Well there's your problem. You have an unactivated win. Because it's not possible to activate the same thing twice. you broke a rule.
Should have either withdrawn from the other giveaways after you won, or asked for a reroll instead of accepting.
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Well, I think the most adequate example is this - let's say that I owe you 100 $. So one day I bring you box and I'm like: "Hey, hey! Here's your 100 $. Could you please make your signature right here, so it'll be clear that you received it?". There may be 100 $ inside this box, there may be not, but I think to truly say that you received something you must check if this is it ;). When you get a key here it can be: region locked, key for another game, used key, key with some typos, etc. And not because of someone's bad will, things like that just tend to happen ;)
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It's not just about receiving something, but about what is received.
Obviously, when talking about giveaway feedback on SG, received is about a game that gets activated and listed in library, not just about random numbers and letters that look like a working key.
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You must activate your key on the only steam account linked to your SG account. This means that a multiple win stain will always be on your account now on, as you marked both as received.
Whenever you win games twice, you must not mark the second one as received, but contact the giver and ask for a reroll.
"Received" must be equal to "activated" when you mark it as so. You can't just take the key and put it somewhere to activate it elsewhere.
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What did you do with the extra key? You should have told the creator of the second giveaway to reroll!
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And to answer the question: Buy the game for one of the giveaway creators, give it to them and ask them to reroll with the copy you provided them.
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Funny how he is not answering the person who actually told him what was the right way do get rid of a multiple win, but is instead asking multiple times again how to do it. Lol at this guy :D
Btw Merry Christmas Elunes
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Well, I tried to help. It's up to him whether he accepts my advice or whether he doesn't. I don't care at this point anymore. But yeah, it's pretty.. 'amusing'.
Thank you, Merry Christmas to you too! ^_^
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Tbh I find them more... frustrating than hilarious.
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Sorry, buuut...
So thread is the thing we create in a discussion board (but also when programming for multiple CPU cores for example), and threat is when we promise we will kill each other (and also when we actually try).
... "that sounds like a threat with a lot of potential for conflict" was just too funny :-)
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Yup, I'm pretty sure that's how he ended up on my blacklist as well, but there's so many other threads to make sure I don't ever feel like removing him on one of my generous days. :P
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I don't think there's any simple way to find someone's thread. Best way would probably with the help of Google. In this case, I mostly remembered seeing that thread a while back.
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I know exactly why. But yeah, this definitely reassures me too.
Edit: yeah, look above. that's my reason too.
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Yeah I figured out why I blacklisted him.
It was cause of the stuff he said in eeevs Cake Day Selfie Thread :D
He's such an ungrateful person -.-
I don't know about the thread sviat and zelghadis are talking about, cause I usually avoid such topics :D
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Same ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Well, I've seen all of them but I think it was actually eeev's thread that made me add him to the blacklist.
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Nie wykorzystujesz klucza, informujesz twórcę, następuje ponowne losowanie. Chyba, że znów uprawiasz trolling, panie Konradzie ;). W przeciwnym wypadku, jeśli dobrze pamiętam, zawsze możesz skontaktować się z supportem i zapytać czy jeśli oddasz twórcy GA dodatkowy klucz (będzie można ponowić losowanie) usuną ci dodatkową wygraną. Wydaje mi się, że czytałam o tym, iż ktoś tak właśnie rozwiązał swój problem.
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Hej, jeśli nie jesteś zainteresowany danym GA - nie bierz udziału. Przy jednym z moich GA koleś wygrał, po czym napisał mi w komentarzach, że ma już tą grę, że się pomylił i mam zrobić ponowne losowanie. Tak to się w takich wypadkach odbywa.
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Nadal nieładnie ;). Nie mam jakichś 90% gier do których tworzone są tu giveaway'e - nie jestem nimi zainteresowana, nie startuję. Tak się kończy próba powiększania kolekcji ;). Rozumiem pecha, ale napisano ci wyżej słusznie - zaznaczasz "received" po aktywowaniu gry na koncie. Nie możesz aktywować? Nie zaznaczasz. Kontaktujesz się z twórcą. Teraz, jak mówiłam, został Ci kontakt z supportem, wyjaśnienie, że nie wiedziałeś i zapytanie czy oddanie klucza twórcy i załatwienie sprawy w ten sposób coś da.
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Did you blacklist http://www.steamgifts.com/user/anyone? No? Perfect, your promise still holds!
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Well you are better than me since he is the only person I refuse to remove from my blacklist :D.
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It's even more amusing when you read witty comments or facepalm replies.
In that case, THIS THREAD is definitely good for a laugh or two (if you haven't already read it). ;)
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Well, same goes for me. I won Faerie Solitaire three times several years ago. Now I can't enter any sgtools giveaway and I probably ended up on a ton of blacklists, but you know what? I brought this on myself. Sure, it's bugging me a lot, but it's my own fault and I have to live with it. At least I learned my lesson about sticking to the rules of whatever new site I join right from the beginning.
So, what can you do? Request a reroll, if possible, try to fix everything if there's still time. And what can you do if it's too late for that? Nothing, I guess. Sometimes, we just have to learn the hard way.
