Oh my god, I didn't even look at the parts...
That's so much money, I am going to build a computer for 1,500 or under in the begining of next year.
How do you even get that much free money 0_o
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I'm with Maker Studios YouTube MCN ^_^ there's an offer going on that gives us upto a $5k budget for a YouTube series if approved. Mine was greenlit, so I'm going to use it on building an editing/gaming rig.
If you'd like to try joining, I could leave you a link that basically says I sent you, and I think it gives you a better chance of being accepted (it's a referral link, yes, but it gives you better chance as it's basically telling Maker I sent you, and I, already a partner, think you'd be a good addition).
Side note, Maker Studios is owned by Disney, and is the network that big name YouTubers such as PewDiePie, Angry Joe, and TotalBisuit are with.
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That sounds very intriguing, if you sent me the link I'd be able to look around yes? Or would I have to already have an idea?
I have always wanted to get into youtube seriously, but I always have bad things happen, like my laptop got totally fried from the inside, plus all the recording softwares I'd use usually end up glitching out so I'd never be able to make a full playthrough of anything / be able to expand. But yeah, that sounds good.
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Also could I see this youtube series of yours or have you not started yet?
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The series for this budget is yet to be made, I will be getting the budget within 60 days (everything takes forever in the corporate world), then I will be making the Proof of Concept. If that's approved, it will have a chance of going on TV as well. Another offer that's being done directly by Disney, is for young teens series to go on the Disney XD channel. My pitch was approved, and I will be starting that PoC in a couple days. It's budget is $1k, which I'm gettinga 1080p camera and equipment with.
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Add me on Steam, and I'll send you the link (don't wana get in trouble here XP).
You don't need to have an idea for the offer yet, but it's got like 4 days left (I expect there will be more with high budgets in the near future, and we always get good paying offers it seems) for you to make the required 2 minute pitch video.
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I actually thought it was a weak build. Like a i3 and so on, but jesus. 5k?
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cpu & mobo sound like quite a waste, cpus shouldnt be over $500 & mobos shouldnt be over 300 (yes everything should be overclocked cuz it's fun & gives a boost, doesnt matter if it's a $50 or $500 chip, overclocker4lyfe)
i dont understand why you wouldnt do a 120/144hz gsync monitor at this price, although 4k might be useful for all the panels on screen during video editing... if you're serious (mind you, i've used after effects, cinema4d, & fl studio at 1080p)
i dont understand why the ssd isnt 512mb or more
what is the point of the seagate if it's 'green'? why not just use an enclosure at that point so you can easily plug it in elsewhere as needed (although i do have this device to plug in my old 'internal' drives i have sitting on the table outside of a case)
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the CPU is so I can have faster rendering times on heavier videos. The mobo was what others suggested, so I went with it.
I wanted a 4k monitor for the editing, as I'm looking into investing in a 4k camera for film work over the next few months (probaly the BlackMagic URSA).
The SSD is smaller, cause of cost constraints, though if there is a sale, or I get my budget before Black Friday/Cyber Monday, I will go bigger.
The Seagate HDD is for archiving and storage of video that's yet to be edited. I noticed on this laptop, I run out of room pretty fast, so I wanted something bigger. Plus, I'm not sure which kind of HDD would be better, this was just the highest rated one.
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well i mean, i didnt question the 4tb, i'm questioning if that should be plugged into the interior sata ports
what about backups? i got 2x4tb externals earlier in the year cuz omg how can i trust all that data on a single drive
the cpu is only part of the story, more core ones may have lower clockspeeds when all cores are loaded, there is even the option if you got a dual socket mobo, you could put 2 $400 6-core cpus in to get a 12core 24thread monster for $800 rather than a single 8core 16thread for $1000
this is actually what i meant by cpus shouldnt be over $500... the 'extreme edition' cpus are purposely set to $999 as part of marketing, but not actual performance or value, in some cases they mearly meant an unlocked multiplier like in the 45nm core2quad days (my q9550 for example has a max of 8.5x, to overclock it i have to overclock the p45 northbridge chipset... which i am glad to do since it increases the performance of ram+drives+gfx all at once, while the extreme edition qx9650 can have whatever crazy multiplier like 15x to get some theoretical unstable 7ghz overclock without affecting the ram or northbridge)
another consideration about rendering is that you can make a render farm out of all of your available computers to make things even faster
i'm curious what you're going to do with a 4k camera, i'm interested in cinematography & hope you're going to making something cool with enhancements in after effects, etc
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ooohhh, you mean why am I using it as internal and not external? If that's what you mean, then the reason is that I don't want to be taking it in and pulling it out, as it will have all my video clips and assets I will be using, thus keeping it in is easier.
For primary assets, I will being keeping everything on Google Drive as backups, everything else, I don't care if I lose, so buying a backup drive is something I have on a future checklist for when I have enough personal money, or get another budget.
