Well i actually like Star Wars...but i wouldn't buy it..iam tired of Star Wars games...nothing new..always warmed up old stuff, my opinion...
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what? its not like we hadent had a Star Wars game in 7 years, but wth are you on about? xD
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The trailer looks nice,but seriously?"No campaign"?"40 players max"?Fuck you,EA.The 501st Legion campaign from Battlefront 2 was freaking epic and the max player limit from the guys that made Battlefield is utterly unacceptable.You are butchering yet another franchise simply because you can.
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DICE didn't learn much from the BF4 fiasco I guess...
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Well, technically it's already dead. They're just not seemingly doing a good job of bringing it back. No campaign? Origin only? It's going to be Titanfall all over again. At least when it's dead a year after release, people will be able to get it on sale for $5 to check it out for a few months before EA shuts down the servers.
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I'm feeling tempted to use Origin to play the EA titles since they get patches instead of their Steam counterparts (greedy EA).
I also prefer to go sailing into the sea instead of paying 3 figures for all the EA DLC, specially when they charge for story content that was clearly stripped out of it (staring at Mass Effect 2 and 3), I'm less concerned if they charge for cosmetic stuff.
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True, GOG are the DRM-free renegades! Have you tried their client? I heard they would implement achievements and gaming times records like Steam does.
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What? That movie is older than I am, from 1983 and seen it multiple times.
I'm gonna educate my girlfriend before december by watching the original trilogy, this month we watched A New Hope and she liked it.
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Vader >>>>>>>> Maul
Darth Maul is pretty cool though
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I heard something about it, but bear in mind that The Expanded Universe was axed by Disney, that explains why Chewacca is alright.
It would be awesome to see Darth Maul's return with new robot legs, but since Episode VII takes place several decades after Ep. I it's highly unlikely.
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Well I know the Expanded Universe was axed but that doesn't mean he didn't survived it just mean ''that'' part just didn't happen. He could still live, be death or something else. Though I don't know how old Zabrak's can become.
Edit also: I'm not sure but I think Darth Maul wasn't killed in the clone wars either (eventhough I'm not sure because I didn't watch it really).
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EA's "business plan" as a whole...
EDIT:Gah!Sorry guys.Its seems that I have no idea how to insert images correctly.
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I have a feeling that isn't a cat and I am not downloading it to find out.
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Youtube is blocked at the office... Gamespot, Ign and polygon don't have it on native players yet :(
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Yeah, I'm not ultra hyped for this game anyway, specially with some things pointed out in the comments, less max players than Battlefield and no campaign, seems like they are going to a Titanfall model: multiplayer only in matches filled with NPCs.
Also I'm confused, I read you can pilot the Millenium Falcon but no space battles? WTF, I would expect to use the MF in an all out space battle of starships only.
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"you can pilot the Millenium Falcon but no space battles"
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Nah.Its too epic for these cunts.Their anthem needs to be more menacing.Something that reeks of their dark side influence on our gaming industry.Something like...
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Menacing and dark? Reeking of dark-side influence? Evocative of corruption and a tainted soul? There's only one theme song that meets those requirements.
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Am I the only one optimistic about the game? You will be able to toggle 3rd/1st person, the trailer and these screenshots are all in-engine (which gives hope to beautiful graphics at least on pc), there is Sith/Jedi confirmed, AT-ATs, AT-STs, Speeder bikes and many other vehicles and things have all been faithfully recreated even the smoke puffs from the blaster shots. There was people that got to see actual gameplay footage behind closed doors that said it was 60 fps and the graphics looked amazing as the reveal trailer and that was PS4! As long as they do a good enough job with optimization it could look pretty darn close to the reveal trailer footage.
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uhm all those images you posted in your link are the pre-rendered images from the trailer.Those are not actual screenshots from the game.
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1) Where did you hear about AT-AT's not being pilotable? It wouldn't make any sense to include them if you can't use them.
2) The 1 shot thing may be the case but the trailer isn't gameplay so we will see.
3) Yes I agree, they haven't confirmed actual space battles but at least we will have land to air battles but you can't go into space.
4) Not that I know of so far but hopefully there will be an option to make custom battles and not just "missions" as they have said.
5) They have only announced Free DLC that will tie in with the new Force Awakens movie but is a weird move calling it DLC
Split Screen, local coop, 3rd/1st person view switching, Heroes & Villains, and the vehicles they will be having are all things that give me some hope.
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Thanks for taking the time to answer me :P
1) I read on neogaf, they had a thread with a source. It was a text describing the demo shown behind closed doors. One of the things dev said was that AT-AT was on a linear path but you could use the weapons.
