I would love to do just that, but unfortunatelly I suck at writing reviews :/
And I don't want to just post something along the lines of "great game".
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IMO - it doesn't need to be 1k word essay;
Something basic like: "This is__ (adventure, action etc.) game with elements of__; if you enjoyed games like__ - you are likely to enjoy this one as well; Pros of this game: 1)__ 2)__ 3)__ Cons (if any): 1)__ etc."
^It's short and simple but IMO quite enough: for example if you enjoyed game's story - just write about it; if you enjoyed voice acting and music - again, just mention it.
I mean one does not need to work for PC Gamer or other gaming sites to have an opinion about a game and just write what he/she thinks about it
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Hmm, that sounds simple enough. Might try it some time, see if it works for me. Thanks for the tip :)
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spend 5 minutes of your time to write a short positive review (can be just one paragraph in your language)
What, and get downvoted because your review sucks? No thank you. I already have very little confidence in myself. ._.
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True. I'll try to review games when I get a chance. :)
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I had the same case. From one to the other day I had one negative vote more on all my reviews. I did annoy me but nothing I can change. I guess some people don't like it if someone puts effort into something. And while they are subjective by nature and not the ultimate best I personally think they are all informative and helpful.
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I always downvote reviews that say "nice game", "cool game", "worst game ever", "haz cardz 10/10", even if I agree with them.
But on the other side, I always upvote reviews that say something that justifies recommendation/disrecommendation.
Even if they are super short. If there's something useful written about the game - upvote. A number of characters don't matter for me. And to be honest, I often find these short, condensed reviews better and more helpful than others.
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I generally write medium-length reviews varying in style and approach, but I'm not very good at pointing out goods and bads and all that stuff. I'd like it if I were able to just give a game an anonymous thumbs up and be done with it. :P
But really though, I guess my reviews aren't always downvoted. I have a couple of pretty highly rated ones, but a few of them I am not proud of (stupid joke/pun, or short, boring review). Still, I'm not good at writing reviews. ;_;
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Nah, your reviews are good. It's better than the wall of texts that I wrote. xD
In all seriousness though, I believe most Steam users prefer joke and troll reviews more than a serious one. And to be honest, anonymous thumbs up is a comfortable way to rate a game, but it has a high possibility of being mass voted by bots or GA groups.
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thumbs up is a comfortable way to rate a game, but it has a high possibility of being mass voted by bots or GA groups.
True, but it's not like it isn't being abused as it is. :P
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Yea, it is a bit annoying when there are some people who don't like effort. I also had someone downvoting every single review of mine. Nothing I can change. Or maybe they didn't like that I review mostly less known indie games. We just have to accept that people behave ..... strange.
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well, it's five o'clock somewhere so...
Happy Cake Day!
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Cake stuff is that way --> https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/Zw6MQ/frack-you
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I only leave a review when I feel like it. Most of the time, I'm too lazy to do it :P.
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I did this for different games although I never had the impression that the people on my friend list react to it. Some initial votes yes, and sometimes I even managed to get someone to wishlist a game. But I never noticed that they bought if because of the reviews. Well, I mainly write why I liked a specific game and mostly ignore the bad parts (or think there are none) .... So that may be a reason
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I always write reviews for indie games I enjoy. Not only is it important for the devs, but there's no opinions or thoughts to contribute to extremely popular games. Chances are, what you think about it has already been said a million times. Whereas indie games you can actually offer your insight and opinions and have them matter.
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If you regularly write reviews for games on Steam than you can pretty much skip this
So in the last several months I saw quite a lot of cr*p, troll etc. games added to Steam under the tag "Indie". IMO as a result a lot of decent games from small studios don't get attention they deserve especially during sales like this one.
My proposition is simple:
This might help draw your friends on Steam attention to this game and encourage them (and others) to purchase it and try it; it will also help indie developers who make good product but lack resources to promote it
Post-Mortem CRAQB-5E4BH-XA468
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