It is not really a suggestion. Just want to point out that GOG now has social profiles like on Steam were you can see wich games you have. Maybe it is time to allow create giveaways for GOG games? I honnestly dont now if it's possible or not right now to sync your GOG account with other sites. But if you can do this then it will be neat feature for steam gifts. I know it's STEAMgifts but GOG evolve so quickly and right now very consumer friendly platform and because of this I would like to see this feature in the future.

I love this game. I hope winner will enjoy it. And sorry for my English :)
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure

6 years ago*

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Would you like to have option to create giveaways for GOG games?

View Results
It is not possible right now
I do not care

it's a nice idea

6 years ago

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I'm slowly moving to GOG, so yeah, that would be a nice addition!

6 years ago

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It would probably work better as a separate site, or at least a separate section with its own login, so that those few people who would be interested in it but still don't have Steam accounts and don't want to make them could come in, with the added benefit of people not asking "were's muh steemkey >:(" once they win.
But yeah, I do hope GOGgifts are feasible.

6 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. doesn't exist, better register it before it's too late :D
BTW, thank you for the giveaway.

6 years ago

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Hahaha! Quick - snap it up!

6 years ago

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Dang it, you had me all excited as i saw your link, but i clicked :( and was utterly disapointed.

6 years ago

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Sorry :D

View attached image.
6 years ago

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I would love to migrate fully to GOG, maybe one day.

6 years ago

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Same, I'm starting to buy more games there and less on Steam.

6 years ago

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Don't you need something like the Steam API for that?

6 years ago

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There's no proper way to check if gifts have been activated on gog. Until that happens, there wont be a gog gifts.
That said, I would actually use gog if they ever introduced or allowed for a proper gifting platform.

6 years ago

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Just curious here: What would you consider a proper way to check gifts?
Because if you buy a gift on GOG you can later check in your account if said was activated and on which account.

6 years ago

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An API function.

6 years ago

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There's an API function now, as of yesterday

6 years ago

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Its a nice idea, but one of the things that SG benefits from is the fact that there are tons of bundles and freebies out there. If you stripped all of the freebie and bundle keys from the website, you'd almost certainly find that the number of remaining giveaways is probably less than 1-2%. Since (as far as I'm aware) there are no GOG bundles, and that the userbase on GOG is quite small by comparison, and gift/key distribution would need to be done at retail or sale rather than bundle prices, the number of gifts would probably be so limited as to not make for a viable / sustainable website or community. Im sure that GOG would appreciate the increased patronage however.

6 years ago

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I think that diversity only benefit this plase. Besides I guess every game on GOG is ROW wille on Steam we have so many restrictions that only games from third party stores and bundles are giftable on Steamgifts.

6 years ago

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Gog doesn't support gifting at all in certain regions, even within same region is blocked (for items with regional pricing).

6 years ago

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When I asked GOG support about region restrictions theys answered this "Hello, I just asked my superior just to be sure and no gift codes are region locked, so you can purchase gifts for any of your friends." It was about year ago.

6 years ago

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I mean they actually prevented buying gifts from affected regions. Anyways, looks like it's no longer case and you just have to pay extra to be able to gift (~3x price in RU).

6 years ago

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Obviously, the volume of giveaways would be way smaller, but then again, bundle giveaways were against the SG rules in the beginning and there was still some selection of giveaways.

Since (as far as I'm aware) there are no GOG bundles

Yes, no pure GOG bundles, unfortunately. I know there were some that included a GOG code for a game or two, but those were a real rarity.

6 years ago

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I'd like to see it, but understand some of the roadblocks other users have pointed out.

I've always enjoyed GOG for the DRM free games, but found it a little inconvenient to use. Once I stopped hating on GOG Galaxy though and accepted it, most of those problems are solved. One click install, cloud saves, etc, it's all simple and convenient now if I'd like to install a game on a whim. Only downside is that I still have to add it to Steam/launch through Steam if I'd like to use my Steam controller, which I tend to prefer over my other controllers. I wonder if anyone's got a script to auto-add installed Galaxy games to Steam. Hmmmm... might have to write that later if I can't find one.

