Are you exicted?
The console itself it pretty ugly since it's just a gaming dock. Same goes for the PRO controller. Pro controller looks like a third party controller.
The Switch itself just confirms every single rumor really. lol
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I will wait for some kind of bundle and/or discount, but if you see this investment as a home console+handheld this seems like a pretty good deal! Hope this is the next Wii U and next 3DS, it would seem a pretty unique offer in today's console's shitty market!
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Well... I'm conflicted about this. It does exactly what my son wanted the Wii U to do. Which means I probably have to buy it. But it would be great if Nintendo came out with a game system that supported modern TVs... I thought 4k was too much to hope for, but not even 1080?
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Leave it to Nintendo to be innovative... Oh wait, I've had this since tablets! Basically carry around until battery runs out, then placing them in docking station to recharge, oh and I can hook them up to the TV as well! Figures Nintendo would make this move, after failing miserably with the Wii U, and focusing on the 3DS to keep their sales up, it's only natural for them to put all their focus and resources on one device. The questions is, and always will be, what about the games? Sure it will have Nintendo support, but what about third party support? I see it has cartridges, but it seems they haven't learned their lesson with the N64, that won't gain them third party support. If it's an underpowered system, no third party support. In other words you will have a few Nintendo games to last you within 5 year life span, and having to repurchase all the classic games all over again. Sorry but I'm not seeing this being a 'hit'.
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The thing that makes this stand out from traditional tablets is that this has easy to use controllers and AAA games. Also, cartridges aren't a detriment. They have higher storage capacities than discs and the same capabilities. Using cartridges is a great idea because having to take a bunch of discs with you is a great way to damage them. Cartridges are very durable. It doesn't seem like it's underpowered considering it's playing Skyrim Special Edition with no difficulties. Here's a list of all the publishers that are supporting the Switch:
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Even though tablet can use controllers and have AAA games too, as a fellow Nintendo fan I hope you're right. Only time will tell whether or not this will turn out to be another Wii U, until then I will sit this one out until I see something that appeals to me (like 3ds did).
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When has Nintendo ever been an innovator? Even the original Wii stole most of it's innovation from the Dreamcast.
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I already have a Nintendo Switch lol
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what are you talking about? the Wii's main innovation was the motion control. of course it was innovative. the Wii U's concept was innovative as well, even if it wasn't really successful.
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Yep. Even Yathzee, who likes to shit on Nintendo on the Zero Punctuation videos, admits that PS and Xbox are nothing more than stupid PCs and he admits that Nintendo is the only company left who makes a gaming console that tries to push new ideas.
I mean, honestly, can anyone find any functional difference between an Xbox original and an Xbox One controller, despite the almost decade-long progress in the world of video games?
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true, controller-wise nothing really changed lately. but i would also say, that the xbox-controller works pretty well. never change a running system, you know. the only innovation i can see is the elite controller, which really has some interesting features. but - it costs as much as half a console... ^^
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Problem is, same controlling scheme mean same kind of games. Remember when Nintendo went from 2 buttons to 6, and suddenly the complexity of games jumped to whole new degrees? Or can you imagine playing SM Galaxy 2 on an Xbox/PS controller? (Yes, I know it is possible, but looking at footage, it is not exactly what you would call a great substitution.)
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i think the problem is that people don't necessarily want change. sony and microsoft tried some stuff out. we have PS Move and Kinect. both failed. so i guess from their point of view it simply makes sense to stick to what has always worked.
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Yeah, but it kills innovation. They tried new stuff out and it failed because they are not good at making games. But look at VR? It is a gimmick, but some genuinely good games have been released for it already. And this gimmick already failed several times on the gaming market in the past. To me, it looks like more as if Sony and MS just release the same stuff until the people get really sick of it. Problem is, we had that once, it was called the Atari crash.
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yeah, i think VR might be the first gimmick in a while that will succeed. because this time it actually works well (VirtualBoy didn't) and is affordable (VFX-1 wasn't). i hope it does. VR is just awesome. and ironically it also revives another long forgotten gimmick at the same time (Move controllers). ^^
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We were doing this 5 - 10 years before the Wii was even invented -
And no, it's not the only accessory you can use for stuff like this, the samba de amigo maracas were just as awesome! :p
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you can be innovative by releasing a console with motion control, even it there was motion control before. that's not a contradiction.
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My guess is that Nintendo will abandon it soon after the launch of the Switch. Game Freak has already said they are making a Pokemon game for the Switch which surely means that Nintendo is going to go full force on the Switch.
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I give it about a year, one and a half tops, and then nintendo will drop the 3DS to fully focus on the switch just like they did with the GBA after the DS came out back in the day... unless the switch actually lacks a touch screen (something they haven't confirmed yet), then this gonna be weird.
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The 3ds already has a pretty solid library, and Pokemon Sun and Moon are coming out next month. The specs of the 3ds is dated and it's older than the Wii U. Honestly, a 6-7 year run for the console is pretty good. the DS lasted a little longer, but the Gameboys lasted way shorter.
And I don't think the switch is backwards compatible with either the Wii U or 3ds considering the size and shape of the cartridge slot and it appearing to not be able to take in discs. so the respective consoles are plenty useful for playing their respective games. unless they decide to port everything.
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Out of the box idea, could easily go either way. Can't wait to try one and see how plays!
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Well, I liked the idea a lot when my brother told me about it. Too bad it's going to over-saturate every minute of my life now until I hate it.
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Ok, I finally watched the trailer thingy and... it makes sense.
This console makes more sense that what I thought it would be after all the leaks and rumors we had for months (to be honest I was starting to be worried that the NX was just vaporware, just empty promises without anything to actually show like HL3, pleasedon'tkillme), and they even made a promotional video that explains in a clear and understandable way what they are going to sell.
