^ This. And I'm impressed it's even mentioned in this thread (since I don't think it's very known outside of Japan), let alone the first reply :D
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Bright Eyes.
However, had you asked for favorite musical artist in general, I would've said Bob Dylan.
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Nieprawdopodobne, żeby spotkać fana niewidzialnej AntyArmii na steamgifts :)
EN: Unbeliveble, fellow Armia fan on Steamgifts :)
Armia on Last.fm (there are few full songs there)
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Going by strictly bands and not solo artists - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Siouxsie and the Bandshees, Talking Heads, The B-52's, Blue States, Portishead, Morcheeba, Laika, Hooverphonic, Sneaker Pimps, The Family Cat, My Bloody Valentine, Radiohead, Queens of the Stone Age, The Velvet Underground, Sisters of Mercy, The Cure, The New Pornographers, Sparklehorse, Roxy Music, Fleetwood Mac...I can't choose just one :(
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Rekhytek and 8scribbledlines both named checked a couple artists, HorrorsNEET named three right below me, and I'm sure more people will name multiple artists in time in time. "Several people" doesn't necessarily mean many.
Either way, it's not like it matters. No one's getting anything out of it, the number of artists people name doesn't affect anyone. It's just a discussion for people to see the taste of others. The OP himself said so. I don't know why you're nitpicking about it.
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8scribbledlines said "had you asked..." so he didn't really name more than one. That's like someone adding "had you asked the artist I hate the most..." in the sense that it wasn't part of his actual answer. And I see HorrorsNEET's post after yours. I'm pretty sure most people understand "several people" to mean more than 2. Obviously what you're saying will be more true as time passes as more people will list their artists though.
First of all, the OP clearly said "You may only choose one". Second, my first comment "hey that's unfair everyone else listed just one" meant "hey dats un4 everyone else listed just one:(:(" as in not serious, but just a comment which was also used to express my desire to list more than one. However, when I see someone in the internet is wrong, I wanna fix it.
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All I said was that they NAMED more than one artist. I never said they named more than one artist as their final answer. If someone asked me my favourite animal and I said "well I like rabbits, cats, lovebirds..." is that saying they're all my one absolute favourite? No, it's naming different animals, just like I said they named more than one artist. Technically I just named multiple artists too, I never said they were all my final answer but that I couldn't choose. Also yes, of course more people will end up naming more than one band (some already have) because for many people it's very difficult to pick. It was bound to happen either way.
OP did say "you may choose one" at first, but the part you keep ignoring is the part where he later when on to say (in direct response to you) that he doesn't care and he just wanted to see everyone's taste. It isn't even an issue.
My response to yours wasn't serious either, I was simply saying "well it's not like I'm the only one who did it", but then you got nitpicky and somewhat argumentative about it, funny considering you claim you weren't even being serious. You seem to be taking it very seriously and putting a lot of time into it for something that you were joking about.
You really have your work cut on for you on the internet if you want to fix everything you perceive as "wrong", but again, the OP says that he doesn't care and his goal was just to see everyone's taste, so it's really not as "wrong" as you'd like to think it is. If anyone is wrong here it's you, seeing as you're arguing about something that the person who posted this says he doesn't care about.
Lastly, for the second time, does it really matter? You're dwelling on and arguing about something that doesn't matter or affect you at all. No one's getting anything out of it, it's just a casual discussion that you're being way too pedantic about.
TL;DR - quit nitpicking about it, it's just a silly little discussion about personal taste and you're fussing over something that isn't even an issue. Relaaaaaaax.
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The Birthday Massacre, AKB48 and Girls Generation; don't make me pick just one!
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It's so weird to see someone else who likes The Birthday Massacre. One of my friends in college was OBSESSED with them, going so far as to get a giant tattoo of all of their album covers.
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One of the many great acts I've heard of through their remixes (in this case MSI's Straight to Video). I had Pins and Needles, but lost it before I really gave it a good listen. Are it and the one after it (can't remember the name) as good as the first three albums?
As for my own favorite, definitely VNV Nation. Just a few years ago I'd have said, "Well I dunno about that anymore," (Judgement really left me disappointed) but the last two albums have been amazing, and I'm SO EXCITED for Transnational. :o
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I'd like to see your taste in music, so please tell me what is your all-time favourite band. You may only choose one, so choose carefully.
Personally, I just love Linkin Park.
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