Steam has been acting up for the past 2 days and couldn't connect identities among sites. It's up and down.. Meaning whatever site you login with steam identity is locked out now as steam says "awaiting maintenance". If you are not already logged in you have no access (so do NOT log out of SG).

With this in mind you think it's right to only have 1 unstable login option? Or we need a secondary and unique to the site way?

What happens if this doesn't get fixed asap by steam?
I have friends that can't login here or anywhere with steam id.

Your thoughts?

For those that say routine maintenance..

And in case you don't read comments:

It's acting up 2+ days.. Today is off more than 12 hours.. Yesterday too.. It;s not the usual 1-2 hours tops

if you log out of ITAD
you will not be able to login again
if you log out of steamgifts
you will not be able to login again
and its not maintenance anymore
it is removed from the site that monitors
so its an issue with steam

try with a diffrent browser
go with edge
and try to log in
without entering anything for details

4 years ago*

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Find secondary login option?

View Results
I'm not sure

steam is down for routine maintenance, i don't see anything wrong here

4 years ago

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It's acting up 2+ days.. Today is off more than 12 hours.. Yesterday too.. It;s not the usual 1-2 hours tops

if you log out of ITAD
you will not be able to login again
if you log out of steamgifts
you will not be able to login again
and its not maintenance anymore
it is removed from the site that monitors
so its an issue with steam

try with a diffrent browser
go with edge
and try to log in
without entering anything for details

4 years ago*

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Yep, you are right. I just tried with ITAD and it doesn't work. I don't think there's anything we can do sadly. Someone can try contacting steam support or writing on twitter or somewhere, but by the time a human actually replies I'm sure its going to be fixed...hopefully soon.

4 years ago

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Hence the warning.. But it seems when something doesn't directly affect someone no one cares :)

And all feel so safe....... I wonder if they clear cookies and log out if they'll care then..
Most seem to not want an alternative login or recovery.. And no one told why. If it persists then what? And it's not only steam and sg.. It's generally this type of account creation. It's a lock down chain with no recovery option.

But since I'm logged in and fine, why do I care? 0:-)

4 years ago

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Steam uses OpenID to my knowledge, it allows us to login to other websites with steam without giving those websites any important information such as username and password. It's not that I don't agree with you, in a perfect world we should have more than one option to login, but I'm highly doubtful that steam will ever implement another way for us to login to other websites apart from this. cg can implement a way to login for example with email/username and password and then mandatory connect with steam (only once) and not being able to disconnect it/connect it to another account (to prevent abuse), and I have nothing against this, it's awesome if it ever gets implemented, but I don't think this is high up cg's feature list, because the steam login system has been pretty reliable, safe and easy way to access sg and hasn't made much problems till now.

It's a obvious problem that is happening to many people and it causes a lot frustration, plus the sale is going on, so people want to login/check deals on other websites/buy games etc, I know, but hopefully it will get fixed soon. I logged out of ITAD so now I'm also waiting to be able to log back in. :)

4 years ago

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Hopefully soon..

Steam doesn't need to create anything extra. Sites should ALWAYS have their own login for security reasons. If you can't login somewhere apart from the inconvenience, it's also difficult to contact support and a whole bunch of other problems.
And it's not just SG.. It can happen anywhere, at any time, in any site and with any connection identity (steam, facebook, twitch, twitter, insta, etc). Every time this happens (when 1 huge site is down) the internet is panicking and blasts another site with complaints.. If it wasn't something so "trivial" as a gaming site then what?

And just because steam always had problems on big sales it means what? That everything is fine?

The logic of this site amazes me sometimes..

4 years ago

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You might save some money.

4 years ago

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Buy chips or chocolate.. You either need salt or sugar depending on what you did. Stopping this will also save you money :)

4 years ago

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i think its fixed now

4 years ago

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For most I think yes. But it can happen again at any time. SG is not the only point of this post.. Or steam..

4 years ago

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So, the issue is so serious that I didn't even notice it? Noice.

4 years ago

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On a sunny day you forgot an umbrella on your bag and 1% happens to rain.. "Rain is fine, I have my umbrella, who cares for the 99% that saw the sun and didn't forget their umbrella in their bag, so who cares? I'm ok :D "

But to me you don't even see the issue behind this. It's not just 12 hours of waiting :)

4 years ago*

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It's not that steamgifts (or any other steam-related site) is crucial. 12 hours is nothing.
Also, I totally failed to understand your example, English is strong in you.

4 years ago

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Use google translate if you don't understand since English is not your mother language..

Again it's not only steam or sg.. But fine :)

4 years ago

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Well, if logic is not your strong side - google translator won't fix it for me.

4 years ago

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Don't talk to me about logic.. If you can't understand something so simple I have nothing else to say to you

Here you go.. Maybe now it's easier. edited*

4 years ago*

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the usual 1-2 hours tops

Steam sale bugs are usually 4-6 hours minimum, though. More broadly, we've even had events that've had issues anywhere from half a day to 4 (or was it more?) days following the start of an event. It's certainly 1-2 hours in most cases for non-sale hiccups, but sales tend to have a lot of first day (and sometimes, first week) difficulties.

All I can really say is, I didn't encounter anything this event that wasn't completely predictable based off previous events. Steam can be quirky in how differently it affects various users, however, which can be an entirely different matter of annoyance. In most cases, at least, you can solve Steam issues by waiting, restarting client, or finally restarting PC. Unfortunately, in other cases.. issues linger.