2)I also hope it was the trailer!
3) link
4)i liked the campaign following 501st in battlefront. As long as they have galatic conquest it won't be too bad.
5) If i understood correctly the DLC is only free for those that pre-order...
The splitscreen (local co-op) is the only thing giving me "hope". Until the game comes out my complaints mean little. I think it was time to make star wars game that allowed for both space battles and land battles at the same time, i wish it had worse graphics but a more epic gameplay.
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1) For the linear path thing that easily could have been just for the demo. I believe no one actually got to play it from what I heard but the footage behind closed doors could be early footage or since it was recorded gameplay you just never saw them hop in the AT-AT and maneuver it.
3) Yeah that's what I meant, they said they weren't doing space battles. I hope they don't make everything separate DLC but I could see if they did really add some new features making a Space to land battle DLC and Clone Wars DLC as well but they better have a whole lot of content and be fairly priced.
5) The DLC will be available 1 week early for those that pre-order but will be released free for everyone else after that week is over.
I completely agree with the graphics vs gameplay thing and that they should have Land to Space battles. What I hope is they really refine and make what they have in their game near perfect and then move on and release updates with new content for free. Would love to see how they implement land to space battles if they ever end up doing that later on.
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"will be available 1 week early for those that pre-order but will be released free for everyone else after that week is over"
So its a false pre-order bonus,then.Wonder how many idiots are going to buy just for this "movie tie-in DLC".Sure,its going to be free in a week,thereby nullifying the whole point of paying for it,but hey-"Pre-order free DLC!"
"make what they have in their game near perfect"
You do know who you are talking about,right?EA and DICE still can't get their Battlefield games working right!And you expect them to deliver a "near perfect game"?
"and then move on and release updates with new content for free"
laughs Oh sure,as if EA is going to miss the chance to milk the hell out of it.The naivety of your hopes is through the roof.
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No problem, glad I helped you out about the DLC thing. I also have an update on 1)
1) A user on reddit that got to see the behind closed doors gameplay commented on reddit:
I think it was stated (could be wrong, don't quote me) that the game mode they showcased involved the rebel forces trying to reach communications points in order to bring down the ATAT, sort of like Rush but instead of planting a bomb the objective is to call in a bombing run. The Imperials job is to protect the walker and prevent the Rebels from calling in the Y-wings.
From /u/Orbital_Dong
I think this could be the cause of all this "AT-ATs on tracks" controversy and would actually make a lot of sense that is the case.
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"toggle 3rd/1st person","Sith/Jedi","AT-ATs, AT-STs, Speeder bikes and many other vehicles"
All of which were present in the previous iterations of this series.And this makes you "optimistic"?And the cut campaign,space battles,the BS max player cap,etc. (you know-core stuff) don't worry you at all?
"are all in-engine"
A:CM claimed that their trailers were "in-engine" as well.Need I remind you how that ended?
"graphics looked amazing"
So I'm guessing that you are going to buy this game simply for the "shiny graphics",eh?
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No I actually am not getting it just for the "shiny graphics" I would much rather have better gameplay than better graphics. What I mean by being optimistic is they aren't 100% forgetting Battlefront 1 and 2 and ignoring all that they did. They will still have Jedi and Sith which means it won't just be a shooter, the viewpoint is 3rd and 1st person which means they aren't sticking to their normal generic 1st person view for a shooter as well. The vehicles look promising as well even if it was all rendered, it is models they made. Campaign was never a big story thing in the past either, the space battles weren't that great of a thing either, and the player cap is still pretty high at 20 v 20
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"I would much rather have better gameplay than better graphics"
Then why are your reasons for optimism have more to do with graphics than gameplay?I don't get it.
"they aren't 100% forgetting Battlefront 1 and 2 and ignoring all that they did"
The percentage is something close to 70%,actually.I'll quote a guy from the IGN comment section (probably the only good thing there is on that site):
"NO campaign, NO space battles, NO prequel characters, battles, or factions, ONLY four planets, NO galactic conquest mode, and NO cross battling the different generations in the Star Wars Saga"
"which means"
The only thing it means is that they had the decency to insert some bits from the original games.Kinda irrelevant,though.
"The vehicles look promising"
I couldn't care less for how shiny an AT-AT (that,if the info's correct,we won't even be able to pilot) looks if the features that the original games introduced are dumped for no reason.
"Campaign was never a big story thing in the past either, the space battles weren't that great of a thing"
First off:The campaign was an integral part of the original games.Hell,the BF2 501st Legion campaigns was actually epic!Removing it makes zero 'effin sense.Why don't they remove the piss-poor campaigns that Battlefield has while they are at it?
