Games Platforms Dates
Prey GOG 2023-06
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition GOG 2023-06
The Beast Inside GOG 2023-04
Wolfenstein: The New Order GOG 2023-04
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind GOTY Edition GOG 2023-02
The Evil Within 2 GOG 2023-01
Beat Cop GOG 2023-01
Dishonored 2 GOG 2022-12
Quake Epic 2022-12
Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition GOG 2022-11
Fallout 76 Microsoft Store 2022-10
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War GOG 2022-10
Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor GOG 2022-09
Total War: WARHAMMER II Epic 2022-10
Football Manager 2022 Epic 2022-09
Assassin's Creed Origins Ubisoft 2022-09
StarCraft: Remastered 2022-08
Mass Effect Legendary Edition EA 2022-07
Need for Speed Heat EA 2022-07
GRID Legends EA 2022-07
Far Cry 4 Ubisoft 2022-06
Dead Space 2 EA 2022-05
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Game of the Year Edition Deluxe GOG 2022-04
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville EA 2022-04
Madden NFL 22 EA 2022-03
Surviving Mars Epic 2022-03
Stellaris GOG 2022-02
Total War: WARHAMMER Epic 2022-01
World War Z: Aftermath Epic 2022-01
STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order EA 2022-01
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered EA 2021-12
Football Manager 2021 Epic 2021-12
Frostpunk GOG 2021-12
Journey to the Savage Planet GOG 2021-12
Control Ultimate Edition GOG 2021-11
Dragon Age: Inquisition EA 2021-11
Rise of the Tomb Raider - Full game + Bonus content Epic 2021-11
Guild Wars 2 Heroic Edition 2021-10
STAR WARS: Squadrons EA 2021-10
Ghostrunner GOG 2021-10
Alien: Isolation Epic 2021-10
Knockout City EA 2021-09
Battlefield V EA 2021-08
Battlefield 1 EA 2021-07
Battlefield 4 EA 2021-06
Battlefield 3 EA 2020-12
2 years ago*

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Closed 2 years ago by R3v3ng3ance.