I redeemed another 12 months for myself yesterday. Discounted price is 87€ for EU (could vary depending on vat rates) with the downside that the promocode can only be used once per account. There will be no changes to your current subscription plan.
Link for convenience:
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Can I buy it as a gift and redeem at a later date, e.g. to start with the next bundle instead of the current one?
"Humble Choice plan begins when customer redeems gift." this would suggest so, but humble has always been clumsy with terms.
[edit] I bought it, doesn't seem to have an expiration date, on checkout it said "Plan begins when redeemed." too, so I think I'm good.
Now I hope the December monthly will be good...
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If you're subscribed and paused previous month, try to pause this one too, they might offer you $4 off coupon (or $3 or $2), or lock your price down to $8 or $6 for a certain nimber of months. Not sure how they decide. Try this, maybe you'll be lucky
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I think I get a better deal by taking $4 off coupon when I try to pause
...if you get the coupon all the time, sure, but I can't say I've heard of anyone who gets the coupon consistently.
Even so, what's to say that Humble won't scale coupons back sometime in the next year? I'm not a fan of prepaying anything annual, but its not without some benefits.
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You can pause this, right? Gonna last until 2034 if so.
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This is my issue. I have skipped about 5 months in a row now.
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How did you get it to add to a current membership? It's not letting me add 12 months to mine.
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They're not letting me add it to my account, contacted humble support of it.
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When you use ADJ link, don't forget to choose "this plan is a gift". Use the promo code and pay. You will receive an email with a link. use that link and log in as yourself, confirm the gift.
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I just got deal and gifted to myself next Billing Date:-
Your next billing date is December 26, 2023. Saved quite a bit 👍😃😃
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You can't redeem it until your current plan expire.
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if you cancel your membership
then the ad will pop up at the top of the site.
then you can resub and apply the code HOLIDAY22
And tick the box that says "gift"
Redeem the gift yourself.
I guess don't cancel your membership if you have like 9 months left.
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well you can just buy it as a gift, you don't need to redeem it now.
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just did it. Bought it as a gift and sent it to myself, worked just fine despite me having a active monthly subscription
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I couldn't find information about it in the Humble Choice FAQ, but according to this 3-year old reddit post, you automatically get the current month when you pay for the annual membership, leaving you with 11 credits. i.e. you have no choice to skip November.
Not ideal for me because I already got most of the games I care about from this month's selection, but even then, it's still too good of a deal to pass up.
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It worked for me, and I had classic plan and still 4 months of annual sub
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Almost exactly my view. Since these monkeys forbid giving away leftovers, I've been pausing every month or so, since years. When I want a game, I usually get if from Group Buys. I guess I took (with the "don't pause 4 USD coupon") the monthly 2 or 3 times in the last 2+ years.
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Am i reading this correctly? You are not allowed to give away keys from games you dont want on your account? Do you have to activate every game for the month on your account?
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These morons want you to either activate the key on your account, or to give it to friends (as in "real life friends"). But giving away here on SG is, for them, considered trading. They wrote it black on white when directly asked through support.
In the old days I was buying every monthly from them, and was happy giving away my leftovers here. Now I make sure to avoid at most buying anything directly from HB.
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it says 0 monthly credits - does that mean it didn't work?
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You could go to your billing history and see what happened, it shows every pause/skip/claim.
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thanks it mentions the gifted plan for 76.00 but says plan status inactive
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should it say in the settings as Sallachim said about the 12 months i just bought because i i have 0 months remaining in credit even though i'm sure i had December as my last monthly before buy this deal?
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Please help me understand!
I got November choice with their recent 7$ coupon. Now I can not join 89$ deal, unless I cancel my subscription and send gift link to myself.
If I do this, wouldn't it mean that I pay for November month twice? 7$ with recent deal and 7.41 as part of 89$ thing?
Meaning, for one year I pay 96$. It's 96 / 12 = 8$ a month, a standard deal that I get every month by waiting two weeks after new choice launch.
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I think there is some misunderstanding about subscription. I can say that there are 2 things: choice credit and subscriber's benefits.
Buying annual subscription means that user will have +12 choices and +12 months of subscriber's benefits.