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same thing happened to me.years ago, while I found this site, I joined some dlc giveaway.After that I found in a bundle and bought it and activated in my account.Then a month later I reminded this site then I saw I won 2 giveaway and 1 flag...I giveaway both of them for hoping to fix it.
But nope.
Request a reroll before it's too late.If it's too late, then live with it. :(
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Are you for real? First of all, you should know how this works - > "You should only enter to win giveaways for yourself, and if you win a game, it must be activated and redeemed to the Steam account used during registration.". The site does not need "to know" anything, I understand it may not be a perfect system, but by registering and entering giveaways you should respect the rules of this place.
And I already told you what you could do to change the situation. Contact the creator of giveaway and give him a key so he can ask a reroll.
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I told you already - the site works how it works. You may discuss about it, suggest new things, but you can't just be like: "Bleh, I don't like this, so I will ignore the rules and then explain myself by saying that it's not my fault". You didn't know about that? Well, now you do. And you have option to change your situation. So what are we discussing about exactly? Seriously, you're here for 9 months.
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Simply the suspension is rightful, and personally he deserves to get more and more of those, till the lesson will be learnt. Sometimes u gotta do it the hard way.
All those troubles trying to help a guy that still ignores u. At least u earned a spot in my bluehearted area :3
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What happens if you win one, it deletes your entry from another GA (that you'd also win) and then it turns out the GA you won is fake or the key doesn't work? Then you would just make another post complaining that SG removed your other entries and you got stuck winning a bad GA
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Sure. The site should know. You shouldn't. That's not how it works, you know?
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koleżko, po prostu niech twóca giba zrobi drugi gibaway, a ty podaj obydwa cdkeye-zuzyty i dobry. Nowy zwyciezca poda oba i w koncu ktorys trafi:P
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double wins for me too , the creator has answered me for the reroll but i see again my second win ; i must wait ?
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ok thanks ^^ , yes of course i'll just take and marked one .
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This has happened to me twice. Both times, I just asked the creator for a reroll
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It's a proper translation of "deal with it", it just does not sound good at all. "Deal with it" sounds like it has some impact, "Handskas med det" just sounds like someone is trying to sound, but utterly failing to be, cool.
Directly translating phrases like that to Swedish is actually something that is done for comedic effect relatively often, as most phrases lose their "power" when you do it. Swedish is just not a good language for these kinds of things.
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Ok, I'll keep that in mind, thank you.
As for me, Swedish seems to be rather close to German not sure if I get blacklisted for that. I mean, being in Sweden and knowing no Swedish, but some German I could read and understand some stuff.
Considering the comic effect, it's pretty much with any language that you get this thing: translate it directly and it sounds stupid.
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Swedish and German are related, though still different enough for it to be hard to understand the other language, unless what's said or written is very basic.
Even when doing a proper translation of a phrase and not just doing it word for word, most tend to lose their "power" when translated to Swedish. It's just a language that is a bit too soft. It is a problem shared by all of the Scandinavian languages. Try listening to someone from Norway who is angry and you'll see what I mean. Now compare it to someone from Finland or Germany, with those languages you can sound angry without even being angry.
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Ah, yes, they come from the same language barnch (Germanic), although English also is in the same branch, so that hardly explains it. And, yep, those were some very basic things I could understand.
Just looked up some youtube videos about swearing in Swedish. Souds kind of mild, but I can't compare it to FInnish - I just can't ususally understand a single Finnish phrase :(
Also: when I thought all German sounds like you are angry. Nope.
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English split away earlier, and it has been greatly influenced by other languages, such as French (it's really a mishmash of different languages). It's estimated that roughly 60 % of all words in the English language have Latin origin. A smaller portion of German words have Latin origins.
Finnish is a really strange language. Linguists seem to love it, as it does a lot of interesting things, but it's very hard to learn for an outsider, and it's from a rather small language family (only Estonian & Hungarian are the only other non-minority languages from this language family). These languages have evolved quite independent from the other European languages (there are obviously influences to be found, but in terms of grammatical rules they have relatively little in common).
And yeah, they don't always sound angry, but the strong "st" and "k" sounds can make the unaware person think that someone from Germany who speaks fast or with a raised voice is angry.
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Finnish is from a completely different family that originated from the steppes of Central Asia. And it separated so much that even we, who are within the same family, have some trouble learning each others' language. Although for an outsider, it is quite a task. Most immigrants cannot really do it properly, although second-generation people have no troubles (like usual).
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Talk to the giveaway creator to ask for another winner and reject the gift by typing in the comments of said GA.
Do not use the second key/gift.
Problem solved.
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If you forgot which key you activated you can't ask any giveaway creator to reroll. They might agree if you provide them a Steam gift of the game, but that's assuming they'd want to co-operate with you, which is something I believe fewer and fewer users here would be inclined to do now. I know I wouldn't.
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diz iz sad :(
it iz evil!! diz site should give him another game (from his wishlist) to replace his 2nd win, dat wud rulz.
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I won 2 times the same game (joined 2 ga when dont have thsi game - big luck troll) and now can;t eneter sgtool ga. what happend ?
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