Do you even play games on steam?
I am personally only getting the games I really want to play. So my hidden list is 18424 right now. Buuuuut, I admit, I have won (and given away) a lot of games, so my backlog is long.
Anyway, I throw my hat, just in case.
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Please i like to join, please count me in, you can check out my profile as much as you want! I don't play all the games i win right now but someday i will play it, because i really like playing new thing, but if it the game i like i will play it right away.
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Totally agree with the sentiment. I've gotten flack before by people on the site (very recently as well) for not doing almost any public giveaways but if I can avoid having people use my giveaways as a way to +1 their library I will do my darndest to do it.
I'd love to enter the WL if you'll have me! Feel free to snoop :P
My backlog is quite large but I'm working on it, chipping away as time allows :,)
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I doubt I'll qualify - I used to hoard point-and-click games, especially those I'd played before Steam, and yeah, idle everything for cards, and while that's in the past, there are way too many untouched games in my library. Also, I'm not an achievement hunter, and the number of achievements for games I've actually finished might be relatively low. Anyway, I do only enter GAs for games I actually want to play, so yeah, let's give it a go!
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I only enter games on SG that I truly intend to play. I've lost some huge game titles such as God of War Ragnarok only to find out after 5 months that the winner still haven't played the game. I never really understood the idea of entering giveaways only to have a +1, but like you said to each their own. I've also stopped doing public giveaway for the same reason that it felt like winners only enter for a +1.
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Probably my percentage of games played is not that good (it's so hard to say no to some bundles), but average playtime should be, I like to enjoy my games as much as I can (beat them once I start them... even if I end up hating them). Sadly, no achievement hunter, but for just finishing the game I usually get around 40-50% achievements. May I join?
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Sure, I added you. I'm not looking for achievement hunters, the reason I look around achievements is to see if the user has 3-4 hours of game play in a chunk of games yet 0 or 1 or 2 achievements on such games. This is a red flag that they're not really playing, just dropping cards, and I prefer to gift my games to those who would actually want to play it.
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I would like to join. I'm not playing as much as i used to (depression and all that jazz) but i'll try to play all my wins, even if it might take a while to get started.
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oh hi, I've already seen you, dude, you have great giveaways and this is just the beginning, as I understand it, I would like to join your wishlist, I play and complete my games that I get, pagywogs, pop, taleplay confirm this . Thanks for giveaways!
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While I do enter only for games I am personally interested in, I don't care about +1's, and I have never done any card farming, I still probably do not qualify as my actual played percent is pretty low.
However, I wanted to second the suggestions for groups like, "Taleplay" and "Playing Appreciated", where the users have to play any game won from that group within 3 months or within 1 month respectively. As you can be pretty sure that any game you give there will get played.
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I dont playing all games from my library, but i playing most of the games that i win on sg
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Feel free to look at my account! lots of games and not a lot of time but I've certainly played plenty
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This is what I'd like to hear from other people as well. I won't even look into your stuff, just going to take your word. If you intend to join giveaways for games you actually want to play, then of course I'll happily add you to my whitelist.
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I am not a game hoarder but i see myself as a collecftor and it was mainly due more and better bundles in the past, and getting 1000-1500 games a year just through tremorgames, and lots of garbage free games too from the dubious sites. but that last since halted, now i only get about 250 a year.
And yes i not play everything immediately but i plan to become a 100 years old atleast and play as many as possible, and i got the time but unfortunately ailments are holding me back to play more then i want to at the moment.
Think i got my fair share of achievement done.
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I've decided that I'm no longer doing public giveaways — it's pointless, the chance of someone winning that will actually be benefited from the win is so abysmally low I might as well be throwing cash into the ocean at this point. Honestly, no idea why I hadn't came up with this idea sooner. Well, no matter. Here we are.
If you want to join, leave a comment!
Giveaways will start on the weekends and will end every Friday at around 12:00 PM EST
I'm not looking at contributor levels, like not at all. You can have $0 in contributions. All I ask of you is that your profile be open. I will manually check each commenter's steam page for your most played games, what kind of games you're into, recently played and check on SteamDB for a few stats. I wand to ensure that the user I am selecting is likely to benefit from the win.
If you're against the idea of me snooping your steam page, you're not obliged to enter at all. I just feel like I have to do this because these games I am gifting are not junk keys or left over from bundles, these are actually great games I would play myself or gift someone for their birthday without being embarrassed about it.
I am not responding to every comment because I did not expect there to be so many comments in the first place and I am really checking each profile manually one by one. You may be accepted without me responding to your comment. Thank you everyone!
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