Sadly it's got taken really quickly :\ But if you want to, you can do proofreading :)
Or what kind of Spanish are you talking about? Maybe we can have two Spanish.
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Sure I am, I had an Italian friend for it till just now, but he is busy right now... so guess I'm lucky. :D
I've added you on Steam. :)
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I've been trying to reach you on Steam, but you are offline for 5 days :\ Could you please update me on the state of your localisation?
Thanks! :)
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Hi! Could you update me on the translations again? :) I've sent you the updated build to test. Thanks!
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Sadly i've got Latin American Spanish :\ But if you want to, you can do proofreading :)
Or can Neutral Spanish be called Castillian Spanish? Or as Steam calls it "Spanish - Spain"? :D
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I like puzzles, I like logic, I could try for German : )
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Sadly it's taken already :\ But if you want to, you can do proofreading :)
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Cool, I'll contact you when the German translation is finished :) Thanks!
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I've added you on Steam :) Sorry for the late reply, if you don't reply directly to me, I won't get any notifications :D
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Sure, it would be nice :) I've added you on Steam.
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Around 1500 words. According to google, it takes around 10 minutes to read it.
Based on previous translators it takes around 1,5-2 hours to translate it.
What do you say? :)
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It's already taken sadly, but if you are still interested, you could be a proofreader :)
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You are seriously underestimating the time needed to do the job decently. Actually, translating often takes much more time, than originally writing. 1,5-2h would usually be enough just to roughly proofread and correct automatic Google translation. To make a really decent translation, it usually would be almost a days work even for a professional translator, especially with scattered text, like this. So, don't be surprised, if some folks need quite a few days to finish the job.
"The general rule of thumb tells us that a professional human translator should be able to translate up to 2000 words aday while upholding quality standards. If the document is particularly complex, the productivity tends to decline to 1500 words. If the topic is simple and particularly familiar to the translator, they can bash out roughly 3000 words. Determining how many hours does it take to translate 1000 words is therefore a pointless math exercise if we don’t have all the facts available."
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I'm sorry if I've provided bad estimations. I said the 1,5-2 hours based on the experience of translating it into my native language.
With every tenth or so row had to use translators and search for synonims fitting the context better. And I've added the half hour extra for getting familiar with the game, scrolling through the translation guide, etc. But maybe I should have then maybe 2,5-3 hours?
Regarding your quote, if you're interested what my brain went through when I was coming up with an estimation:
A professional translating includes grammar heavy stuff, or even specific topics which needs to be researched a bit before it could be translated. And checking it maybe 5 or 6 times afterwards, I assume.
So I looked at the text, and I thought that it got a simple grammar, short sentences, and sometimes just single or double words
And also thought that this community is pretty familiar with games, so they doesn't need to research gaming translating itself, just looking at the game is enough. And people offering their help are also native in these languages, I thought, and they must have good English skill if they are offering their help. But as it seems, maybe I was wrong with my assumptions a bit.
So I'm thankful for your feedback, next time I'll multiply it by 2 or 3, and research the estimation a bit more. :)
But I think that a professional translator is no good measure in this situation, because their speed includes lots of other heavy factors which in the game's case it isn't there. Well, I could only just assume this as well, but seeing that half of the languages were done after 1 hour on Monday, and 1 hour on Tuesday as they said... Maybe the problem was that people get different skills in translating :D And maybe as it turns out, I'm not an average translator, so I should have multiplied my times, as I said. Next time I will.
Thanks again for all the feedback, it helps a lot! :) If you'd like to back off, feel free, no hard feelings, I would understand.
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The funny thing is, that it's the computer and gaming vocabulary, that I often have to research - I'm not just playing games only in their English versions (well, unless it's a game made in Poland and it's English localization is worse, than Polish, but I don't remember the last time I did so, and even when I finally play The Witcher, I will start with English version, though probably compare it to Polish and then decide which to play), and English is my language of choice on the Internet, but on all my computers I've never used OS with interface in Polish. The reasoning behind using English interface for OS and utilities is simple: not all of them have Polish versions, but they all have English versions, and there is still much more help online referring to English interfaces.
Then there is the fact, that the way in which we work on translations differs from person to person even more, than the process of writing. I'm not a pro translator, but I do translate some stuff, mostly poetry, every so often, and if for some folks translating poems takes most time, for me it's fastest even in terms of word count, though it takes time from reading the poem to the point, when I feel like sitting down and making the actual translation.
Generally, coherent text is something, that once I get the hang of it and iron out the initial part, the rest flows easily. On the other hand with a fragmented text I have to start from the very beginning with each piece, like I was moving to translate not only another poem, but often to translate another poet.
Still, I enjoy doing something new, and except of a few questions, that I will have, I should done in the next 24h. I'm curious, though, how my proofreader will like it, as it's certainly not a word-for-word, but a free translation, so the text would really sound good in Polish IMHO ;)
EDIT: Oh, and there is the added challenge of trying to keep the text as short as the original. Are you aware, that English is one of the languages using least letters to convey a message, and that translations to most languages, Polish including, are usually 10-30% longer, especially for short sentences?
And nothing to be sorry about concerning myself - it didn't really surprise me.
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Oh yes, you are right, originally I used a Hungarian Windows, and only lately, in the past 3 years I've been using English one. I had so many issues, and figuring out how something is called on an English Windows made it so much harder. Now it's much easier.
