Skanda decided to leave SG :( so she put me in charge of the thread now. This is my first time hosting it, so bear with me if there are any mistakes.

[This year the themes/challenges are staying the same throughout the year and it’s up to you to pick one from the list every month.]

List of challenges:

  1. Oldest wins - Take a look at the 10% of your earliest wins and pick one (or more) that you’re going to finish this month. If you’ve already finished all of them, pick the game(s) from the oldest 20% (and then 30%, 40%,…).
  2. Most recent wins – Take a look at your 10% most recent wins and pick one (or more) that you’re going to finish this month. If you’ve already finished all of them, pick the game(s) from the newest 20% (and then 30%, 40%,…).
  3. Short wins – Play and finish a game with an estimated time to beat of under 5 hours (according to How Long to Beat), but aim to beat at least 2 of them in one month.
  4. Long wins – Play and finish a game with an estimated time to beat of over 15 hours (according to How Long to Beat).
  5. Untouched wins – Play and finish a game that you have not played before – 0 achievements / 0 playtime.
  6. Unfinished wins – Play and finish a game you’ve played (but not finished) before. You need to have between 25% and 80% of the How Long to Beat playtime in the game already.
  7. Neglected wins – Play and finish a game that you’ve been meaning to play for a long time, but always ended up playing something else instead.
  8. Wins idled for cards – Play and finish a game you’ve only idled for cards so far.
  9. Wishlisted wins – Play and finish a game you won while it was still on your wishlist.
  10. Number of days in a month – For games with achievements: get 1 achievement for every day of the month; by the end of the month you should have (at least) 28/30/31 new achievements in games you’ve won on Steamgifts. For games with no achievements: make 1 screenshot for every day of the month; by the end of the month you should have (at least) 28/30/31 new screenshots in games you’ve won on Steamgifts. In both cases you don’t have to actually finish the game(s) for the achievements/screenshots to count.
  11. Month/season themed games - Play and finish a game you won in the same month (this year or in the previous years) OR a game that is somehow related to the current month (check out the October 2017 thread for more details and ideas).
  12. Random wins - Submit yourself to chance and use to roll a number of the page from “giveaways won”, then roll 1-50 for the specific game on that page. Reroll only if you’ve already beaten the game or if it’s an endless/multiplayer game that can’t be finished/doesn’t have an ending.


  1. Custom theme – Come up with your own monthly theme, tells us what the criteria are and which of your SG wins satisfy the requirements. Other people can join your custom monthly theme by replying to your comment.

Extra information (let’s not call it rules):

  • You can pick the same challenge multiple times, but not more than 4 times in one year, or 2 times in one year if it’s the bonus (custom) theme.
  • For a SG win to qualify for the challenge, you must have less than 40% of playtime (according to HLTB) in the game when starting the challenge. This does not apply to challenges 5, 6, 10, 13.
  • If you’ve already finished 90+% of your SG wins, feel free to be more relaxed with the challenges/rules.
  • If you’ve already finished all your SG wins, feel free to join the event with other games from your Steam library.

To participate:

Reply to this post to tell us which challenge you're going to do this month and which game(s) you're going to play.
Don't forget to include a link to your current progres in the game (if it has achievements). Once you finish the game, edit or reply to your post with a clear "finished". If the game doesn't have achievements, include a link to a screenshot you took while playing.

[OPTIONAL] “Challenge me”

Instead of (or in addition to) doing one of the 13 challenges listed above, you can ask for a challenge.
Reply to the application post saying that you want to receive a challenge and someone will give you a list of 3-5 SG wins to choose from.
If you want to challenge users make sure to pick SG wins that haven't been played yet (you can use the "Do You Even Play, Bro?" script) AND at least 3 games in the list need to be less than 20 hours long!

Useful links:

Steam group
How Long to Beat
Do You Even Play, Bro? – kelnage’s script

Previous months:

2018: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October
2017: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December

6 years ago*

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Are you going to play any of your SG wins this month?

View Results
I've already played all my SG wins.
I haven't won anything yet.

Which challenge and which SG win(s) are you going to complete this month?

