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I've been living under a rock for the past 2 years, what's the NX?
No, I couldn't care less

I'm interested in seeing what this NX is...but I'm also waiting to see what SJW Asshole Jim Sterling is going to say.

8 years ago

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Why would you think Jim Sterling is an SJW? I've been watching him for a few months now and he doesn't seem like one to me.

8 years ago

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Be honest? I never liked the way he gives his thoughts on subjects. The way he does makes it look like he thinks he is better then everyone else. To me, if you are going to be a video game journalist like he "claims" to be, then you have to be professional in the job, and not making fun of every piece of gaming news out there.

8 years ago

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Him in his Jimquisition videos is mainly an act. In his gameplay videos he's a pretty down to earth dude. He does make fun of a lot of stuff but he also makes a lot of very valid points. He's not just there to provide info like a journalist would (I'm pretty sure sure he doesn't think of himself as a journalist), he's also there to be funny.

8 years ago

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That does not even answer why you'd think of him as a SJW. He is what he is, if you like him, cool, if not, oh well. But claiming he's one means that you probably watched a couple of his videos, got pissed, and now you call him something unrelatable to the public that he joked about once. Again, like him or not, but he shits on SJWs as much as on Konami. Saying he's one of them is just bold and idiotic.

8 years ago

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His style is more of one where he's realised people like his style of giving reviews to games so that's the way he works rather than try to be too impersonal with the way he does things, games reviews are more of a personality driven thing these days. Which is more of a 'man this gaming industry is strange isn't it?' kind of way of doing things, which it is really.

8 years ago

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How can you say that he is SJW when he is always criticizing SJW behavior? Like, for example, he did this one month ago in Oh Virginia! video. Also, he already did video with his thoughts about Nintendo Switch -

8 years ago

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You don't like him, fine. Though calling him an SJW is just a petty try to insult him on the base that you don't like him. Jim speaks his mind and is not afraid of the consequences in doing so and that why he has a quite big following

8 years ago

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Jim Sterling is an awesome guy, I always laugh and have a good time watching his videos.

8 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. maybe he's NOT an SJW...I still don't consider him a good YouTuber. He just comes off, even though it's a character, as someone who thinks he's better then everyone.

8 years ago

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Jim Sterling is lower than the shit on my shoe.

I wouldn't piss on him, if he was on fire.

8 years ago

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When I saw the title, I thought it was a troll post. Clicked it... Saw the NoA twitter link and my heart immediately fluttered. Thank you for bestowing this excellent news upon me during a boring night of studying.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I saw the info in my YouTube feed and I had the same reaction.

8 years ago

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It's about damn time. I don't know what they were waiting for. I mean the system is supposed to launch in March and you need time to build up a marketing campaign and interest in it. Anyway, we've had to endure months and months of rumors so now we will see how much of it was correct.

8 years ago*

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I'm so hyped I could die, and I think I did.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Right when I wake up! I might be late to work tomorrow...

8 years ago

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Won't buy it, but I'm happy that there's still some diversity in the gaming industry so I'm wishing it well.

8 years ago

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I probably wouldn't buy it, but I hope Nintendo does well this time, seems they had interesting prototypes for the NX. Still I'm from the PCMR.

8 years ago

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inb4 its nothing but a hype package for NX and they announce a date for a REAL NX announcement via DIRECT.

8 years ago

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I would actually cry.

8 years ago

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For what it's worth the last couple of Nintendo Directs (excluding E3 as it is a special case) for the North American and European regions have both been on Thursdays if that means anything...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Most excellent.

8 years ago

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Heres hoping they make a 2D mario game that rivals Super Mario world! Whos with me.. eh? eh?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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it's sexy af

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

8 years ago

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Yeah the name is not confusing like the Wii U was :P

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago*

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Thanks for Skyrim?

8 years ago

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+1 that said a portable TES is still a portable TES.

8 years ago

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You could put Skyrim on a phone, doesn't mean you should if it runs like crap.

8 years ago

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you could put skyrim on a phone? i wanna see it!

8 years ago

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That's theoretically :P. Nobody has actually done it, there's no point.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Skyrim at 720p 15fps


8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Do you know what 15fps looks like, because it looks nothing like that.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

8 years ago*

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I really don't give a shit if it's upscaled 1080p as long as it runs smoothly (preferably 60fps) and they keep releasing high quality exclusive games! And welll... PRICE of course, but if this is the next step of Wii U and 3DS then I am more than hyped.

8 years ago

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It looks nice but with all that switching, I'd be worried about the durability of the pad contacts. Unless it's 100% wireless, even when connected to the small screen.

8 years ago

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OMG I'm buying it 100%

8 years ago

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I'll only buy 50% of it. Then I'll buy the rest of the handheld in the future

8 years ago

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Another gimmicky underpowered console that won't have any new AAA 3rd party games.

8 years ago

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We already know that there will be a lot of third party support.

8 years ago

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That only means it will have some games from third parties, doesn't mean those games will be AAA, the platform can't run current big games. Your first clue should be RDR 2 not being announced for it, or any other big game for that matter.