I was thinking about going with a workstation for all this, but decided to just go this route. I have heard from afew hardware review YouTubers that for matters like video editing, this is better for faster rendering times (originally was looking at the i7-6700).
I'm not that well versed in how to make anything like a render farm, so I was just going all out on this one beast in hopes that it will give me the juice I need for everything as an all in one XD
Mainly I'll be doing film work for series I want to try out, and local stuff such as weddings, parties, etc... (if I have the equipment, I might as well put my services up for sale XD)
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well you know, rendering is ONLY time, so unless you have a deadline, a crappy laptop will do the exact same job, you just leave it on overnight... or over a few days hah
yes it would be better than a 6700 since it's 8core 16thread not 4core 8thread, but the real interesting question is can a sustained 4ghz 4core match a sustained 2ghz 8core? pure math says they would be equal if the architecture is the same
nice price on the ddr4 i just noticed, it would be another story 1-2 years ago when it was hundreds of dollars for like 8gb, nothx
for external, you can still leave it plugged in on the desk, i'm just thinking of the inevitable... meeting with a client if it's serious work, or going on location somewhere, etc (edit 2: i mean any internal drive can be plugged into an enclosure later, so it doesnt matter at all, i have a ST2000DL003 myself, a desktop green internal drive that i use only in an enclosure)
EDIT: http://anandtech.com/bench/product/1317?vs=1543 obligatory 5960x vs 6700k comparison, notice single threaded is better on skylake, but multithreaded isnt since it has fewer cores even if each are faster speed
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I want to be making a video a day, so it's a personal deadline (and some stuff I have going with Maker Studios will have deadlines).
If I get into serious work with it all, like recording for clients and such, I'll probably buy some large tumbdrives, and a 2TB HDD for those who have larger orders. Though I imagine I'll be putting finished products on DVDs and BDs
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I never build a pc more expensive than 1300-1400 euros. You can always throw in some extra thousands but in the end it wont matter that much, Anyway, not worth that much extra.
Guess you have the wallet for it but I suggest you spent those thousands on something else, a car or something ;)
Feels like a bragging topic, you dont need advice with such a budget.
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This rig is primarily for editing purposes XD gaming is what I'm going to be recording. So yes, I truly do want advise to make sure none of what I am getting is low quality.
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speaking of recording, the proper way would be to have some kind of splitter that records on one end & sends to the monitor on the other, rather than running into the cases where there are stutters or broken sli scaling or not handling 60 or 30 solid fps during the recording
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A... weak build? There won't be a single game you won't get 60fps on with that build, you might as well have upped to a 144hz monitor. You really don't need to spend that much, 5k is an absurd amount for just casual gaming/video editing. I can hold 60fps in almost any game with max video fx on just an overclocked 760, so already I can say you don't need 2x 980's. I don't know if you're going to be using your laptop as a second monitor or not, but if not I'd suggest throwing in a second monitor instead if you have the physical space, it'll change your life.
32gb of ram is also ridiculously high, I'd cut that down to 16 and save another 100. You'll NEVER run in to memory issues with 16gb.
Realisticly you don't need an i7 unless you're doing seriously professional video editing, I'd say downgrade to an i5. I can't fathom spending 1k on a processor.
I can't really comment on the motherboard, I didn't do much research on them before building my pc, I just bought a much cheaper budget asus and have had no issues.
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This rig will be for 4k video editing in the upcoming months (next product I'm going to be investing in is a 4k camera). So, yes, professional (well, I call what I do armature still, but I'm putting all I got into it) video editing is what it's primary purpose is. The whole weak gaming build was a joke for shock value XD
I'd go for a 1080@144hz monitor normally, but I wanted the higher resolution for while I'm editing. If I can afford it (for future purchase or if I get my budget before black Friday/Cyber Monday) I will purchase one of those monitors as well, probably. But 60hz is good enough for purposes of YouTube gameplay capture.
For the RAM, I might cut back and invest in a higher capacity SSD.
And for the i7, already answered that.
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So I'm about to come in the way of a little money to upgrade from the family laptop to my own gaming rig. It's not gunna be anything much, as I've got a pretty tight budget, but I'm hoping it'll be good enough to play afew games at reasonable quality while maintaining 30fps minimum, 60 if it can, and also do some video rendering for https://www.youtube.com/user/RykuuDisaga. Could you all check out this rig and tell me if it's good enough? It's about $80 USD under my budget, which I', hoping to use to pick up a game or 2, but if I need to to get a better component, I'll be willing to do so.
I know it's probably a pretty weak build, and won't be able to do much, but it's all I can afford. If you know of any better optimizations or better quality items, please let me know!
Thank you for the feedback, and here are afew giveaways to make up for your time ^_^
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