So, ultimately, there's basis for the optional allowance of an alternative login (though, really, I don't think I've had to log back in to SG once within the past five years? If you're getting logged out regularly, you may need to look into your security settings), but it's likely not an especially pressing matter (for the time being).

The site does already have you associate an e-mail with your account, so it's not like there isn't room for a secondary security measure to be smoothly implemented (or implemented as an emergency measure if something severely quirks on Steam's end- but then, if that happens, I'm not sure SG'll be especially functional regardless). From my perspective, however, I'd honestly rather leave it to Steam login alone; But, again, I've never had any issues on that front, either.

4 years ago*

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"Steam sale bugs are usually 4-6 hours minimum, though. More broadly, we've even had events that've had issues anywhere from half a day to 4 (or was it more?) days following the start of an event. It's certainly 1-2 hours in most cases for non-sale hiccups, but sales tend to have a lot of first day (and sometimes, first week) difficulties."
And this makes it ok? Especially with COVID and traffic problems this may become more common.. And there are solutions.. So why not try for some safety and leave it up to luck and "naaah it will never happen to me/to this site/to steam".. And then "random event" war happens (or to not sound extreme say covid gets worse.. which is possible) and everything changes "ohhhh this is different, I didn't expect that when I spoke"

"The site does already have you associate an e-mail with your account, so it's not like there isn't room for a secondary security measure to be smoothly implemented "
My thoughts too..

" From my perspective, however, I'd honestly rather leave it to Steam login alone; But, again, I've never had any issues on that front, either."
Luck is always a factor in everything :P

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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It's been 10 hours since I posted and 4 more hours that a friend notified me of this.. Bringing this up to 14 hours minimum lock down..
But yeah it's fine........
Also, comment again when YOUR login doesn't work somewhere and have an urgency to login somewhere and can't and let me know what you think then :)

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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And because -in contrast to you- I did looked it up, I can tell you it did happened with all.. The difference was the response time and if someone was or wasn't logged in :)

Also, I'm not rude.. If I was it would be a clear insult :P

Ok next time something happens to you solve it yourself don't even talk with your family since not everyone has your problem and thus no one should care about it..

4 years ago

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Usually when Steam is about to have an event/sale it gets wonky.

4 years ago

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For the 45345345 time.. And?.. Just because you are used for steam to act up, it makes it ok? What if 1 time it stops working alltogether or for a longer period of time.. Heck what happens if steam one day decides "no more plugin, I'm tired of fixing it"? Oh I forgot, nothing is so bad in this angelic world.. Nothing can go horribly wrong.. :)

Most keep commenting the same thing but are not seeing what this means.. And why a secondary standalone way of account recovery (if not login) is needed..

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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That is for Steam itself though.. Has nothing to do with plugin login..
Why you must stay logged out of many things for 1 just because you are offered no other option?

Different issues

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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Not more ways.. Not necessarily. But if steam plugin stops working this site stops working (and whatever site is using a similar way) too..

I just don't think it's ok to ONLY be able to login via an external site regardless of which site that is. Things happen.. You never know

4 years ago

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I get you are frustrated because this sucks, you are right about the site needing an alternative login and I thank you very much for letting people know about the issue, but no need to be rude. Iv never logged out, kept the site as one of my pinned tabs and it has never forced me to login again like many sites do, so I remained oblivious about this. Not anymore thanks to you.
I guess you have sent a support ticket already.

4 years ago*

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If it happens once in a blue moon, it's a non-issue.
Everything has outages. I'd be willing to bet your internet goes out more often than you're unable to log-in to Steamgifts.

Also, the more points of access provided, the more points for possible breach.

4 years ago

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And the more points of recovery.. This is a cross-bridge.. If 1 thing doesn't work then another doesn't too.. So you are getting locked out on a secondary thing that has no problem because the first does..

Again.. Don't think steam and sg only.. And fyi with this system if you ever deside you hate steam from now on, delete it, lose it, have it stolen, change steam for whatever reason then guess what.. This account is out the window too.. Sounds fair?

4 years ago

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  1. If I hate Steam, I won't be using any Steam-related sites. That seems self-evident and irrelevant.
  2. Delete it? I don't catch your meaning, but if you mean deleting my Steam account, I won't care about Steam-related sites.
  3. Lose it, have it stolen - Valve has already provided proven means to lock/recover accounts.

I'm repeating myself, but IMHO we don't need stop-gaps for such rare occurrences as not being able to log in to ITAD, SG, or whatever else. I'm not feeling the "urgency" you speak of, and for me, the risks outweigh the benefits.

4 years ago

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Yes.. Because you are ONLY thinking of SG and steam :D How many sites only have fb login? etc etc etc..
A plugin is not reliable.

As for Steam.. The time you need to sort this mess out.. Have fun with it :D

And just because something requires a plugin to login does it mean you need to love the second? Maybe 1 day you'll find a forum for pc games but requires the same plugin.. You may want to play only physical editions or in stores other than steam. Just because you "hate" steam means you won't log to the other site?.. Makes 0 sense

4 years ago

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Yes, perhaps one day I'll find a site that isn't Steam-related that requires a Steam log-in. Perhaps I'll even feel a sense of urgency to use it.
But I'll worry about it when it happens.

4 years ago

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Find secondary login option?

I always create an account using e-mail and password. I only use "login in via Steam/Whatever" if given no other option. This avoids situations like this where the third-party identity service is down / shuts down / is otherwise acting up

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

4 years ago

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Yes (maybe actually.. we'll see the coming days) but this thread is not only about 1 specific problem :)

4 years ago

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