8 years ago

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I am thinking the same, but I expect it to have some new AAA games with subpar graphics that I would rather play on PC anyway. :)

8 years ago

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You play on PC for the best 3rd party experience. You buy a console for their exclusives, and Nintendo has the most solid portfolio of exclusives across a lot of different genres, wish them the best with this innovative gamble they are taking, sure seems quite better than just the Wii U gamepad :]

8 years ago

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It's not remotely innovative, tablets with attachable controllers have been done before, this was just has a dock too, probably just wireless mirroring or a glorified holster with a HDMI connection. And their portfolio is tiny, same Zelda and Mario games again and again, plus the usual Mario Kart and Smash Bros and Mario insert random thing here, their lineup isn't enough anymore, if it was the Wii U wouldn't have been such a massive failure.

8 years ago

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Yeah but I bought a 3DS just to play Pokemon and Smash, those 2 titles alone would made me buy a Switch most likely since I spend hundred of hours with single player and Smash is the best multiplayer experience when I meet with friends.

And Wikipedia strongly disagrees with your "tiny" argument... and that's Wii U alone, the 3DS has even more. I haven't played Mario since the SNES but if I got my hands on a new Mario I would be psyched! I would love a new Metroid, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Star Fox, Zelda... even if the changes are small the franchises never feel old since they aren't COD with yearly releases.

Moving on, I suspect the dock has a beefier GPU and some memory expansion too, it will need to have PS4 (GTX 760) level of performance at least! And a price point between $300 and $400 if they want to succeed, if this truly is a fusion of a next gen Wii U+3DS then it's going to have a shit ton of exclusives to cater to all kind of gamers.

8 years ago

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Stuff like Star Fox or Kirby don't have mass appeal, you can count their big money makers on 1 hand. If their stuff was enough the Wii U would have done a lot better, but it's not. This will definitely sell more because the gimmicks are more clearly explained this time and people are excited about the portability but sooner or later it's gonna run into the same problem: no AAA support from 3rd parties.

8 years ago

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I was citing my own taste in games actually, I don't know how much revenue they get from those franchises tbh but they keep going so they should do alright at least. And the Wii U sales are pretty good, 3 million above Xbox One, and the 3DS sales are huge which makes this "fusion" console the more interesting.

However you are right that this time the communication is far better, they have dozens of 3rd party support confirmed but if they don't get a hardware on par with PS4 and Xbone it will happen what you stated... but Sony and MS will continue support for both consoles since their newest will be current gen upgrades, so that's the key for Nintendo to keep the 3rd party support.

8 years ago

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It looks like shit /shrug.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You know what ?
I'm going to treat this like a handheld/portable system first, console second.

For a big-screen system it looks to be gimmicky and underpowered again.

8 years ago

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Seems like a portable Version of the Wii U to me.

8 years ago

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Nailed it.

8 years ago

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To me, the Switch is what the Wii U should have been.

8 years ago

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Battery life will probably be a problem, also I cant wait when somebody will lose half of the controller.

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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I think the console will be great. But I expected a bit more from the trailer/Switch. It is to soon to really tell. They will show more trailers later for sure.

I expected a bit more, i expected more creativity from Nintendo.
-in the beginning I expected a real dog playing with a Nintendo dog. More to be funny.
-When people drove those carts, I expected a special Mario Kart AR mode. Create your own tracks in real life. Showing records from others etc.
-I expected the Switch showed a map with all available challenges for certain games, like that Kart building.
-When the girl was playing Mario, I expected that the Switch showed a sort of notification that her friends where calling for her. But it seems that she is Psychic mind reader.
-Or mario jumping on the couch, another AR-mode
-I saw amibos at 2:25. The Switch doesn’t even show if it can do something with them, maybe another trailer later
-When people came together with 4 screens, I also expected Nintendo showed that those 4 screens became 1 more powerfull “Nintendo Switch”
-At the end they could have showed all the partners in one screen, just like their website

8 years ago

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it's just a reveal trailer, personally I loved it! Being so close to release I would assume everything they showed are real features and not just concepts (like MS did with Kinect for over hyping the damn thing), which to me it was pretty awsm!

Thanks for the website though, I didn't see it on the trailer and they should have pointed that out IMHO.

8 years ago

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Thats true.
Here is more of a Trailer Analysis

We wil just have to wait for Nintendo and other companies to show something.

Only the name Switch doesnt feel epic. They should have named it differently I think, something with the words (omni, epic, one, on the go, connecting, together, hybrid, fusion etc)

8 years ago

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Ooohh, Nintendo Fusion would have been SICK!

8 years ago

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max. disappointed - but probably exactly what the current and upcoming generations will want ...

8 years ago

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What's disappointing for you?

8 years ago

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i don't like playing on handheld devices had the psvita/n3dsll ... barely ever played those (collecting a few games)
the entire concept shown, is focused on ditching desktop consoles and pleasing the "i play on my phone"-gen

8 years ago

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You can play it like a traditional console. Just put the tablet in the dock, take off the controllers, or maybe grab the traditional controller, and play games like a normal console.

8 years ago

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