I hope this thing does well, not for the sake of nintendo because I don't really care much about them or consoles in general, but because this looks like a decent gaming tablet with proper controllers instead of the usual virtual buttons bullsh*t that most mobile games do these days.
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The controller looks nice. I wonder if it will work on a PC.
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Looks OK I guess, though I'm a bit concerned about screen durability (looks kinda frail, with nothing to cover it up) and battery life (3DS was absolutely atrocious in that regard, barely a "portable" console). I probably won't even think about getting it until an Animal Crossing game is announced for it, and then it'll be instant purchase regardless of the machine's quality anyway.
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It's simply absurd that Nintendo is announcing new hardware without revealing the full specs and the price of the console, accessories and games. I'm not sure the excitement will continue to be high if people will find out that the accessories shown in the promo are not included in the basic console package or if they find out that the base price is $400, or that each game will cost $60.
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The hype train has to be fed with small amounts of coal every now and again ;)
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Yeah, it's kinda weird that they haven't announced all the details yet, but hopefully they'll come soon. I seriously doubt that the base price will be $400. Nintendo says the price of the Wii U was too much and it launched at $350. There's a rumor that the base price is $300 and the bundle price (I'm assuming the bundle comes with all the accessories, a game, and maybe an Amiibo) is $400. The source of the rumor is the same who said that the Switch was going to be announced this week. I seriously doubt all the accessories will be sold in the basic package. I think the controller that you slide the two side controllers onto will be included but that's it. I don't think Nintendo will include the traditional controller or the car mount thing in the basic package. Everyone expects games these days to be $60. That's not a new concept so I don't think that'll have much of an effect.
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Switch off
Probably the one only wise move N could do. If you're not heavily invested in Nintendo's franchises I don't see any reason to get this.
3rd party support? I don't see many major devs making AAA titles again after being burnt by the previous consoles. Casual games? Sure, there's money to be made in that.
Most likely a second console for many or a first for young families. But there's nothing wrong with that.
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There's a huge list of publishers that are going to support the Switch so I don't think that third party support will be too much of an issue. If the Switch sells well, then the publishers who aren't on board yet will be because they know they will make bank off of it.
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I wrote AAA titles.
Not the usual stuff, there will be enough of that.
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Non-AAA games?
Usual stuff:
Anything that doesn't cost a lot of dev time and money.
Casual games.
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The promo showed Skyrim running on it. And since Bethesda Softworks' coding department is made up by an IT intern and three perpetually drunken chimpanzees, it means that if they could port it to Switch, it must have a fairly easy hardware and software architecture to port to.
Or Nintendo paid an assload of money for them to do so. I wouldn't put it past Bethesda to ask money to be present on a system.
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Maybe N are really going to support third party devs this time around. Although, I suspect they're so used to their own stuff still making tons of money they won't really be bothered.
Also, I fear there still is that disconnect between upper management (aka the old farts) and what the public also wants.
For example, when they went after youtubers whose videos generated interest in the system and the franchises. But, no, they had to nickel and dime them instead of being happy about free publicity.
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AAA titles. not devs or publishers.
Look how many came out on the previous N consoles until they finally gave up.
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I don't like hype trains, so I'll wait and see how this one turns out. I do hope it is something good. But I prefer being wary. A PC is still my choice for gaming needs but if it is a solid product, then I can see it as a viable console for the family night etc. This looks like the quintessential family console for casual couch gaming.
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Ehhh... I have various feelings about it, a lot of good things, a lot of bad things and a ton of confusion.
I can't really say if it'll turn out good or not, as there's too little info, but from that single teaser...
I'm not hyped at all.
All I saw were gimmicks, sure, gimmicks that make the system more usable, more customizable, but I'm the type of guy that likes it old school and while it does it the way I'd want to use it, the rest of the features seem like they're taking away something to add a gimmick.
Having it portable means less power. Having it be a home console means the battery life will suffer while portable. That sort of stuff.
We'll have to see in the end but... kind of eh so far.
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Nintendo said the Switch will be "a home gaming system first and foremost" in an interview with Polygon. I think that if you want to play the Switch like a traditional console, then it will work just fine like that. That's how I'll play it 90% of the time.
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Looks about as good as could be expected based on the rumors. I am however concerned about its durability with so many interlocking parts.
Hope most games will at least be able to run at native 1080p when docked.
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I am quite hyped and at the same time a bit doubtful. I mean Skyrim on a tablet for under 350$ ? I mean I don't really know about the tablette market (price, performances) and all. But if this console can run Skyrim on a plane as beautiful and smoothly as shown in the video than Nintendo will for once have my money.
Then again no one in the plane seemed to care about a dude playing Skyrim but all where hyped when the girl was playing Mario on a roof ^^
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I'm also wondering about how they can cram in all that power in such a small device. I'm worried it will be downscaled versions. If their main goal is for this to be a home system and hand held secondary, will the home system version not suffer because it's trying to be both?
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Exactly ! I'm just worry that by wanting to do bith it will not be powerfull enough for either.
Now this is just pure speculation and Nintendo may have a few tricks up his sleeves and will blow our mind One can hope can he ?
This beeing said I haven't got a nintendo device since the gamecube but my oh my I miss playing Zelda games and this one is beautiful !
Now it needs a bit a backword compatibility and i'll have the perfect, way too early but who cares, birthday gift for myself x)!
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Really dont care about this. Never been much into consoles anyway ( only then i was kid and PC's were too expensive so i had sega and PS1 ) and this one looks really gimmicky and unnecessary .
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