If you already unlocked current month, after activating gift subscription you'll have 12 choices and months. In other words - gift will just add 12 months/choices to your account on top of existing plan (if you have one).
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Next billing date is 27.12.2022. It is for december or january bundle?
I assume that you have 0 choices left. So HB will charge you next month if you'll try to unlock December choice.
I've rejoined on December 8th 2021 (also got December 2021 choice) and at the moment I've used all choices (got all 12 choice bundles).
So now I need to rejoin and after clicking Rejoin button, I see the same date like you:
"You will be charged on 12/27/2022 when your recurring membership begins."
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So your initial guess was correct. If you subscribed in December 2021, then November 2022 is your 12th claimed month (1 dec2021, 2 jan2022, 3 feb2022, 4 march2022, 5 april2022, 6 may2022, 7 june2022, 8 july2022, 9 aug2022, 10 sep2022, 11 oct2022, 12 nov2022)
It means with annual subscription deal you don't get +12 month, you get 12 month. So by subscribing to 89$deal, I'll inadvertently pay for November second time.
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That is the thing I'm talking about :) Subscriber's perks will not end for Gurthfin or me in November, they will be active until end of December, but we will not be able to claim December's choice bundle (since no choice tokens left).
You will always get 12 choice tokens and 12 months of perks. I'm subscriber from 2018, and each year I'm resubscribing in December. And if your statement was correct, then my perks should shift 1 month back each year, but I always had these perks during these years in December :)
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Answered in their FAQ:
Q: Is it possible to gift myself a month of Humble Choice, even though I already claimed the current month?
A: It's not possible to receive two sets of games or another set of games to choose from. If you already have the current month of Humble Choice and claim another gifted month, it will add a credit to your account instead. That credit can be used as payment for a future month of Humble Choice at a later time.
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No, thanks. I'm glad when my sub runs out eventually, so that I don't have to skip every month again and again anymore, and only buy the bundles that I actually want at a discounted price that everyone but the loyal subscriber seems to get.
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Considering they kept throwing 6-7$ coupons at monthly subscribers for the past year, what's the benefit of upfront payment of ~7,40$/month other than being able to claim the bundles on day one? New coupons are for a single month, so it's not even the case that you can't skip like with the old 3 months long deals
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well those coupons are not always certain. For example during Deathloop month i didn't get a cancel/pause discount, and the only email discount they sent that month as a 1€ discount one.
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Can confirm you can redeem this to your own account.
Classic subscriber active but did not buy Nov yet. Purchased as a gift and gifted it to me. Next Billing = Nov 28, 2023
I usually do not get $6 coupons, $8 or $9 are there sometimes so this will help definitely, and I can always skip!
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If you're on classic, but you already bought November and your sub is still active at least until mid December, it wont work at least in the USA.
I tried to buy it earlier but when I try to redeem my gift it says "Cannot Redeem We're sorry, this gift is incompatible with your current membership plan and can't be applied to your account".
I tried it myself because like 4 or more people said it worked for them and added onto their classic plan, but never provided proof or mentioned whether their sub was or not active at the time and whether their plan changed to annual, stayed classic, skipped a month, canceled existing sub first, etc. So now I'll probably have to refund and renew when it asks me to.
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Hey, sorry for the late reply - my subscription was/is active (I did not skip a month), but had not yet gotten the November bundle. I did not cancel the sub or do anything other than purchase the membership as a gift, click the link that was sent via email, and confirmed that I would like to redeem the gift.
My plan was due to expire in February 2023, but now expires in February 2024 after redeeming the gift link. As mentioned, the 'Plan Type' still shows 'Classic Annual' (so far, at least...not sure if it might change come March after my current plan expires and the new one comes into effect).
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I saw it on ggdeal, and the direct link is here: https://www.humblebundle.com/membership/checkout?duration=annual&promo=holiday22
Not only new membership, you can gift the annual plan to yourself, it will added to your humble account. I tried it, and get another 12 months credits.
When you use this link, don't forget to choose "this plan is a gift". Use the promo code HOLIDAY22 and pay. You will receive an email with a link. use that link and log in as yourself, confirm the gift.
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