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I've been living under a rock for the past 2 years, what's the NX?
No, I couldn't care less

i would rather buy a 7" win tablet +Ipega gamepad instead of that

8 years ago

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If it has a solid lineup of games, good 3rd party support, backwards compatibility, the graphics don't suck (at least by console standards), it's not underpowered, it comes bundled with a killer game from the very start (the newest super smash bros complete edition anyone?), and is in the $300-$350 price range, maybe I'll bite, I don't know. It's a very hard sell. I was thinking of just buying a Wii U (always have wanted one) We will have to wait for more information

They have refurbished Wii U's for a really good price

Black Wii U 32GB Deluxe + Nintendo Land

Black Wii U 32GB Deluxe + Super Mario 3D World + Nintendo Land

White Wii U 32GB Deluxe + Super Mario 3D World + Nintendo Land

8 years ago

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I don't think that it'll have backwards compatibility. It uses different cartridges than the 3DS and it doesn't even have a disc drive. I'm sure there'll be plenty of Wii U games being ported to the Switch, but not true backwards compatibility.

8 years ago

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Just saw what my gut told me once i viewed the video yesterday - their stock dropped by -6.5% as an reaction to the Switch announcement. When the Wii U got announced their stock climbed +5.5% something. The Wii was a success ...
as for the Switch idk. certainly doesn't appeal to me unless the price is incredibly low (150$).

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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The stock dropping doesn't make sense to me. The Switch is getting near universal praise. Perhaps the investors know more than we do or maybe they just don't understand the console.

8 years ago

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This always happens. Sony and Microsoft stock also dropped when they announced the PS4 and XB1. .

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Am excited, but I'll wait to see the library for launch as well as support 6 months down the line. The Wii U flopped despite "unprecedented support".

8 years ago

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To be fair, the Wii U flopped for a lot of reasons.

8 years ago

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Oh I agree. But at the end of the day, for me it comes down to the games. Doesn't matter how many unique features or gimmicks there are. I will say though that the name is a better one than Wii U - so many of my friends didn't even realise it was a new console, and instead thought it was just another Wii controller.

8 years ago

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I am not that happy about that. They are focusing again more on gimmicks then the console and titles. Thats why the wii flopped and wiiu almost ruined the company...

8 years ago

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Wii flopped? o.0 It is one of the most successful consoles ever made. Outsold both the PS3 and the X360.

8 years ago

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It flopped in the sense that games other than first party titles didn't sell well at all. Even some of the first party ones didn't sell very well. A lot of people just used the Wii for Wii Sports.

8 years ago

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that was a marketing problem. There was so much shovelware coming out, mostly wii sport knockoffs, that it was difficult to dig the quality games from underneath

8 years ago

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Nintendo said that the Switch will be "a home gaming system first and foremost" so it seems like they aren't putting the main focus on the portability. Obviously they're going to show that you can take the Switch with you wherever you go because that's a big draw for people. They aren't going to show a new console and not extensively show one of it's main features.

8 years ago

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I'm quite excited for this. There's so many developers in it from the beginning, and it seems like it may have a solid lineup of RPGs from Atlus, Squeenix, Marcelous, Level5, Spike Chunsoft and Sillicon Studio.

I would love it to have Persona 5, FFXV and Kingdom Hearts III. I also hear a potentional sequel to Bravely Second. We already have DQX and DQXI announced. And that footage of Mario looked akin to 64 and Sunshine. And as far as I can tell, it's going to have enhanced ports or sequels to Mario Kart and Splatoon.

In terms of its specs, as long as it can run smoothly, I don't really care. I'm not sure about the Joy-cons. They seem a bit small when detached. i believe motion controls are confirmed because of Just Dance, and oddly the trailer did not show any touch controls.

Also, I think that the design and whole detachable controller element can call for some interesting game designs.

In the end, it comes down to whether the games are fun to play. I hope it's not region locked and has a better account system than the Wii U/3DS.

8 years ago

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Square Enix is on board with the Switch and there's been rumors of FFXV coming to it. I have my fingers crossed that it is!

8 years ago

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If Pokemon and Smash Bros are on the Switch, I may buy the console.

8 years ago

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Game Freak has already said they are working on a Pokemon game for it, but Sakurai (the director of all the Smash games) isn't very interested in making another Smash game. We'll see how that turns out, though. He used to direct Kirby but he stopped doing that and they're still making Kirby games. I could definitely see them porting Smash 4 to the Switch, but I'm not sure if they'll make a whole new game.

8 years ago

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I feel like an Enhanced port of Smash 4 would probably be the best bet as far as the NS goes. Have it include all of the existing DLC and maybe add a few new things here and there. Couple more stages, a new character or two, maybe a new game mode as well.

8 years ago

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I totally agree. Smash on the Switch would be a huge system seller.

8 years ago

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really REALLY miexed feelings about it

8 years ago

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Sometimes you just gotta miex it up!

8 years ago

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I must be living under a rock because I've just now heard of this console

8 years ago

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But is it a nice rock?

8 years ago

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Im very curious for the third party games. If there are going to be a lot of third party games I think this can be one of the greatest console of the current generation. for a student at least I am a student and I have to travel everyday by train, most of the time im just watching Netflix or studying now but with this console I would also be able to play some nice games on it. I skipped the Wii U because yeah, Wii U. I loved the Wii tho and I still love all the Nintendo games.

Im very curious what nintendo will actually deliver with this product.

8 years ago

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Nintendo of America tweeted last night that a presentation will held on January 12th to reveal further details about the system. Presumably at this time things like the launch game lineup and pricing will be officially announced.

8 years ago

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The big official presentation from Nintendo is about 10 hours away:

According to the article it looks like they will showing off some games later on Friday as well.

8 years ago

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