Do you even play games on steam?
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I love 100%ting games on steam, actually, but I haven't had the time to get around to some of my newest ones :] hope I pass the test anyways!
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I guess you can snoop mine, made me curious myself) Apparentely I "played" 314 out of 427 games i own?
Not sure how accurate it is, I definetely got a lot of bad games when I was younger and may have opened a few of them for cards only. Hard to stop hoarding and buying stuff you pirated before
Now my problem is being stuck with bad laptop, so I rarely can play powerful games without asking someone else to lend me their PC :(
Also need to get through more of my Steamgifts wins, been puting them off
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I'd like to be considered.
If you are doing whitelist giveaways, you can add your own rules (like "Must play within 3 months") to the description, and just remove people if they don't. Another alternative, would be to create a Steam group, but at that point it might be easier to just use one or more of the existing groups that require winners to play their wins.
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I don't know if I'll satisfy the requirements but I see no harm in trying.
I find creating invite only giveaways for community trains to be more satisfying. It isn't as restrictive as whitelist or groups but still requires some effort from the user to go through the train.
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Hi! Let's try it. A lot of words.
Oh, I have all the options :) Most of the games are either played or bought with the intention of playing them one day.
A quarter of the games will probably never be played on Steam - it's a tribute to the my Steam-less days (e.g. the firsts Fallout, Witcher, Titan Quest, Gothic and other classics and not-so-classics).
Another quarter is probably all sorts of Steam or Fanatical giveaways taken out of greed, let's be honest >.<
And I'm also a bit of a fan of all kinds of prologues that aren't long a priori, or small free games. And calmly dropping out games if I don't like them in the moment or in general (like I just have abandoned Pillars of Eternity, for a while i guess).
And on SG I probably first of all for games that appeal to me in some way, but it's not my usual cup of coffee and I'm not sure if they're worth buying. But to win it and to try - that's just what I need :)
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Would I be able to join? I haven't gotten round to playing all of my wins yet, but I plan to play them all eventually, and I only join giveaways for games I think I'd enjoy. ^w^
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I've decided that I'm no longer doing public giveaways — it's pointless, the chance of someone winning that will actually be benefited from the win is so abysmally low I might as well be throwing cash into the ocean at this point. Honestly, no idea why I hadn't came up with this idea sooner. Well, no matter. Here we are.
If you want to join, leave a comment!
Giveaways will start on the weekends and will end every Friday at around 12:00 PM EST
I'm not looking at contributor levels, like not at all. You can have $0 in contributions. All I ask of you is that your profile be open. I will manually check each commenter's steam page for your most played games, what kind of games you're into, recently played and check on SteamDB for a few stats. I wand to ensure that the user I am selecting is likely to benefit from the win.
If you're against the idea of me snooping your steam page, you're not obliged to enter at all. I just feel like I have to do this because these games I am gifting are not junk keys or left over from bundles, these are actually great games I would play myself or gift someone for their birthday without being embarrassed about it.
I am not responding to every comment because I did not expect there to be so many comments in the first place and I am really checking each profile manually one by one. You may be accepted without me responding to your comment. Thank you everyone!
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