Picture this. You're at your home, wake up. A little foggy and a cloud here and there. Might start raining, might not. You take a peek out of your window and a familiar scene unfolds in front of your eyes. Familiar buildings next to you and that hill in the distance. You smirk and realize soon you will be on that hill. That infamous hill everyone seems to be a little scared off and more importantly the mine that is inside that hill.
You think about it and consider it as old wives tales. Nothing to fear in there. Besides it isn't you alone in there. You have a trusted team to go in there with. You also have enough gear, headlights, hooks, ropes - the full Monty. Nothing will happen. You try to say that to yourself but you still get this eerie feeling. You wonder if the tales did originate from some true story, might there by some truth to the stories, might some bad bit of it be true.
Anyway time flies and the next time you find time to think is in front of the mine door. You managed to climb the hundreds of stairs that can't be even called stairs anymore. More like a symbiosis of nature and concrete. You finally compose yourself from the winding march to realize, you have totally forgot to ask what was the goal. You do remember that people spoke of some object that was supposedly in the mine but somehow you managed to forget the most important fact, what exactly 'it' is. You decide what any sane person would do, wing it. Simply avoid the subject hoping one of your teammates mentions it for you to remember. Asking is out of the question, a social suicide of sorts. For you to forget the main purpose of the job, half the people would start to think there is something wrong with you. No one could be that senile to prepare for a mission, remember the time and spot but not the exact goal. Maybe you have some kind of disease that affects your memory, still not something you want others to know about. Your teammates are the sort of people you want to stand among, not stand out, standing out with a bad memory and be labeled a fool for not knowing the objective is out of the question.
So you take your last gasps of fresh air and begin your decent down the mine. The atmosphere changes immediately. The air becomes damp, the light you need to rely on now, comes in form of a battery powered lamp. You have to look carefully and tread lightly as some of the passages haven't been walked upon for decades. Rest of the team seems focused. You simply hope if you see what you are looking for you recognize it. It probably is something out of place, something you wouldn't expect to be there, something special. Still not knowing what it exactly is you try to be near your teammates. So they would see it first and you could simply join in on the discovery.
You lose track of time. Your brain focuses on basic survival skills, instincts take over and fatigue begins to show. You constantly assess your surroundings. Is someone of your team close enough? Are you stepping on solid ground? Is that passage going somewhere? Other side is the sheer joy of exploration. Every cave and passage, albeit similar looks unique. You begin to appreciate mother nature and how man has become powerful enough to carve these passages. You take notice how workers have avoided harder rocks and weaved their passages around places. Some natural caves have been dug into and used as a quicker way to get deeper and farther.
It's all very interesting and remind you of a movie from your childhood, Aliens. This isn't Aliens though. It's still very down to earth but the strobe lights, darkness, exploration, muffled voices and unknown makes it feel like it.
After some hours have passed someone yells to take a break. You are familiar with some passages already and find yourself close to the main door out of the mine. You decide a breath of fresh air and sunlight would make all the difference. None of your teammates seem to join preferring to eat or drink in the cave. You open the door and the sun hits you. It isn't too strong. Some clouds have blocked it and in occasion you feel light rain but it doesn't bother you. The rays of the sun still peek through the clouds now and again so you sit down on the top of the steps that took you to the mine.
You manage to sit for about 15, maybe 30 seconds when someone approaches you from your right. The mine door is behind you slightly to the left so someone either was already outside or someone new approaches. Your sudden anxiety changes as fast as it began. You feel relaxed as you recognize the person approaching you. It's your grandmother. You wonder what the hell is she doing here and for a second think of the awkward situation it might bring if one of the other guys comes out, how would you explain this. Would you need to introduce her? You don't really even know what is she here for. Then your body catches up to your brain as you realize you don't really care as you are quite exhausted. A familiar face is a welcome sight and you become happy. Your grandmother has always been a solid person in your life, also inside the family she is known for her good humor. You greet her as she takes a seat next to you. She lights up a smoke and offers you one, you pull one out of the package and light it up.
You are too tired to hold up any meaningful conversation as you are simply enjoying the moment to be with someone close to you and besides a few words of small talk you simply sit there with her. She says something but the waves are getting stronger and stronger. Waves? As soon as you think that you realize you left the window open. You were asleep. Simply a meaningless dream. The dream gave you a warm feeling but you quickly come to the cold, harsh reality. You are in your hotel room that is situated on the cliff, near the coast. A storm seems to be coming and the wind managed to push the window open or you were careless and forgot to close it yourself.