6 years ago

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I think you've convinced me to download GOG Galaxy and to give it a try at least

6 years ago

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I really don't like having another game client/manager/whatever, but honestly it does allow for impulse plays on a whim, which is kinda important to me. Just one ssd, not a whole lot of disk space, but decent internet - so I juggle and swap out games a lot for space. I like one click install and cloud saves as a result. :)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

6 years ago

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It's still DRM-free.

6 years ago

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The games are still drm free. And the gog drm(if you want) exists for a while now. The only thing new here is that now you can have your own profile.

6 years ago

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There's actually no GOG DRM. There's a optional client that can make it easier to download your DRM-free games and keep them updated, but it's not, and does not serve as, DRM.

6 years ago

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i think it helps find players with multiplayer games but you can 100% not use it.

6 years ago

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It's still DRM-free. The GOG Galaxy client is optional, the profiles are optional, and neither introduces any DRM.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Steamgifts + GOGgifts =
Fully supporting the idea!

6 years ago

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Nah, let's keep this site Steam only ;)

6 years ago

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Yes, and OriginGifts and uPlayGifts, please!

Better to just create a single one: GameGifts!

6 years ago

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Teen Agent for everyone!

6 years ago

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Maybe is not posible to add "value" to GOG games because a lack of an API¿? Anyway if this will implemented... add a filter for GOG / Steam games as a high priority. :)

6 years ago

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Does that mean people need a GOG account upon registration?

6 years ago

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I wouldn't mind the suggested option and I like GOG, but this claim made me chuckle.

GOG evolve so quickly

That they needed 10 years to introduce profiles, is a perfect example for GOG not evolving quickly. ;)

6 years ago

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Having different aims as a company doesn't necessarily implies slow progress. What makes you think that:


Why not:


I like the new GOG profiles btw. Just asking what your reasoning is and applying deconstruction.

For me, what I consider a sign of evolution is how they managed to modify their ideology of only selling "old games" to selling the newest releases. For example you can look today and they are featuring Battletech and Frost Punk, two new shiny games.

6 years ago

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New games was one step, six years ago. And all it did is to make them equal to every other store out there, in that regard. So I'd still not see any quick evolution.

All that is special about GOG today and always has been: DRM free. In all the years after the only unique addition was imho GOG connect.

6 years ago

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I think it would be nice, not like anyone would force people to create them or join them, but gog is getting better and better, and it would be nice to have GOG section in site.

6 years ago

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With all the crap that is going on with Steam, I'm trying to move over to GOG and support them more. I'm all about it.

6 years ago

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As far as I'm concerned GOG are a bunch of toxic fascists so no. It should be on a separate site.

6 years ago

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Your comment makes absolutely no sense. Generalizing also denotes a lack of rational thinking from your part.

6 years ago

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I don't think it makes no sense to not have GOG gifts on a site called "Steamgifts".
A separate site, on which I wouldn't set foot, sounds okay I guess.

6 years ago

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I agree with you :)

6 years ago

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The thing is... this was not your main reasoning, if you read your own words your reason was: because they all are fascists.

People of every ideology already converge on this site and every other non echo chamber site on the internet. GOG forums and steamgifts discussions are no exception. Maybe you found some awful people there but again, generalizing is just dumb.

6 years ago

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People of every ideology already converge on this site and every other non echo chamber site on the internet. GOG forums and steamgifts discussions are no exception. Maybe you found some awful people there

Just to make things clear, I wasn't talking about the users, I was talking about the staff.
Every single employee while performing his professional duties represents the company. So generalizing about the company from the open actions of a few employees seems absolutely fair.

6 years ago

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I misunderstood then, I thought you were talking about its users. I kinda get your context now, I haven't had bad experiences with their staff but I have read some reports about not paying overtime and bad working conditions there.

6 years ago

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I don't care about GOG anymore so i think we don't need GOG gifts here.

6 years ago

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WE, as a whole do not need it because YOU do not care? Are you our overlord or something like that?

6 years ago

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Nah, i just think that only a few people here care about GOG and mixing GOG with Steam games would just cause confusion. Might be better to create an own site for GOG gifts. ;)

6 years ago

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Steam has the monopoly today. If GOG grows, Steam will need to change their policies to what we want, make popular updates. Competition is always good for the costumers.

So yes, I'd like GOG gifts.

6 years ago

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As long as I can filter out those giveaways or they're on a separate site, do what you want. I have absolutely no interest in non-steam games.

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by Andeneya.