There are some tests to measure the IQ but most can only tell if you are above 99 percentil and by being in the top 1% means that there are 70 million living people like you. Also it's only useful to make your life a bit easier as you can solve some problems faster.
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every civilization starts with the same three easy first steps:
punch a tree, kill 2 sheep for wool, build a dirt hut!
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I don't really have any useful knowledge to share. A situation where everybody are even less informed and intelligent than I am sounds seriously scary. But if I could choose, I'd probably teach them how to build atom bombs. No hunger, no poverty, no injustice, no civilization!
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You could watch and wait for Dr Stone to finish the manga or anime, and only then travel to anywhere you want to go.
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Are there zombies on that island? Asking for a friend.
Seriously though. I know quite a bit (some would say too much, especially those related to me) about food, nutrition, fishing, foraging and cooking so not saying we'd get a Michelin star civilization right away but at least we'd be able to tell edible food from poisonous food. I think that's a good start.
I can also shoot but I have never shot anything in real life that had a heartbeat so hmm... let's just say if it's a matter of survival ok fine.
I'm useless at maths though and the only things I know how to do with my two hands that are not related to food are gaming, massages and playing the guitar. So count me out on building houses and all that.
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Supposing that not only technology but also infraestructure is gone and you need to restart from scratch knowing a bunch about modern contruction technology, architecture, and civil engeeniring could pretty easily net you an empire in very little time. Imagine other nations are still building huts but you're already building proper towns with running water, waste disposal, roads, bridges and the like. Then if you had somebody with a deep knowledge about how to build boats and some other person to make steam engines and you can skip a few stages and go straight into the expansionism part of history.
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I don't know too much stuff, I'm currently at college studying Engineering of Biochemistry, so I guess I would help people to develop their processes related to food production. I could also work a way to stablish a medice that would worl in a similar way to penicillin, to try and save some lives.
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I would have them all build CFC cannons to destroy whatever's left of the ozone layer, at the same time turn the oceans and lakes and ponds into the worlds largest kettles and just boil the water off into space - finalizing whatever the apocalypse tried to do.
Worldwide peace at last.
I'd do this on a very strong conviction of mine; Water is the enemy of the entire universe.
If you look at all we know about space, there are many many many object floating around in space, and they all (almost) have one thing in common - they are barren, at least as far as we can tell. They might be hot, freezing, windy, boiling, poisonous, or dry, but according all our findings completely barren. And therefore peaceful.
But the ones with water on them we believe can contain life (we sort of know ours can at least), and all life as we know it is aggressive, overly competitive, and dangerous to other species - and in some cases to their own species too.
I see water/moisture as the basis of ''space-mold'' that infect peaceful objects in space to the point collapse, and suffering of all those beings created by the mold. It's in it's inherent nature, mold consumes whatever it grows on until it dies out from malnourishment - much as we do, us very advanced mold as we all like to think of ourselves.
So, much like we like to remove mold from our refrigerators for example, I think space should be purged from mold, and that would be the basis on which I teach technology to anyone.
If there's an apocalypse.
If I'm suddenly the most intellectually advanced person around.
If the remaining survivors actually do as I instruct and don't go all ''Oh, invisible make-believe friend in the sky; Save us!'' and kill anyone who still trust science (which this planets particular mold is very likely to do because it's good to have someone to blame for everything, and so we can keep moral superiority over anyone less fortunate than ourselves).
Big ''if's'' there...
I base this assumption on the idea that we know all about how life can rise from seemingly nothing, that water is an essential ingredient and without it in enough quantities life can't be. With space being as large as it is, and with science working slow as it does, that assumption may very well be inanely wrong, but I'll pretend like I don't know that, and when doing a rant like this I can win the argument because I don't have to return to see your comments, or read balanced answers, I can just sit at home and fester in my perceived superiority over everyone as I won't hear, see, or feel anything to the contrary. And even if I did I'm the type of person who won't let a little thing like fact stand in the way of me winning an absurd screaming match, so there's that.
Let the steaming begin!
''Come here kitty kitty kitty''. ''No not you, you striped mongrel'' kicks ugly cat. ''I want the white, fluffy one over there....''
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I've had a small garden before. That's basic agriculture.
I've built Ikea-like furniture before. Basic construction.
I'm single and stay feed without eating out everyday. Basic cooking.
I've dealt with a mouse infestation. Small game hunting.
I know where the sun rises and have been outside. Basic navigation.
I've basically got this but not really.
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We did a team building exercice once where we should figure out how to survive a crash on the moon with the same set of items. So I did some calculations about the oxygen supply and came to the result that the best EV was to kill the other survivors.
You fight with no honor!
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There is a lot of games or movies about zombie/[insert another apocalypse] here or even maybe people thrown to remote island. But people still have leftovers of technology there.
Or maybe even better start Civilization game from stone age ;D
But Imagine if you are living [inert current living place] but all science/technology/other stuff is gone.
What knowledge you have to start civilization from anew?
Do you know where to find iron and how to produce it?
Do you know medicine(herbs, not drugs)/ simple physics (not quantum) ?
Or maybe human anatomy to help advance medicine? F*** medicine, do you know something about vitamins? There are stories how sailors always got sick, because they didn't got enough Vitamin C.
You are most intellectual person in world where no current technology exist, and you need to teach others. What do you know?
For simplicity you know their language.
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