying anything that ea is involved with is a waste of money.
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Speaking of Spore...
I remember purchasing the galaxy something edition, and when I tried to redeem it on origin, it doesn't work. I asked support for help, instead she told me to ask the retail shop for a refund.
EA support fail.
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I remember getting spore and activating it on my family's computer. We had to wipe the computer, so I reactivated it. When we got a new computer, it wouldn't let me activate it since it had been activated twice. That ended my days playing such an awesome game.
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There should really be a EA hate group for all you haters then..
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there is an Anti EA group on steam if that's what you mean?
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I think EA actually want us to pirate their games... that's the most realistic thing I can come up with. They don't give a shit on purpose and offer very shitty service so we would start pirating their games. Their goal is to make as many of us pirate their games and make us want to play multiplayer of their games and thats where they get us, we have to get a serial key in order to do that... clever.
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not 100% connected with the topic but at least 98% is---> http://torrentfreak.com/spore-most-pirated-game-ever-thanks-to-drm-080913/
EA is going down every single day. Wrong choices brings up Bad consequences xD
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there was a 4.0 patch which made the game a bit iffy at best. they later replaced that with the 5.0 patch which broke the game entirely. Making it unable to perform things such as walking, singing, fighting etc. Which is the soul purpose of the game.
they later released a 6.0 patch. Exclusive to those who purchased enough Dr. Pepper bottles to win a code. and some "Mech parts pack". I downloaded this, hoping it was some sort of sinister "pay extra to get the game to work" thing, but it had the same results.
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Weird thing, but in Russia Origin prices are often much higher than Steam ones.
Also, they lost my BC2 when renamed their system to Origin... Really, they just lost the freaking game from my account?
Last time I bought smth from Origin was ME3. And I had problems (surprise!). Since Alt+Tab would often just hang the game, I had to use Origin overlay browser. Which would often hang the game by himself or just be incredibly laggy. Lost connection to Origin (I never lost the internet connection, btw)? "F*CK YOU! We close your game!" Not to mention that ME3 is pretty buggy by itself.
Never going to buy any game on Origin again.
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Maybe EA just didn't provide some patches on Steam (including the one that broke the game). And this is why SPORE is still working on Steam.
So far I bought one EA game (FIFA Manager 11) and noticed the latest patch is missing. And no way to install it manually, it doesn't work with the Steam version.
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Ok so i just got this game, Spore. I used to love this game, even went so far as to actually BUY IT (in my pirating days). But then EA released a patch that eventually broke the game. fair enough. it happens. but what do EA do, ditch the game and sever all ties to it.
Then enters the hero of the story. Valve (picture gabe in a cape)
I got this Spore game on steam. and low and behold. The steam version works perfectly, aside from the awkward "EA login" shit. which forgot who i was, so i change my password and keept getting repeated "password should be more than 4 letter" though it's closer to 40.
The kicker. EA have sold this game for $3, but force Valve, the company that fixed their half-assed game, to sell it for £30. i'm guessing, to make sure that they only get sales through their own client Origin.
EA, you suck. burn in hell for your sins!
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