long story short, i accepted a gift of batman arkham asylum from someone who i thought was being generous. the next day i log in to see the game has been removed from my library and my account is restricted. after waiting 7 days to hear back from steam support they luckily unrestricted me without issue but didn't give the game back or explain what happened. stinks too cuz i really wanted to play batman AA since i'm probably one of the few people alive who haven't yet.

but i am quite surprised to see that an action as strong as locking my account can occur simply by accepting a game from someone, using steams own client. /baffled

12 years ago*

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accounts will get locked during an investigation, standard procedure.

12 years ago

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ok that makes a little more sense. if they were just temporarily locking it while they investigated. still i don't see how it had anything to do with me. if anything his account should have been locked only.. but thanks for the reply

12 years ago

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Maybe the game was bought under a fraudulent credit card, thus Steam removing the game from your library. But yeah they should've at least given you an explanation on the whole situation to you.

12 years ago

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Accepting stolen goods usually leads to an investigation of the person involved by the police, regardless of whether they were a willing accomplice. You're fine, your buddy obviously stole something or performed a charge back, which steam is known to not be favorable towards.

12 years ago

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this makes even more sense.. if the game was stolen i could understand investigating my account then. thanks for the helpful replies it all makes sense then.

i must then say i'm happy with steams support unrestricting me again without hassle.. though the 7 day reply was a bit long but oh well

12 years ago

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makes me a bit wary of accepting any gifts on this site though even though it was probably a rare case

12 years ago

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You can pretty much always get your account back if this happens.

12 years ago

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okay that's good to know. still annoying though with the long time it takes for support to reply though. might miss a good sale! i was just hoping nothing i wanted went on sale during the past week haha

12 years ago

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In what way was your account locked? From buying and trading? Or playing games as well? O_O

12 years ago

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just from making purchases or activating keys

12 years ago

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wow, won my first game today, hope i wont run into this, but i think ill be ok (ill be sure to look at a persons stats b4 i accept my next 1)

12 years ago

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I have done a lot of trading and have never run into this issue - as long as you're not dealing w/ super sketchy ppl (which you shouldn't anyway), you should be fine.

12 years ago

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i've accepted a few gifts before this and never ran into any issue.. didn't mean to scare you it's probably extremely rare.. i was just shocked that it could happen at all.. and like i said it did get restored :) grats on your first win

12 years ago

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aight cool thanks for info, but im just gona double check to be safe, like u said, wouldnt want to miss a awsome sale =p!!!

12 years ago

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yeh that was my first time dealing with steam support.. i was both impressed and disappointed. they really should reply a little faster but overall i was happy with how they handled it.

12 years ago

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well thanks guys i was mostly just looking for answers as to why/how this happened which i got. i'm gona close it now because i didn't mean for it to be a warning against using this site or steam. good luck to all

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by cloudpierre.