it's all inflated drama created by coward moderators ^^
Morgan Freeman. I'm sure there's at least a few things around here he could help explain to people to earn more freckles.
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It's people like you that make it hard to get up in the morning. I didn't say there was anything negative in my thread. You don't know anything about me. Don't pretend like you do.
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Well you constructed your comment in a very familiar way. If they shoe fits and all. If you read my thread you would know that I mention that a lot of people go through what I'm going through. Actually I don't think the world revolves around me. I'm not confident and I don't feel useful or interesting. Really I don't feel valuable. I feel like a joke :)
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Chicken, please take this advice in the honestly well-meaning spirit it's given (and yes, I know it's a harsh way to say it) - grow a thicker skin. Toughen up and learn to ignore or dismiss things and stop taking everything personally. I'd also advise a little humility and understanding that not everyone is against you simply because they disagree with you. This is especially true on an internet forum. Seriously, the quality of your life will improve immensely. Mine did.
Everyone's going through something. We all have problems. Not everyone is going to like you or approve of what you do, and they don't have to. If I let every little bump in the road trip me, I'd spend all day on the ground. For someone so focused on positivity, you tend to see negativity even where there is none ... and even where there is, it's your choice whether or not to react to it and how. Choose wisely. :)
Feel free to pass this on -- I have a feeling you know someone else who could stand to hear it. ;)
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My apologies, Chicken.
It's been pointed out that I'm an asshole and bullying you by giving you some well-meaning advice.
I guess some people (not you) can even twist genuine nicety into malicious intent, and that's too bad.
I do, however, hope you find a healthy way to cope with things and good luck.
the advice comes from someone who also suffers from severe depression, so take it at face value.
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Oh, I forgot about those. Seen the comic elsewhere and it came to mind.
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Its people like you who think they are so fucking cool and edgy that ruin everything for everyone.
I feel sorry for you, Mullins, Tzaar, how pathetic your lives must be that you feel the need to go around trying to cause problems to feel relevent. That you need to poke fun at others misfortune to feel better about yourselves.
All of you do us all a favour and fuck off. Leave your shit comments, your hateful attitudes and your edgy "anti-establishment" bullshit and go.
Punks dead, teenage angst is pathetic and your opinions are worthless.
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I understand your anger but... Aren't you overreacting? Most people are here to have fun. And some might choose to do this by funny references to other people - that is the cost of doing anything in public.
your opinions are worthless
We are anonymous people from the internet - my opinion, mullins opinion and your opinion are worth the same - nothing. In cases like that best reaction would be this: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And if you think that some of users are trolls... just don't feed them :)
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If people think its ok to poke fun of others, then they can go fuck themselves. Especially if they don't have thick enough skin to take someone who is willing to give it back.
That thread posted about her having a hard time and suffering with depression. How is this going to help that in any way shape or form? How is this going to construct anything OTHER than hate and feelings of ill will.
If you want to try and upset people, then learn to pull your pants up and take it when it comes back. This has gone on long enough and has become more and more brazen.
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TBH I don't care about feelings of people you want to go and fuck themselves :) All you gain by discussing it further is just making yourself more angry - which affects your physical and mental health. It's not worth it.
Seriously - arguing with anonymous users is pointless. I mean - my opinion or any other user opinion means shit - so better spend your time on positive things and/or support Kitten. Don't even try to change somebody's opinion 'cos it doesn't really matter. She will gain nothing from you wasting your time on forum fights (instead of spending it with her for example).
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This goes for everyone above me.
I know my opinion isn't important (I'm just a newbie here and I have nothing to do with this "war").
I like to hate, I'm a hater!
But this hate is to much it isn't healtier, you guys should take a break or at least talk about it like normal human beings not animals.
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You could, but there was no hate there, either.
Believe it or not, I don't hate you.
I don't like you, sure, but there's no hate.
You're the one all about the drama here, Wallister. Not me. :)
After all, you're the one shitting all over someone else's thread. I don't remember taking a shit on yours. ;)
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Read up retard. I didn't post anything about anyone, Steff decided it was time to throw stones. Mullins posted a usual baity "GIVE ME ATTENTION" thread. Well congrats, you've got attention. I've had enough of your little crew of hates crusade against EVERYONE.
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Take a deep breath. Even if you are right, consider what this thread and the message chain in yours look like. You are throwing a temper tantrum. Yes, they ridicule others and it can be considered bullying. But while their behaviour makes them look like a group of angsty 14-year-olds who try to battle possible cliques by actually combining into a clique, you are doing the equivalent of a pre-schooler whose candy was taken.
