Hello TNTFTB. You can't promote curator pages anywhere on the SG discussion boards. Since that is the purpose of this thread the link needs to be removed and the thread needs to be closed, please. You can post a link to a curator page in your giveaways however if you wish.
For future reference concerning advertising in giveaway descriptions and the discussion boards head over to our guildelines under the "Advertising" section.
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Hello FateOfOne,
I did follow the guidelines.
*User Projects
In this category you can show us projects you are working on. For example you could share a website you are developing, a YouTube channel you recently launched, or home renovations for your gaming / theater room. Projects do not need to be gaming related. You are limited to one open discussion per project. Each discussion should have work-in-progress or a finished product or service to show our community. Be considerate to not repeatedly bump your content if the community is not engaging with your post.*
After reading the rules, I saw indeed several other Curator promotions in this section of the forum.
I don't understand what I am doing wrong? The other threads didn't receive a warning like this.
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As I mentioned in the previous comment you can post your curator link in your giveaways but not in the discussion boards. There's already been a couple threads recently that have been closed due to the issue. If you see a thread open that is promoting a curator page please submit a ticket so we can address it.
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Recently MSKOTOR, one of the highest members of the support team made a comment addressing why curator pages can't be in the discussion boards. I'm not always the best at explaining things so this may help give you a better understanding. Hope this helps.
"Recent guidelines update was aimed to limit amount of advertisement on the forums, as SG was never advertisement billboard for people. That's why there are now clear "tiers" of content and advertisement:
Content / advertisement that is banned - this includes referral links, 3rd party GAs in exchange for profitable actions, NSFW content etc.
Giveaways where you can basically promote anything as long as it's not something from 1st category.
Forum threads that have very specific target and allowed advertisement.
So while giveaway descriptions are quite laxed forum threads are not. That's why you can promote curator in GA description but not in the group recruitment. Curator is not part of your giveaway group just like website where you would sell your handmade bears is not. You can mention it in your Steam group and GA description but not in forum threads. The only exception is when someone would ask "oh hey, do you know any place where I can buy handmade bears?" - then you can pop in and promote / advertise your website.
"Relevant product" is something that helps maintain the group - website with entry statistic, excel sheet where you gather all GAs in organized way to keep track of it more easily, blog where you post updates of events happening inside the giveaway group. None of this is posted in the discussion to promote something more than the giveaway group itself."
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Hello TNTFTB. After talking with MSKOTOR it seems I was mistaken, Curator links are allowed in "User Projects". My apology for this misunderstanding.
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Dear SG community!
Full of passion I'd like to promote my curator: Omnivore Gamer! It's primary objective is to share my experience with easy to play games to other people. Easy to play, meaning games that are tailored for people who suffer from a physical handicap (like myself), but those games can be interesting for anybody of course. Secondary objective is to share ideas for helpful hardware.
My reviews are focused on Steam only. So I expect the readers to read it on Steam, with the storepage and other reviews nearby. With that in mind I want my reviews to be to the point and unformatted.
The games are played to completion as much as possible. A lot of the selected games are won here on SteamGifts, since I try to play all of them. That makes it a very wide selection. Not always games which I'm able to play myself, those games I play together with friends, and are bundled in the list 'Let's Play'!
I write solely for Omnivore Gamer since a few months. I want to keep it small, personal, and with my own vision. Through SteamGifts I have held giveaways for promotion, with success! Not everyone is here for giveaways however. Many people just check bundles, or are part of smaller communities here.
Bottomline: I'm looking for followers to grow Omnivore Gamer! If you think my reviews are decent, the selection of games good enough, or deem the cause worthy, please toss a follow! Or if you know someone who could benefit from it, tell them about it!
Thank you for reading.
As a small token of appreciation, here's: Mugsters
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