You take in the cold air and look at the waves crashing in the rocks next to the window. Stronger waves seem to be coming in and some water driblets manage to splash against you window. You decide to close the window. The waves won't probably reach your window but the cold in itself is reason to close them. You suddenly spot something quite near the farthest rock near the hotel. It seems like an old ship with 3 main sailposts. It's shipwrecked or docked a little too harshly. Thanks to the storm it automatically reminds you of ghost ships from stories you heard of as a child. You begin to wonder if you can manage to get near it. I mean the storm is something to be afraid of but you won't be in this hotel for long. Something tells you, you need to go now or neve....AND I WOKE UP IN REALITY. FUCK ME. I usually go through social anxiety in my dreams so I decided to be as precise as possible how a dream of mine usually is.
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I find it kind of funny,
I find it kind of sad,
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had.
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i've been talking alot of shit in my dream lately which result in me either getting into fights or dead .
On a happy note ended up going out with this chick I was intersted in ,every kiss felt soo real like I could feel it on my lip untill I woke up =(
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When I was litle... I had a dream where I got out of bed to go to the bathroom, walked in, saw something out the corner of my eye, and it was some weird pair of dentures with eyeballs glued on top, and it had bushy eyebrows over those, and a goatee/beard thing, sitting on the edge of the bathtub... Almost like those Fuzzy enemies from the Paper Mario games, but it was before those even came out so...
Anyway, I was just scared to death, so I ran out of the bathroom I think, and then I somehow ended up in some french fry machine being cut into tiny strips...
It's been far to long to remember if there was actually any dialogue or anything.
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I had just started cymbalta for some help with chronic pain and depression. I don't remember the details now but I told a friend most of the dream the next day with extreme recollection (side effect of the medicine is very vivid dreams). It was similar to 13 Ghosts (movie) but for some reason I don't remember being afraid. BTW I am still on Cymbalta and have really clear, cool and sometimes weird dreams.
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When i was a kid i had this dream on and off. It would start like any other dream but at some point i would find myself in front of my home. The second it happened i would know i was in the dream and be aware of what was about to happen but no matter what i would try to stop it it only made the dream move along. For example if i would turn to walk away i would walk in the front door and such. After a bit i would turn up at the door to my room and as it opened i could see a face in the window. Best i can describe it would be to say like one of them all white venetian mask but not a mask a face and not in the window looking in but inside the pane of glass. When i would look at it it made me angry filled with so much rage and hate like i cant even begin to describe. I would open my mouth to yell at it but when i did it wasn't my voice or a language i speak. As this was happening the face would open its eyes and mouth in kind of a shocked expression then my bedroom wall would blow out and i could see the world in ruin everything burning as far as the eye could see then i wake up. This happened for many years till i moved out at 17. Never had it since true story.
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I swear this dream of mine is one of those live dreams, where you don't know if it is real or a dream. And yeah had it already like 4x and always the same.
-> I'm in my room and the house starts shaking. I run across the flat into the living room and look out the window. As I live on the 3rd floor I can see the schoolyard from the school next to our house. That's when I notice that all is darker and red-ish, so I look up and see a giant meteor closing (can be compared to our moon) to the earth and as it closes the earth shakes even more.
I stand there speechless and I cant move from the shock. I'm scared like hell ! The meteor doesn't hit the earth, it just passes very close, however some small fragments are falling down on earth and one lands on the schoolyard below my window. Those fragments doesn't do much damage, but there is some strange bacteria(virus) which came along and is melting everything + it is spreading incredibly fast.
When I see what it is doing to the flora and our house I'm trying to escape from the building and that's where it collapses. I am surviving it, however I'm under the debris and I think my legs are broken (I don't see them because I'm lying with my back facing the sky). as I'm trying to escape the debris my hand starts to melt and I feel incredible pain. I'm looking as the bacteria is eating me alive and all with it....no blood is dropping but is being eaten as well. The moment when I'm dying I always wake up.
I had this dream 1st time when I was around 11-14yo and last time 3yrs ago when i was 27yo.
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I often dream SF/fantasy/horror dreams, with aliens, shapeshifters, mind control, traveling to exotic places with strange customs, or in destroyed houses with giant spider webs, ... They can be the basis for stories, but they usually don't make total sense and jump all over the place.I can't really single out one that's stranger than others.
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The worst Nightmare I had, I was doing regular stuff in my dream(when I say regular I actually say I don't remember what I was doing :P) and suddenly BLUE SCREEN.
I woke up all jumpy and terrified.
True Story.
EIDT: Does that means my brain runs Windows?
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I was an emu farmer. And one of my emus went rogue. So I went and chased him.. Then he jumped off a cliff, a waterfall actually. And I jumped after him.. Then i woke up.
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Don't remember, last thing I dreamt is a guy with a safe as a head trying to sell me a bike. I bought the bike because another guy with proppelers on his fingers was chasing me. Ride of the Valkyries was playing in the background. Not the weridest I've dreamt that's for sure.
Now, where are the video games in this thread?
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