Hiya, I recently won a giveaway in which the donator was first suspended and then suddenly the link to the giveaway disappeared.
This would be no problem if not:

  1. likely an IGN exploit was used to get the key

  2. the giveaway page (which after all proves i got the key as gift and not by exploiting it myself) vanished

  3. I notified steam of the possibility that the key was exploited. And i would like to be able to show them i won it, so they know i am not the exploiter.

Anyone got an idea how to regain access to the page?

12 years ago*

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Steamgifts isn't affiliated with steam. Steam support isn't going to do anything and SG Support can't give you the game. If the giveaway was deleted then it was deleted for breaking the rules and unfortunately you won't be getting anything. When you access the page, does it say the giveaway was deleted?

12 years ago

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yeah sure they are not affiliated, and sure they wont give me the game. But thats not my worry. They are responsible for sanctioning the use of exploited keys though.

@accessing the page of the giveaway:

That is the thing the page is not there anymore, it is not even included in the 'won' list anymore.
The older title I won is still shown, otherwise i would have assumed it is a bug or so

12 years ago

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"They are responsible for sanctioning the use of exploited keys though."

The site rules prohibit the use of such exploited keys. SteamGifts did not sanction the use or disbursement of that key.

12 years ago

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I was talking about steam not steamgifts
(and at the time of the giveaway it was not known that it was an exploited key)

oh and 'sanction' was meant in the punishing sort of way :)

12 years ago

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Could you find the giveaway in your recent browser history?
If you could find it, I expect that it will turn out to be a deleted giveaway.

12 years ago

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Oh yeah that worked, yay.

Yeah it is deleted :-/ but it is missing info on who won the giveaway.

Why would the admins do that? I mean they are kind of destroying the evidence i need that I did not obtain the key in an illegitimate manner (as the activated exploited key would suggest)

12 years ago

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They are doing it because the keys are exploited. Did you get the key?

12 years ago

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yeah sure, that is what this whole fuss is about :-/ or rather thats why I need confirmation I won, so that steam support knows why I activated an exploited key

12 years ago

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I think for the Steam support doesn't matter where you got the key (You can also get banned on Steam or get the game removed if you got a illegally acquired gift or key from trading although you didn't have known it). If they decide to remove these keys from accounts then you can't do anything against this.

12 years ago

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oh the removing is no problem :D i just don't want to chalk up some hidden steam misbheavior points

12 years ago

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You cannot get into trouble for using an exploited key. Steam cannot possibly understand how you obtained that key and so therefore all they can do is remove it from your account. They can't punish you in any other way in regards to activating an exploited key.

12 years ago

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That sounds like how a reasonable person or corporation would react. My experience with steam (especially on the forums) is that they ban not based on evidence but on interpretation.

With several threads claiming that ones account can be temporarily suspended or worse (for example Traders guild group announcement) and no official statement from steam it is kinda hard to believe that nothing bad could come from it.

12 years ago

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If you could find someone who's been suspended for using an exploited key, I wouldn't mind being disproved :)

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Deeta.