Yes, that's understandable, and yes, most likely it differs from person to person. I think that personally when I have to work with many smaller, relatively unrelated sentences, I progress faster because I don't have to care that much about the bigger picture. But now as you've shown it, there is the other kind of person, who does faster the opposite :)
I'm waiting for your questions, I'm more than happy to answer them, and I'm glad that you at least partially enjoy it if the amount of work was a bit of a downer. Yeah, it doesn't need to be word-for-word, I didn't do it in my own translation as well. I translated it in a way that it won't sound... cringy. Which is usually the case for me with localised games :D
Yes, I've already made the UI ready for longer translations, I've just added that challenge so people will try keeping the text as short as the original. I thought that if I wouldn't "require" it, with free translators, probably they wouldn't care that much. This way, they care a little at least :)
So longer texts are fine, (even if there are still some glitches to fix), but it would be nice if they are relatively identical in length because the UI is designed for the english text. And maybe if they are shorter, or longer, they look a bit uglier because the font size changes.
Thanks for the talk, next time I'll surely handle the localisation a bit better due to it. :)
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I don't know German, so I don't really know. One could say, that the melody of German language is quite different from English (and Polish as well). However, there is even a bigger difference of melody between Polish and Ukrainian/Russian, yet we had a few folks doing great translations of their poetry (I know those languages just enough to be able to judge).
But there may be a different issue - maybe you allow yourself to be too restrained by the original. I write some poetry in Polish, and I do it quite decently at least. And living a long time ago for a few years in US, I have began to write a bit in English... sure, flawed, in need of corrections, but poetry was there.
Nowadays, even though my English is getting rusty, at times writing a new poem and getting stuck, I translate it and try to write it in English. Because trying to say the same thing in those 2 languages, I do it differently in each of them. And translating my idea into English I often find a way to say it also in Polish in a way, that I wouldn't think of in context of Polish language.
In poetry, it's not words, but the spirit, that we need to translate - otherwise we kill it. Just see the poem, feel the poem, and try to tell it to your friend in your language... even if instead of black you need to say white.
At least, that's how I see this. But then it's not like I can translate every American contemporary poet. Quite opposite, I can translate just a few of them, and in case of some of them, like W. S. Merwin, just a few of his poems.
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Sure, I would be really happy :) I've added you on Steam.
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Thanks, but currently it seems that I've got both a French translator and a proofreader :D
But if anything changes, I'll hit you up! Thanks! :)
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Sure, it would be great! :) I've added you on Steam.
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Well, as it seems, the game will have 2 Spanish dialects, so maybe it can have two Portuguese as well.
But I'm worrying about getting a proofreader for it, because based on the post's activity, getting a European Portuguese speaker is hard :D
Anyway, if I can trust you that you put a real good work into it, then maybe it doesn't need a proofreading. But if you could find a proofreader, that would be even better :D
Add me on Steam, if you're still interested :)
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Accepted! That's good to hear :)
I've sent a message on Steam.
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Great! I think I'm still in the need of a Castillian Spanish translator, if you can handle that :)
I didn't expect this much help so right now I'm full with offers :D
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I've already got a Russian translator but if it's okay, you could proofread it :)
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The russian translation has just got finished. I've messaged you on Steam, but it says you've been last online 3 months ago, so I thought I should write here as well :D
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Thanks, appreciated, but I think we are full :) I've never expected that this many people would help me, lol :D
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Karfein: It would be great, I've added you on Steam :)
Aydalin: Then you are the proofreader :))
Eledhrim: Sadly as you can see both positions are taken :\
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Karfein, you haven't accepted my friend request, and until that I can't really send you the link :\
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Well, Karfein still didn't accept my friend request and I'm starting to fall behind my schedule :\
Aydaylin, would you like to translate it?
And eledhrim, would you like to proofread it?
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Actually I accepted the same day you reminded here about the invitation but you must have somehow missed it (I could put the info here that I accepted but didn't think about it then).
If Aydaylin already took over, I'd still be up for proofreading.
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Oh sorry, my fault :\
It seems like I've got a proofreader ready, but it something comes up I will notify you for sure.
Sorry again for the inconvinience :|
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Yes, it really is, we are doing the finalisation of the sheet right now, and he did a veryprecise, dedicated translation. :)
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Thanks for the offer, I really appreciate it, but we are full :\
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I can help you with a Greek translation :) Add me on steam if you want :)
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Sure, glad to, I've added you both on Steam :) Then s4k1s will be the proofreader.
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Oh, hi man. I would be really happy, if I could help you with that , aragon789. I like translating games. I just want to part of some big project(if developer dont mind two people to translate one language). So if you need help, write me. :D
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That would be great! I've added you both on Steam, and DrCraftstick will be the proofreader :)
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Hi aragon789, are you still interested? You seem like you missed my message :\
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Well, the translator position is taken, but you could still proofread it, if you'd like to :)
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No problem, sure, I've added you on Steam :)
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Hi! Sadly I changed 2 lines, could you help me out please? :| I've PM-ed you on Steam, Thanks in advance! :)
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Thanks to you my puzzle game could be finished, and it is now available in 22 languages!
And now it's on sale during the Steam Summer Sale! :)
Buy it now 15% off on Steam!
Regrowth is a puzzle game where you race against time to save islands from sinking.
Use plants and animals, collect and channel water... However, only with strategy and optimisation can you solve all the levels.
Will you be able to save the earthen realm?
Hi guys!
I've nearly finished my first game, which is a small puzzle game, and I would be really happy if it would have a....
Currently I'm in the need of proofreaders :) (and maybe a Japanese translator & proofreader)
If you happen to have a high enough skill in English and in one of these languages, hit me up!
I can't really offer much in return, other than a copy of the game and an immortal place in history by being in the credits :D
It just filling out an excel sheet, taking around 1,5 hours.
This is the game I'm working on:
(Feel free to check out my dev videos as well :D)
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Thanks everyone for all the offers, I'll finish up the spreadsheet and the guide, and I will hit you up :)
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