If you buy the Quakecon pack, do you get giftable copies of the games you already own?
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But that isn't true, the legendary edition is 24 euro on sale, regular is 21ish. I bought legendary so I essentially paid 3 euro for the DLC and 21 euro for the game. In his case, he would get the DLC for 3 euro and a copy of the game to give away for 21.
It's completely illogical that they don't offer the extra copy because it would boost their sales drastically by giving people keys they can trade for other games.
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The closest analogy I can think of is... It's like you have dinner. And when you're done and full, someone invites you to an all you can eat buffet. You can go, but in order to eat, you have to pay full price, and you don't get to take home any leftovers. That's what you get for eating first. If you don't like it, just buy what you want. Instead of ordering the buffet, order what you want separately.
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see the metaphor falls down at the point where it doesnt actually cost an appreciable amount for you to get an extra copy of skyrim here, sure its one less sale but its also annoying the customer, it wouldnt bother me that much ive bought packs with duplicate games before when the pack had enough new content to justify it which id imagine LE of skyrim does, this is why im not willing to buy borderlands 2 till theirs a goty type release, i can wait till then and not be in this exact samne annoying situation :)
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I still think devs and Steam lose out on not giving copies for games you have already, my friend wanted to buy the quakecon pack but owned a couple games and that swayed him away from it, thus Steam/Devs losses 90 dollars.
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Not quite. Steam/Devs only lose ($90 - cost of all games purchased up to this point).
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Some games have extra copies if you own them but they are mostly Valve's own games. They have a list somewhere. It's kind of sad that they don't just offer an upgrade or just give them to their loyal first day buyers. Instead, people like me who deliberately waiting for the legendary edition get rewarded with DLC so cheap it might as well have been free.
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The Legendary edition is a combo pack of the game and its DLCs.
When you buy a combo pack on Steam, it's cheaper than buying the pieces individually. This makes sense for them to offer, since there's an incentive to buy the whole thing even if the customer might otherwise have bought just one item. For example, if two games cost $5 each but cost $7 together, someone who's mainly interested in one of the games might still buy the pack since it then effectively has 60% discount on the other game. By selling this pack, they make a $7 sale instead of a $5 sale.
However, if these combo packs could be split apart into tradeable gifts, it would be different. Two players could pay a total of $7 and each get the game they want. Instead of an incentive to buy something you might otherwise not have bought, it just becomes a general discount.
And that would also apply to the idea of getting giftable copies of the games you already have in your library; there would just be fewer opportunities to perform such a split. The example I gave would still work; it would just require that one of the players already own the game they don't want.
Note that I'm not really supporting this system; I'm just explaining why it exists. Personally, I'd love it if there was some way to get combo pack discounts without the wasted payment for games you already have. It's especially annoying when there's a "complete" version of a game, but then they add more DLCs, leaving you the option of either missing out on those DLCs, or buying them separately without the bundle discount, or buying the whole new "complete" version (and hoping it doesn't happen again).
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I I would buy the Legendary Edition of Skyrim and activate it on my Account, would I get a tradeable / giftable copy of Skyrim, because I already have it on my Account?
Or should I just buy the DLCs to get them? Because that would cost nearly the same :)
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