Second:The space battles BF2 introduced weren't all that great,but they had potential.The BF3 that got canned was supposed to let you fight in space and on the ground at the same time.Yet they cut it out as well.A next Star Wars game,stripped of space battles that its predecesor had?That's just fucking HERESY!
"20 v 20"
Which is unacceptable from the studio that's known for its 64-player present in even the most buggy of their Battlefield games.
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I can see what you mean with those points. I just really hope they don't screw up everything they keep in the game let alone what they are already missing. I have also wanted to see how they would implement Space to Ground battles. Could you imagine the 2 affecting each other during gameplay?! You take down a ship in space and it crashes on the surface of the planet effecting the map and adding coverage and supplies and such, or vice versa you could gain control of a cannon (like in Return of the Jedi) and use it to help your teammates in space. I really hope that if they don't implement this then they will at least make the dog fighting and air combat decent. I wonder what their reasoning is for only 20 v 20 servers... hopefully people can run custom servers on PC side and add 32 v 32 or even more!
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The internet will hunt down any mistake and punish it accordingly.
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That little bit of clipping is okay, as I know the "in game engine" bullshit is now just as good as what people consider "CGI" footage. Since it is one of the same.
I look forward to watching Starfield Battlewars be released and fall on its face, or hoverbike in circles to gain in-game money...
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Yeah it won't cause peopple are not smart enough to stop buying EA games......
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Hugely disappointed by the new info and trailer, so I won't be buying this game even on sale. No space battles or single player campaign is a huge strike against this game for me, as is the lack of prequel content. I didn't like the prequels, but to not use planets and characters from them really limits the available content for this game. I personally couldn't care less about online or multiplayer. I enjoyed the old Battlefront games solo and was hoping this would be more of the same, but it seems like it's typical EA and their cash grabbing nature. There's way too little content being included off the bat, which means there's going to be a lot of DLC. And not having a single player campaign really limits the lasting length of the game. Soulcalibur 5 is a great example in this respect. They cut out the entire story mode and the game sold poorly and had very little to do other than just straight up battles. It got boring fast. This Battlefront game might have just killed the franchise.
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But the graphics,mate!!! THE DETAIL!!!So pwetty!!! Now for serious ... BF2 came 10 years before this BF... yet it had more stuff and aged quite well(apart from the menu which is on low res) . SO yeah... more money for graphics and sound and less features... and which is sad... ppl will still buy it...
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I was pretty excited but the comments here have opened my eyes... Because I'm too lazy to Google 'what is wrong with the new battlefront trailer and why does it suck'.
Thanks guys! Another game ruined for me!
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I'm sad because I want to play battles in space :c
you know pilot a x-wing or tie fighter and blow the shit out of my enemy
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I have a feeling that trailer was a Mind Trick and what we really saw were "Downgraded" graphics.
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Well I just rediscovered Angels Fall First. Battlefront compared to it looks like a piece of shit.
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When I see something like this, I have to wonder how much paying for the Star Wars license hurts what they're able to put into the game. Not just from a continuity perspective, but also purely from a cost point of view. And whether paying that much money for the Star Wars license ends up benefiting or hurting the bottom line.
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As a side note: SW Battlefront "3" and "4" (they actually have non-numbered titles) were made and released as PSP exclusives, and have campaign story modes. They should both be playable on PC with an emulator I would imagine.
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Interesting idea, although I bet they would look awful. I just want to play Free Radical's BF3. They had the game mostly done, but Lucasarts killed it. One of the many reasons I'm glad Lucasarts no longer has control of its IPs. So much potential completely wasted.
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There were a lot of games made by various dev studios under Lucasarts management. Disney just gave EA an exclusive 10 year contract for Star Wars game titles. I think I prefer the way LA did it than trust EA with sole rights to SW for the next decade. We'll probbly jsut end up with 1 (or less) titles per year, and all console titles with PC ports. Under Lucas, there were actually a lot of PC exclusives, so we'll probably not have a new SW themed RTS game for example.
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Empire at War was back in 2006, and I can't think of any other PC exclusive Star Wars game, other than the MMOs. And Lucasarts has hardly done anything other than Star Wars for the past decade. At least now, there's a chance that Disney will either sell off some of those other properties, license them out to someone else, or at least make them available to purchase digitally. Lucasarts refused to do any of that.
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It does actually have Instant Action and bots, and it hasn't been confirmed that AT-ATs are not playable. Simply that the people who tried it didn't get to try to pilot them.
I understand and agree with the hate this press stuff is getting, but I wish people would at least attempt to avoid hyberbole and wild spectulation.
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