I'm a big fan of the God of War series, so God of War 3. Little Big Planet is also very fun. If we're talking PSN - Noby Noby Boy makes no sense and is brilliant but Final Fantasy 7, 8 and 9 are all available. What's more, Final Fantasy X and X-2 HD will be out on PS3 soon.
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I was planning on trying the God Of War series. It looks great. And I have LBP Karting, but it's the only one so far. I need to get the other games. And I do plan to buy from the PSN store as well. I can't wait for Final Fantasy X to go HD. <3
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Another game I COMPLETELY forgot, 3D Dot Game Heroes. If you love old Zelda-style actions RPGs it's a really witty, weird and creative game in that style. Definitely worth looking at.
And yeah, FFXHD is...well it may not be an insta-buy (Square-Enix have fallen out of being the only dev. in my insta-buy category :P) but I'll be getting it. :)
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lol, there's another game sitting on my shelf (3D Dot Game Heroes) unplayed. It seemed really neat, but the only time I've ever played it was when I was got it used and I was making sure the disc worked. The art style is fascinating and it was neat that you could choose from so many custom avatars.
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The God of War series is definitely worth it, I recently just bought all of them at once xD they're awesome
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God of War series is one of the greatest PlayStation exclusives, you should give it a shot ASAP. :]
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why wont they make FFVII HD remake instead of FFX which already has nice graphics compared to VII?
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Uncharted 1 and 2 I never got to play 3 but I heard it wasn't as good as the first two.
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I plan on grabbing a ps3 when they start being phased out for the new ps4 again I'll be sure to snag a copy then and check it out.
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I found it surprisingly engaging with the Move controller. With the exception of a few parts, I thought it really got you involved in the tension and action. Since the game is largely one huge QTE, having to suddenly do something to fend off an attacker is exciting. I also loved how the game and story continue and evolve even if you screw up or fail.
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Oh wow. I've only played it on Wii, but its a beautiful and wonderful game. It was originally released on PS2 and was a commercial flop. Then it was ported to Wii and did better, and eventually it was HD-ified and ported to PS3.
Its basically a cell shaded Zelda-style game where you play as a god in the form of a wolf. Simply an amazing game and I've heard its even more beautiful on PS3. Its a PSN download and I think its $15.
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Okami is a classic, you're basically a god in wolf form and have magical fighting abilities that can be unleashed drawing usually. You also have to use your awesome drawing skills to help you solve puzzles or find secrets.
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I love the PS3 exclusives. Really enjoyed the GoW series, Heavy Rain, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, and Katamari Forever. A lot of people think highly of Valkryia Chronicles and Yakuza as well. Yakuza 3 & 4 are sitting on my shelf unplayed, while VC just never really hooked me.
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Like I said, a lot of people loved it. The art style is great, and the combat is a lot more interesting than typical turn-based combat. You units will fire on the enemy if the enemy moves within range, even if its not their turn. It makes good use of cover and tactics, but it just wasn't a game that I ever seemed to want to actually play. My backlog is far too large already to have games sitting there if I know I'm not going to play it.
If I didn't already have so many AA-AAA choices in my library, I would've likely played it more. But its hard to get motivated for something you're not really enjoying when you know you already own something else that will excite you.
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The Witcher 2 is my favorite game of all time. For 360, PC, and PS3.
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It's a bit less complicated(if that's how you'd phrase that, but overall I feel like it's better, I had much more fun playing it, but the first one is still great.
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It's not?!?! I coud've sworn it was; I don'thave PS3 , but I thought I heard it was ported to it.
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There's a lot, but I have to say the top for me would be Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, Little Big Planet (2 is even better), Heavy Rain, and 3D Dot Game Heroes.
There are many awesome exclusives out there, and of course there are the HD versions of PS2 games. ^^
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Ni no Kuni looks so amazing. I need to grab it when I get the money. LBP is definitely on my list of games to play and so is Heavy Rain. I'll add 3D Dot Heroes to the list too. I would like the HD collection of games. Can't wait for FF X <3.
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Uncharted 2 - like a Indiana Jones with hollywood (for me it's excellent)
Heavy Rain - must have, very emotional thriller
Killzone 3 - very good FPS with cover system and it's very brutal game
Red Dead Redemption - not PS3 exclusive, but consoles exclusive, one of the greatest sandbox and western game of all time
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Definitely DEFINITLEY check out Red Dead Redemption, it's such a good game!
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Ratchet & Clank Crack In Time, Uncharted 2, InFamous
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