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Your girlfriend is also an adult woman, as far as I know. You are not in a bar where a random biker is trying to pick your girlfriend up, you are not a high-schooler who needs to defend the reputation of his girl because for children that is all that matters. It's the damn internet where you can just say a simple "fuck off" to people and stop caring about it.
Also think like this: if you look like the infantile aggressive one, how will this make them look for others?
Frankly, I don't think either of you is completely right, but right now my main concern is that if you rampage around the forums like this, it will be a lot worse for you and also for everyone in general.
But if it may be easier, consider this: they were making fun of your girlfriend, and now your behaviour could result in people questioning your girlfriend's taste if she fell for someone who acts like a little kid. So please, for the love of all known deities, take a deep breath. If you want to fight them, be the smarter one, be the one who can show who is the better character. That won elections, that won arguments, that won entire wars.
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Its progressive over weeks, if not months.
Am I lashing out? Yes. I tried ignoring it, I tried talking about it, I tried constructively arguing about it.
Now someone I care about is hurt, really hurt, and these guys are laughing about it? I won't let it go until something happens to stop or change it. I am past the point of caring about how many people hate me for it, who wants to argue with me about it or anything. It's no longer about me, they crossed a line, I'm done with this website, but for her sake I want to try and at least make it a nicer place for people to be.
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You are a bully. A poor one at that. I don't believe for a second it wasn't directed at Chicken because it mirrored her giveaway exactly, AND you could have cleared this up hours ago when you did separate comments. You are backtracking because you did something shit.
You are getting stood up to. You don't like it, tough, i don't bow to bullies.
So i'll ask again, what gives you the right to verbally abuse me?
Edit: Also a separate quote to her was this...
Stop being so self-centered. People like you seem to think that the world revolves around them and that you're the only ones with problems.
Again, what gives you the right to say shit things about someone then have the nerve to claim they think its all about "them".
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It's not just you, you are a part of a larger problem.
Opinion fine, but what you did wasn't expressing an opinion, it was actively posting a hateful comment. There are certain ways to express yourself and conduct yourself, this appeared to be the only way to get ANY of you to talk about it. So yeah, I will report you if I need to do it formally, but you can see on the thread I complained about you to support and a moderator if that's not enough, then sure I'll report you.
In future, don't post anything about me, I'll post nothing about you. It's that simple, if you don't like me, forget about me.
But no, all you guys, your problems are what matter the most and fuck everyone else and how they feel, ESPECIALLY if they challenge your negative bullshit that flows through SG every day.
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the only one causing problems here, is you.
you came to my giveaway, i didn't post it in public.
lugum didn't to your thread, you went to his.
i didn't go to your thread, you came to this one.
stop hunting down people you disagree with.
and for someone that likes to call himself and all your friends "THE NICE PEOPLE OF SG", you actually act like the opposite.
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Steff commented about my girlfriend, which actually turned out to be about me, of course I came to defend myself. You also posted this thread directly mimicking my thread, as you always do with your subtle hate.
Lugum posted a thread about something I was currently active in, I went to post my opinion and posted a counter argument myself. I didn't know I wasn't allowed to reply in his thread?
I was shown your giveaway because you named me, along with others, and were saying nasty things about us.
I'm not hunting down people I disagree with, I'm hunting down people who think its ok to say vile things about people without any sort of remorse or think its ok to do so. If you don't want me involved in your threads, then stop making threads involving me, stop hating on everything I do, stop actively saying disgusting things about me in public or in private.
I get it, you're not well, but so are a lot of people. You spreading that around isn't helping anyone and it needs to stop. I sympathise with whatever plight you are going through, I won't pretend to understand, don't be foolish enough to attempt to understand what I'm going through or anyone related to me. If you keep making threads like this, having "private" discussions calling people names and having people say nasty things about their mental state, it's going to go on and on and on.
You attacked SGTools, Bundle Threads, Nomination need to stop before it gets a lot more serious than it already is. A lot of people are getting really hurt, its not on, no matter how entitled you feel you are to say horrible things about people or poke fun at them. I don't want this to carry on, I don't want anyone to feel shit, start shit or carry on shit. I ignored you for a long time after the whole last issue, I ignored any negative thing you had to say, or positive thing you had to say. I did the same with Tzaar. You pushed it though to breaking point with this entire thing, if you want to believe that or not.
I implore you, whatever personal problem you have with me, you refrain from continuing this or you do what I tried to do in the first place and speak to me personally about it. I know you aren't a bad person, regardless of whats been said, I've seen you act totally differently than you've acted in the past few months. Whatever this is, I want to end it, one way or another, before someone gets seriously hurt.