6 years ago

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Challenge 10 (number of days on a month). EDIT: failed. Goddammit.

Game Link Achievements
Samudai MyAchievements 2
Killing Floor 2 MyAchievements 5 (already had 108)
Escape Dead Island MyAchievements 0 (already had 25)
Fieldrunners MyAchievements 3 (already had 4)
TOTAL :-: 10
6 years ago*

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Appreciate you keeping this challenge alive in skanda's place!

9. Wishlisted wins

Game Achievements Status
AER Memories of Old 20/20 Completed

I was gifted AER near the end of September by a SG user, beat "part one" then and completed the rest this month. Overall a really beautiful game, would recommend if you're into relaxing exploration games. Gorgeous soundtrack/sound effects as well. :)

6 years ago*

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Challenge 4
Game: DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin

6 years ago

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I finish this some days ago, achievements 22/38, costs me 78 hours...😨

6 years ago

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This month I choose challenge 9 - Wishlisted wins and will try the following games:

Game Achievements Game Status
Never Alone Kisima Ingitchuna 12/19 Beaten
Seasons after Fall 21/21 Completed
Yesterday Origins 26/36 Unfinished
Last Day of June 18/21 Beaten
Mini Metro 7/45 Unfinished
6 years ago*

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First, thanks for continuing the tradition :3

I guess i'll go for another wishlisted when won challenge, starting with The lion's song.

Game Cheevos Status
The Lion's Song 61/86 beaten
6 years ago*

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as soon as I finish SOMA, I'm going to proceed with the monthly play ;)
and since I haven't played enough spooky, halloween-themed stuff, I already decided what to pick next

Game Link Challenge Status
Little Nightmares Achievements - 22/22 - Screenshots 9 FINISHED! (such a creepy yet lovely game..)
Dots Achievements - 108/108 (link won't work) 2 FINISHED! (short and relaxing, not that bad... such an awful achievement spam though....)
maybe soon™ --- ---
Total: 130/130

ps: hi Mouse, glad to see you keeping all of this going ;)

6 years ago*

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6 years ago*

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November - 4. Long wins

Game Achievements Status
Deponia: The Complete Journey 105/105 Completed
Barnyard Mahjong 3 / Completed

January - 2. Most recent wins
February - 12. Random wins
March - 13. Custom theme - VNs
April - 3. Shortest wins
May - 8. Wins idled for cards
June - 9. Wishlisted wins
July - 1. Oldest wins
August - 5. Untouched wins
September - 10. Number of days in a month
October - 7. Neglected wins

6 years ago*

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Reply to this post to ask for a challenge.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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little sad for Skanda.

thou, this is one of those "very good SG things" i like.

so, any need you may have, Mouse, i'm here around. also glad to see you hosting such a thread :D

6 years ago

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Same :(
At least the threads will keep on going, having participated to every single one so far it would seeing them go would be even more sad.

Thank you! :)

6 years ago

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I think I will try ICY for the thematic one (November, almost winter, cold. Close enough I guess) and try to do my missed 10th - Number of days in a month at the same time - likely with Omen Exitio: Plague.

6 years ago*

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Considering it has been already snowing in many places already I think it a "cold" theme is more than close enough. Meanwhile here it is currently 17°C with no sight of it getting any colder any time soon :D

6 years ago

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Let's toast to Skanda 😊


Have fun in hosting this thread 😃

6 years ago

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We should, she did a great job hosting this for the last year so!
Thank you :)

6 years ago

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That is so cute! I didn't realise emojis could look so nice on here, definitely stealing that. :D

6 years ago

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Sorry to read about Skanda. Thanks for picking up the thread for us and good luck!

6 years ago

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Thank you! :)

6 years ago

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Hello, I will try for the 4. Long wins. I will play Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
Hope Skanda be Happy with his life and thx that staying so long. Who knows maybe will come back ;).

6 years ago

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Bumpy :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Bump. -.-"

6 years ago

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1/3 month bump :)

6 years ago

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Up with you ;)

6 years ago

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View attached image.
6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by MouseWithBeer.