Diss the DLC, you'll get more playtime and your money's worth with DS or DS. Personally, I'd take DS over DS though.
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lol.. Confusing you are being >< As far as Heroes of Might and Magic VI's expansion.. I already have 75 or so hours in the game and have not done everything I could yet even without the expansion.. I like the game quite a bit. That is why this has been a tough choice for me :P
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I'd say Dark Souls. Don't Starve is a good game, but it'll probably get as cheap or cheaper again comparatively soon. Dark Souls has a unique multiplayer aspect to it apparently that might not be as populated when Dark Souls II comes out, and who knows what will happen when GFWL shuts down (it'll probably get patched out but you never know). Be advised that its a bad port though; you'll need to get DSfix and you should have a 360 controller to play it.
I don't anything about the heroes one!
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Dark Souls! If you want to play this, then you should do it now before M$ go ahead and drop their service. It is well worth thr 80% off sale price.
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If you are into the roguelikeish genre of survival, you should get Don't Starve as it will get more hours than any of the other games and the game is always being updated.
But for quality, Dark Souls no doubt about it.
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Dark Souls. Install DSfix and you're in for a long ride.
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Bad port, games for windows live- and the multiplayer aspect isn't even that good (considering hackers and all).
Don't support it. I wanted and could have bought Dark Souls on all sales but resisted. In all sincerity, ive seen it run better off steam(without steam on the background and overlay) then on my friend's machine.
Ive played it only a little elsewhere, its a great game- but wait at least for gfwl to get patched and buy on sale. Anything else is too much for an half assed port that didn't even bothered with pc gamers (for gods sake, a fan created a simple patch in a week the devs didn't cared about). Its infuriating.
I hope Dark Souls II comes properly on pc.
Also, Don't Starve is awesome, got tons of updates and will likely keep getting some. From controllers to local co-op, bunch of new characters, mods, custom characters and more came in as free updates. They deserve their money much more.
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I've been playing Dark Souls for the last couples of weeks and I believe it's one of the best games of the last...5 years?
GFWL scares the shit out of me too, but I don't think Steam would sell something that will be unplayable in a week or so...I hope.
So, buy Dark Souls!
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Dark Souls was one of the most satisfying gaming experiences I've had since playing the STALKER games. The feeling of accomplishment after getting past a tough area is amazing. It has some of the best melee combat in a game that I've ever seen too. Feels realistic and "weighty".
Don't Starve is fun to see how long you can survive, if you can make it through the winter and so on, but I feel like Souls is the more satisfying experience and that price is unbeatable. Do invest in a USB controller if you do decide to get into Souls on PC though...
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I agree with you about Don't Starve. It's fun, but repetitive and I personally prefer a game with story to a game without.
About the controller, do invest one even if you don't plan to get Dark Souls, as a hell lot of other games can be played better with it than with mouse and keyboard.
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Yea I do have one... Picked up one of the official xbox 360 wired controllers partially due to I wanted to use a gamepad for some of the games I have as well as less money spent on batteries with it for my console.
As much as I want Dark Souls I am thinking of just waiting till I find out if it will get patched or not when it comes to its GFWL stuff. Do not want to buy a game where I suddenly can not fully use it. Bad enough I have Resident Evil Outbreak File 1 & 2, as well as Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City. All where good games.. Online servers for Outbreak games where taken down, so they are singleplayer only now.. and Operation Raccoon City has GFWL... I really doubt they will patch it :( ( Oh and, in case anyone wonders why I only have 7 or so hours played on Operation Raccoon City. Its partially due to I played it a LOT on the console already, and for some reason I have a hard time finding others to play MP with :( )
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Wanted to say thanks everyone for your suggestions. As I said in another comment, as much as I am interested ,I am going to follow someone's advise and wait to see if GFWL will be patched or not... So I will prob either end up getting Don't Starve or Shades of Darkness.. Depending on what happens with the new block of sales coming in a few hours or so.
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GFWL is gonna get patched for sure, I don't see how they could sell you a game today and in about 6-7 months cut you off from it. Just imagine the customers backlash on them.. not happening. Dark Souls for this price is a steal and a sure thing.. go for it.
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Yea.. I am debating about buying 3 different games.. can only afford one of them. That being "Don't Starve", "Dark Souls" or wait till tomorrow's deals and pick up the expansion "Shades of Darkness" for Heroes of Might and Magic VI...
Odd question I know, and would appreciate others input into what I should do. I am very interested in all the ones I mentioned. I was partially wanting to see if something else will go on sale but due to the leak I am thinking it wont unless it pops up on a flash sale :P
Seems like most are saying Dark Souls, but I admit the GFWL thing kind of scares me. I have one game that might not get patched already and not happy about that.. So I am now not soo sure if I should get it ><
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