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You attacked SGTools, Bundle Threads, Nomination events
i attack anything that i think could bring this community down, it's as simple as that.
all these things you guys tag as positive, are negative in my eyes. sgtools policies, bundle monopoly, repeated nominations, puzzlemania spam, cv exploit, dev keys farm.
and there's nothing to discuss with me. we are done.
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Ok, if you want to take the route of conflict, then fair enough.
You are bringing this community down. We are doing the same thing, just on opposite sides of the fence.
Difference is I'm not targeting users, I have repeatedly tried to talk to you but you really don't have any desire to end any conflict, you thrive on this kind of shit.
I wish you had an idea of how many people told me to ignore you because they see you as a troll/blight on the community, I STILL don't think that. I think you are clearly upset about things and this is your outlet, but whatever, it doesn't give you the right to start this kind of shit constantly and if I constantly have to battle it, I'm going to.
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I'd very much appreciate if we could talk about our differences in private without any anger or animosity. I'd suggest having a neutral third party be a part of the discussion who could end the conversation if either of us got heated or out of order. However I think we can probably do this without a mediator.
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None of the staff members have the time or inclination to go through every little detail of your little spat with various people on the forums and elsewhere. But from what I can see thus far, you are the one being the most abusive and intolerant by far. You can consider this your warning.
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That's fair and frankly about time.
Now if you'd just like to warn all the people who have been abusive and intolerant other than me that'd be the most fair and objective way of moderating the forums. At the moment, someones poked fun of someone else and a lot of people have said a lot of things, but I'm the only one being warned.
A threat is meaningless, I've already stated my desire to leave, any further messages are pointless from here on out as they won't be read.
I supplied tickets pertaining to this matter months ago, not replied to. People are going around being intolerant and abusive without the batting of an eyelid. If I had to scream SG forums down to get that recognised, that's what needed doing. People are at least discussing the matter.
Support have a tough job yes, it doesn't mean you shouldn't do your job because a perceived part of it is hard or even if you don't agree with it. The way you have dealt with things is actually how I think things should have been dealt with from the start, the only problem is, we all should be warned, at the minute you're doing the right thing but picking your favourites. I actually broke no rules according to the rules, that's the biggest joke of it all. If none of what I'm saying even remotely makes you think change is needed, not only will you be better off without me, I'll be better off without you.
Now if you'd like to warn everyone else, I'll be on my way.
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There have been multiple people in this thread who have called you out on your behavior. If you can't see why you are the only one I'm warning in this thread, then I suppose you will never see the reason why. Have a nice day.
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I nominate Alyson Hannigan. So pretty... :) She is my celebrity crush.:)
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I nominate Kim Kardashian because after getting mugged she needs all the love she can get. First time she didn't put a ring on someone else's finger and instead someone took all the rings from her,,,,
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Well it is actually a Light Novel which has an anime and manga adaption. It is not really about Kanye West but the author definetly took inspiration from the american music scene as three of the main protagonists have Japanese variations of those names:
But despite the names their is absolutely nothing in common. Neither story-wise nor in appearance.
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WTH is she doing there? Looking for the camera or trying to give her best angle?
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But, I mean, why did you tell us that Bruce Wayne is Batman? That's not so nice of you. >:(
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Ffs, more spoilers from you? :O You never learn. >:( If there's no Santa, then who eats my cookies every day? Hmm, but wait, isn't Santa supposed to visit us only during Christmas? Then who eats my cookies every day of the year? Shit, I got to ask my family some questions right now. >:(
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Come on you pathetic little fucking bullying ring, lets all laugh at things to make us feel better because boo-hoo our problems matter and no one elses does. Done being nice, you guys are fucking dicks and need to leave or grow some fucking balls.
Picking on people, is shit behaviour, stop doing or learn to start taking it.
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Everyone who matters should have been invited by now, have a bump instead.
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53 Comments - Last post 47 minutes ago by RobbyRatpoison
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163 Comments - Last post 39 minutes ago by Lakraj1209
926 Comments - Last post 45 minutes ago by Eudoxia
oh... there's a typo in the title, it should be...
Nomination event #139470! >:3
how does it work?
nominate a famous and rich person :3
say why you would like him/her invited to sg. find a good reason or just something funny/stupid.
elitism must prevail on sg! o7
if we get enough votes we can forceregister someone so they reach lv10 in a day by making infinite giveaways for us, it's the perfect plan! <3
and here's some crap games for your card idling pleasure.
it's MullyChart™ enhanced because it's the correct and only way to post info!
more giveaways, courtesy of Voidy, makki, MaxThunder, laurens87!
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